Team Righteous : Heroes united

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One year passed, Devan Gautam trained Pavan Ahuja, Radhika sharma & Anjali Kaur. the task was difficult but they tried their best. Pavan was a school teacher, it was very difficult for him to focus on his job & his material arts training but he worked hard & finally, Anjali, Radhika & Pavan became expert material artists. after all the hard work, they completed the material arts training with the help of Deven Gautam. Pavan was ready to take revenge on Dr. Aryan. whereas, Dr. Aryan bose & Naina Bose were successful, they trained their mutants. Hugar, Hurilla, Hutah & Hulf learned all types of fighting skills. they could behave like other human beings. these mutants appeared like humans but they were as strong as animals. Dr. Aryan & his mutants were ready to change the world. Dr. Aryan decided that he will create more mutants like them. he will finish 50% of human beings & remaining 50% human beings will be turned into mutants. he wanted to rule the world. there will be no criminals, greedy traders or corrupt politicians in his new world. he & his daughter will be the only human beings found on earth. the remaining human beings will turn into mutants or they will be killed by him, in this process if he found a noble human being then he may not harm him.
On the other hand, DCP Veer & Professor Amit Roy were trying to search Dr. Aryan from last one year but they failed every time. the CID team was not able to trace Dr. Aryan's mobile location.even his neighbours could not help them. he did not attacked anyone from last one year. he was not found anywhere. when CID department was going through various problems, Rahul & Mohan, two thieves, stole 20 lakh rupees, a expensive mobile phone & a lap top from mr. & mrs Kimtani's house. Ramesh Kimtani & his wife, Anita Kimtani registered a police complaint. Senior Inspector Raj & Inspector Anil started the investigation. they interrogated Ramesh & Anita, they checked each & every corner of their house but they did not found anything.
Next Morning, Dr. Aryan & his mutants were watching television. he came to know about the theft which took place at Ramesh Kimtani's house. Police department was working on the case. Pavan Ahuja watched the same news but he ignored it because his revenge was more important than Ramesh Kimtani's money. after sometime, Radhika & Anjali visited Pavan's house.Anjali & Radhika informed him about the same theft. Pavan suggested them to ignore Ramesh Kimtani & concentrate on their secret mission. Anjali was satisfied with him but Radhika thought, Ramesh Kimtani is going from an unexpected situation. someone has stolen his earnings. when a criminal murdered Aarav Ahuja at that time, Pavan decided to kill his brother's murderer but when a thief has stolen Ramesh Kimtani's money, Pavan ignores the incident. Radhika informed Pavan, when they disguised for the first time, they disguised to kill Dr. Aryan but Dr. Aryan is not the only criminal in the world & Tara & Vijay, are not the only thieves in the world, there are various criminals in the world, suppose they defeat Dr. Aryan, after some days another evil will kidnap someone. Radhika suggested them to help Ramesh Kimtani because he was in pain & he needs help. Pavan decided that from now onwards he will disguise to flight all the criminals like Dr. Aryan. Pavan advised Radhika & Anjali to cover their faces with a mask. they have to hide their identities during the investigation because they were going to investigate unofficially. Radhika purchased two different masks from the market. she gave one to Anjali. they covered their faces like Pavan. Radhika named her masked look as, Miss Valorous & Anjali named her masked look as, Shakti. Radhika & Anjali ensured Pavan that they will always help him, but Anjali was concerned about future problems, which may occur after killing Dr. Aryan. Pavan said " don't worry, we will attack Dr. Aryan at his lab, we will destroy his lab & his mutants, god forbid, suppose were are caught red handed by police officers or someone else. we will escape from there in hook or crook. then these CID officers will search three masked murderers, they could never imaging that we have killed Dr. Aryan". Anjali was satisfied with Pavan's plan. Pavan suggested Anjali to concentrate on Ramesh Kimtani's case. they decided to investigate. Pavan disguised as Mr. Righteous, Radhika disguised as Miss Valorous & Anjali disguised as Shakti. they created three unknown personalities, which were never seen before. then they moved towards Ramesh Kimtani's house. finally Mr. Righteous, Miss Valorous & Shakti reached at Ramesh Kimtani's house. Ramesh was shocked when he saw them. Mr. Righteous informed Ramesh that he wants to help him. Ramesh did not allowed them to investigate at his house. they left empty handed. Anjali & Radhika went to Pavan's house with him. they wanted to help Ramesh but Ramesh, himself did not cooperated them. Anjali suggested Pavan & Radhika to investigate secretly at night.
