·Part 1·

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Y/N lays on her bed at 12 Grimmauld Place, thinking about all the things she got to know this summer.

It's already months ago, but her mind wouldn't let it go.

She had been in a muggle orphanage, strange things would happen often.

Mostly, it happened when she was angry or sad, and she could let others feel pain when she simply wanted to.

Last summer, she got to know that she was a witch.

Her father turned out to be the serial killer Sirius Black, he had killed twelve muggles and he escaped from prison and came to look for her.

One day, an old man with a long beard stood in the doorway to her room in the orphanage.

"This man knows someone who might want to adopt you" Miss Thompson had said.

The old man came in and sat himself on a chair.

He looked around and sighed.

 He looked around with a nostalgic look in his eyes, as he had been here before.

Miss Thompson had left the door on a shriek and walked away through the long hallways.

"Ah, Y/N!" the man sighed, "of course you don't remember me."

"You're Mr. Dumbledore," she says.

"How do you know?" the elderly man asked.

"I don't know how I know it, I just know it." she had answered.

The man had been silent for a few seconds and his eyes flew to the seven rocks on the window-sill.

"What are those rocks for?" he asked.

"I don't know, they were there as long as I can remember."

"Do you know who stayed in this room before you?"

"Yes," she said. "Tom Marvolo Riddle, I found a letter once, but only his name and the period that he stayed here were on it. almost fifty years ago."

"Aha," the man nodded softly.

"Can we get to the point now?" she asked.

"Ohw, yeah, sure," the man said and rushed back to the chair he had pulled from under her desk.

He asked her about the strange things that had happened around her and had concluded that she was a witch. He won her trust and told her to be ready to leave the next morning at 9am. He had spoken with the headmistress of the orphanage and it was all fine. No sooner said than done and Y/N met her father for the first time ever, they immediately had a bond.

Sirius Black had been in Azkaban for years, just like she had been in the orphanage. He turned out not to be the serial killer all the newspapers were talking about. And he was a good father.

Y/N was laying on her bed listening to some music while all this played in her head, on replay.

It was nearly 6pm, Y/N was hungry, so she went downstairs, still with her headphones on and Sweater Weather in her ears.

"'Cause it's too cold,"

"For you here,"

"And now, so let me hold,"

"Both your hands in the holes of my sweater,"

She sings with the music while walking down the stairs.

Right in front of the doorway to the kitchen, she stops the music and stops singing.

She opened the door and eleven pairs of eyes stared at her.

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