On the other hand, Dr. Aryan came to know about the theft. he wanted to punish the thief, who trouble a innocent, hardworking middle-class man like Ramesh Kimtani. he sent Naina at Ramesh's house. Naina disguised as a police officer to visit Ramesh's house. she covered her metallic arm with a skin coloured slaves & her metallic hand, with a skin coloured glove. then she designed a fake police identity card. Dr. Aryan informed Naina that she should not harm Ramesh or any of his family members because they are innocent & they are suffering from a huge loss. she has to investigate at his house, then she has to find the thief in hook or crook. she has to bring him at the lab, after solving the case. Naina understood all the instructions of Dr. Aryan. Naina disguised as a CID officer.
On the other hand, Ramesh was feeling disturbed, he was thinking about Mr. Righteous. suddenly someone Knocked the door. when he opened the door, Ramesh saw a young girl standing in front of him. the girl introduced herself as 'senior Inspector Naina'. She was sent by CID to reinvestigate at his house. Ramesh was confused, he was fed up of police investigation. Naina showered her identity card to Ramesh. he was convinced. he allowed her to investigate at his house. Naina said " i would like to have some tea " Ramesh requested his wife, Anita to make a cup of tea for CID Officer Naina. Naina searched a lot. she checked each & every corner of the house. finally she traced a bracelet, it was found near the showcase. the bracelet did not belonged to Ramesh or Anita. Naina enjoyed the tea. then she left. she conducted a research on the bracelet. she came to know that such type of bracelet is very cheap. she met a jeweller, she asked him about the bracelet. the jeweller informed her that such cheap bracelets are sold in general stores. Naina requested him to tell her something about the company or brand of the bracelet. the jeweller observed the bracelet with his magnifying glass, it was made of plastic & there was something printed on it. he observed the bracelet with his magnifying glass. he informed Naina that the bracelet is a product, produced by Raj & sons, private limited. Naina thanked him. then she conducted a research on Raj & Sons, Private limited. she came to know that 'Raj & Sons' is a company of cosmetics & artificial jewellery. she came to know that Raj Talreja is the owner of Raj & Sons. she visited Raj Talreja's office. she met Raj at his cabin. Naina showed him the bracelet & requested him to tell her that who had purchased it. Raj was surprised. Naina showed him her fake CID identity card & she informed him that she is a CID officer. Raj was shocked. he ensured her that he will try his best to help CID. Raj observed the bracelet. then he checked his laptop. he informed Naina that same type of bracelets were ordered by 23 different dealers. Naina informed him that she want names of all the 23 dealers who ordered such bracelets. Raj followed her instructions. finally Naina got the name & address of 23 shops, these 23 shops use to deal with Raj Talreja for bracelets. 20 shops were out of Sakha Nagar & 3 shops were in the Salkha Nagar. Naina visited those 3 shops one by one. all of them cooperated Naina.she got a list of 16 customers who purchased same bracelet from these shops. she met all the customers one by one, 15 customers were having their bracelets so they were proven innocent. one last customer was remaing. the last remaining customer was Mohan. finally she reached at Mohan's house.
On the other hand, Mr. Righteous, Miss Valorous & Shakti visited Ramesh's house. Ramesh was fedup of Mr. Righteous. he was about to call CID. suddenly Miss Valorous attacked Ramesh. Mr.Righteous threatened him. suddenly Anita came out of Kitchen. Shakti threatened Anita. Mr. Righteous informed them that they will not harm them if they will cooperate. Ramesh & Anita followed all the instructions of Mr. Righteous. they checked each & every corner of the house. they shifted all the furniture. at the end, they found a key, under the bed. Mr. Righteous showed the key to Ramesh & Anita. they did not recognise the key. Mr. Righteous apologized for his behavior. then they kept all the furniture at it's place after the investigation. Ramesh was surprised. Mr. Righteous ensured him that he will definitely find the thief. then they left. Ramesh & Anita were confused. they were not able to understand, whether Mr. Righteous is good or bad. Pavan, Anjali & Radhika reached at Pavan's house. Pavan observed the key carefully. he found something written on it. Anjali captured a photo of the key in her mobile phone. then she zoomed the image of the key. finally the words written on the key were visible. Anjali read the name of 'Raju Chabiwala' on the key. Radhika recognized 'Raju Chabiwala', she informed Pavan that Raju Chabiwala provides 'key duplication services' at MG road & his stall is located near a stationary shop. Radhika had many times repaired her keys at Raju Chabiwala's stall. they met Raju Chabiwali. Radhika showed him the key. she said that they had found this key at the footpath & they wanted to returned it to it's owner, so they are trying to search him. Raju saw the key. he informed Radhika that it was made by him for his regular customer, Mohan. Raju informed Radhika that Mohan's house is just opposite to his house & they are friends, once Mohan's neighbour misplaced Mohan's standby key, which was kept at his house by Mohan, at the same day, Mohan forgot his key at his house & he locked himself out, he was dependent on the standby key, which was given to his neighbour but even that was not available at his neighbour's house. at that time, Raju made this key for his friend, Mohan. Raju informed Radhika that he will returned this key to his friend, Mohan. Radhika did not gave the key to Raju. she said Raju that she want to personally meet Mr. Mohan & she will directly handover his key to him. Raju ensued Radhika that he will give it to Mohan but Radhika wanted to handover the key to it's owner. Raju gave her Mohan's address. Radhika thanked him. then Radhika, Pavan & Anjali disguised at Pavan's house. finally they moved towards Mohan's house.
On the other hand, Naina visited Mohan's house as a salesgirl. Mohan refused to purchase anything from her. suddenly Naina pushed him. Hulf, Hurilla, Hutah & Hugar were with Naina. they entered in Mohan's house. Hutah closed the door. Mohan was shocked. Hutah tortured Mohan. they forced him to confess his crime. Mohan confess his crime. he informed Naina that his friend, Rahul helped him in his thefts. Naina ordered Mohan to call his friend, Rahul at his house. Mohan calls Rahul but he did not received his call. suddenly Mohan's mobile phone stopped working. Naina took Rahul's phone number from Mohan. then she calls him with her mobile phone. she gave her mobile phone to Mohan. he informed Rahul that he has stolen a sack full of money from a bank so he needs his help to count the money. Rahul was surprised, he was not able to believe that Mohan conducted a theft without his help. he moved towards Mohan's house. after some time, Rahul knock the door, he was curious to know that how did his friend steal a bank without his help. Mohan opened the door. Rahul entered in his house. suddenly Hugar caught him. Hutah closed the door. Rahul was shocked. he requested Naina to leave them. Naina decided to kidnap Rahul & Mohan for Dr. Aryan's experiment.
Naina informed Rahul that his father is going to kill the greed, which is ruling their minds. Rahul & Mohan were scared. suddenly someone knocked the door. Naina opened the door. she saw Mr. Righteous, Miss Valorous & Shakti. Shakti pushed Naina. they attacked the mutants. Pavan identified Tara & Vijay. he was willing to kill them & actually they came in front of him. Mr. Righteous attacked Hugar & Hutah. Pavan was extremely angry. he wanted to take revenge on Tara & Vijay. Naina caught Rahul & Mohan. Miss Valorous attacked Naina. suddenly Senior Inspector Raj & Inspector Anil reached there. Inspector Anil shots at Hutah's arm. Hurilla attacked him. Mr. Righteous & Shakti caught Hulf & Hugar. Inspector Raj shots at Hugar's arm. he fell down. Mr. Righteous attacked Hugar. Miss Valorous overpowered Naina. Naina & her mutants were trapped. Naina snatched Inspector Anil's gun. she shots Rahul dead. Mr. Righteous attacked Naina. she caught him with are robotic hand. Mr. Righteous snatched her gun. Naina pushed him. Mohan was trying to escape, Naina saw him. she ordered Hutah to catch him. Hutah was extremely quick. she caught Mohan. Naina ordered her to kill Mohan. Hutah attacked Mohan with her nails. he fell down. his body was completely motionless. Mr. Righteous attacked Hutah. he caught her. Hutah pushed him. she escaped from there easily. Hutah ran as fast as a cheetah. then Hulf, Hugar, Hurilla & Naina escaped from there. Mr. Righteous, Miss Valorous & Shakti failed to save Mohan. Senior Inspector Raj & Inspector Anil were confused. Senior Inspector Raj arrested Mr.Righteous, Miss Valorous & Shakti. he ordered them to remove there masks. Mr. Righteous refused to unmask his face. Shakti informed Inspector Raj that they are innocent & that they were trying to save Mohan. Inspector Raj told Shakti that they are working on the case from past 26 hours, without any break. they were about to solve the case but they failed to catch mohan because of their interference. Mr. Righteous informed him that they were trying to help police department. Inspector Raj caught Mr. Righteous, he asked him "who are you? " Mr. Righteous replied " i am mr.Righteous" Inspector Raj said " why did you helped the murderers of Mohan? " Mr. Righteous informed him that he wanted to save Mohan but he failed.
Inspector Raj tried to remove his mask. Shakti pushed him. Mr. Righteous turned off the lights in the room. then they escaped from there. Inspector Raj & Inspector Anil failed to catch them.
after sometime, CID officers reached at the spot. inspector Raj & Inspector Anil informed ACP Pratap that they have found 20 lakh rupees with Mohan & Rahul. they saw a masked man & two masked girls, they were trying save Mohan but there where other two mysterious girls & two mysterious men with the masked man, Mr. Righteous. the super fast mysterious women, killed Mohan. there were many confusions in the case. CID team started the investigation. CID officers worked hard but they found nothing. the injuries on the body of Rahul & Mohan were mysteries. DCP Veer Bakshi visited the CID bureau. he was highly disappointed with his officers. ACP Pratap informed him that he has never seen such case in his life. the girl who killed Mohan, was very quick. according to forensic expert, Dr. Chandra, Mohan has been attacked by a animal but inspector Anil & Inspector Raj saw two girls & one of them killed Mohan with her nails. DCP Veer was shocked. he was completely speechless. ACP Pratap ensured him that CID team will definitely solve the mystery of these super powerful girls. DCP Veer was not satisfied. he visited the forensic Lab. he met Forensic expert Dr. Chandra. he came to know that, there was a mysterious injury on Mohan's body. someone used his nails to kill him, such method of killing is used by animals but in this case, this method was used by a girl. that girl was as powerful as a animal. her nails were sharp like the nails of animals. even Dr. Chandra was not able to believe that but he was sure that the girl, who killed Mohan, is very powerful & merciless. Mohan would have gone through extreme pain when she attacked him. her single scratch was enough to kill him. DCP Veer decided to construct a special plan to fight these creatures. he visited Professor Amit Roy's house. he told Professor Amit that he needs his humanoid Robot, Guruji to catch a super powerful criminal. Professor Amit was shocked. DCP Veer informed him about Mohan's death. Professor Amit decided to use his humanoid robot, Guruji to help DCP Veer.
On the other hand, Radhika & Anjal were at Pavan's house. Pavan was regretting, he failed to take revenge on Vijay & Tara. suddenly someone knocked the door. Anjali opened the door. DCP Veer, Professor Amit & Guruji were standing in front of Anjali. DCP Veer showed a watch to Pavan. Pavan was surprised. he asked him that where did he got his wristwatch. DCP Veer informed him that he found his watch at Mohan's house. he observed this watch carefully, he found a sticker at the backside of this watch, he came to know that it is made by TM Watches. then he met every shopkeeper, who use to deal with TM Watches. one by one he met all the dealers of TM Watches. he met all the dealers of 'TM Watches', of Sakha Nagar, finally he came to know that this watch was purchased by 'Mr. Pavan Ahuja' from the shop, 'Vinayak Watches'. Pavan Ahuja was one of the regular customers of 'Vinayak Watches' & the owner of 'Vinayak Watches' gave him Pavan's address. the owner of 'Vinayak Watches' was Pavan's best friend, so it was easy for DCP Veer to find him. Pavan was surprised, he informed DCP Veer that he disguised to take revenge on Tara & Vijay but Dr. Aryan kidnapped them. he could not understand that why Tara & Vijay started working with him. the biggest confusion was, when they killed Aarav, at that time, Vijay & Tara's eyes were brown but when he saw them at Dr. Aryan's lab, their eyes were green. DCP Veer ensured him that he will help him in his mission. he introduced Professor Amit to Pavan. he requested Pavan, Anjali & Radhika to work with him. DCP Veer was trying to form a team, which is more powerful than the Police department of Sakha Nagar. Pavan, Anjal & Radhika decided to work with DCP Veer. he promised them that he will never reveal their actual identities. Pavan saw a man standing with Professor Amit. he asked Professor Amit about him. Professor Amit informed Pavan that he is 'Guruji' & he is a humanoid robot. Pavan, Radhika & Anjali were surprised. Pavan asked Professor Amit that why has he named his humanoid Robot as 'Guruji'. Professor Amit said " my Robot robot is programmed with some special skills & abilities. he is knowledgeable & proficient in all forms of material arts & communication techniques. he can learn new things in few seconds, it taught me cycling, cooking & different exercises so, i named it as 'Guruji', i created him but i have learned different things from him, so, i call him 'Guruji'." Pavan, Radhika & Anjali were happy to meet Professor Amit & Guruji. DCP Veer selected Pavan, Radhika & Anjali for his secret mission. he informed Professor Amit that Guruji has to work with Pavan, Radhika & Anjali, so, he should follow their instructions. Professor Amit informed Guruji that from now onwards he has to follow all the instructions of DCP Veer, Pavan, Radhika & Anjali. Guruji accepted his order. DCP Veer requested Professor Amit to discover some special high-tech weapons for Pavan, Radhika & Anjali. they were against some super powerful creatures so, it was important for them to have some high-tech weapons & equipments. Professor Amit ensured DCP Veer that he will try his best to help him. Pavan, Radhika, Anjali & Guruji became secret investigators of DCP Veer. Professor Amit got inspired with the masked look of Pavan. his humanoid robot, Guruji, appeared like a human being, he decided to cover it's face with a mask to hide it's actual identity from Dr. Aryan Bose, his mutants & other citizens. after sometime, Anjali visited the market, she purchased a mask for Guruji. she handover the mask to Guruji & she ordered it to wear the mask. Guruji followed her instruction. Anjali was surprised. Professor Amit named Guruji's masked look as ' Master Might'. Mr. Righteous got a super powerful member in his team. DCP Veer & Professor Amit became the invisible backbone of the Team Righteous.

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