·Part 7·

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The next morning at the breakfast table, Y/N and Draco catched each other's eyes a few times and they would smile at each other.

Y/N noticed Ron quickly looking away a few times, even when she just turned her head in his way.

When Y/N opened and read the letter her father had sent her, she noticed Ron staring at her again.

"Is something wrong?" she asked suddenly, "Ron?"

"Umm, no..." he said quickly, not having the time to look away this time and blushing heavily.

"You can tell me when something's wrong, you know that." Y/N said comforting.


That afternoon Y/N and Draco met at the Quidditch field.

Y/N walked underneath the stands, onto the field.

It looked much bigger, then when she sat on the stands or was there, high up in the sky, catching quaffles and dodging bludgers.

Together they went to the stands and watched Hagrid do his shores and counting the times they could see the Giant Squid through the dirty water of the black lake.

Meanwhile in the Gryffindor common room, Hermione was checking Harry's homework while he was reading a book and Ron sat there, tapping his foot on the ground and looking at the ground with an extremely nervous look.

"Ron, weren't you going to try with Y/N?" Hermione asked after observing him for a few minutes.

"Umm, yes..." Ron said while standing up and muddling with the long sleeves of his maroon Weasley sweater.

"I think I would look at the greenhouses or at the Quidditch field." Harry said as he noticed what Ron was about to do.

"Y-Yes, I'll do that." Ron said stuttering and he left.

"Well I wish him good luck" Hermione muttered as he climbed through the portrait hole at the other side of the room.

"Me too..." Harry said with an empathetic look.

Ron walked through the long corridors of Hogwarts, until he arrived at the big door, which gave entrance to the school grounds.

He immediately turned left, in the direction of the greenhouses.

He first looked in the first one where the first years get their lessons.

No one.

Only a pair of gloves that someone left there and - of course - a bunch of plants.

On his way to the second green house, he sees that there are two people in there.

He opens the door and the sweet smell of flowers hits his nostrils.

"Ohw hey there Ron!" a dreamy voice said.

"Hey Luna! What are you doing here?" Ron asked.

"We're just studying Mandrakes!" Neville said, "they are quite interesting!"

"But why are you here Ron?" Luna asked.

"Ohw, I was just looking for Y/N, I have to tell her something." Ron admitted, "Maybe you know where she is?"

"I think I saw her walking towards the Quidditch field," Luna said, "If I were you, I would look there."

"Ok! Thanks Luna! Neville!" Ron shouted while running out the greenhouse.

He crossed the Hogwarts grounds and arrived at the quidditch pitch.

When he walked under the door to the field, he saw Y/N sitting on the stands in front of him.

But she was not alone, who was that? He looked better. Malfoy?

They are.. KISSING?

Ron quickly hid himself, holding back his tears.

He looked again, it couldn't be true.

This time, Draco had left, but Y/N was visibly waving someone goodbye.

Almost in tears Ron walked back to the Gryffindor common room.

"Ron!" Hermione said when she saw Ron walking in the common room. He was very pale.

She softly pushed him onto a sofa.

Hermione sat on a chair and Harry sat next to Ron.

"Did you tell her?" Hermione asked carefully.

"N-No..." Ron sighed.

"Why not?" Harry exclaimed loudly, "Ron, this was your chance!"

"I-I saw her-" Ron started, but got interrupted by a set of his own sobs.

He really started crying now.

"What do you mean you saw her?" Hermione asked with a comforting hand in Ron's back.

"I-I saw her kissing Draco..." Ron says while crying loudly.

Ginny looked up from her homework when she heard Ron sobbing, "Ron? What happened?" she asked while she stood up, walked towards the sofa and crouched down in front of Ron, with her hands on his knees.

"Ron saw Y/N and Draco kissing," Hermione explains with a meaningful look.

"Ow," Ginny mouthed, "He likes her."

Hermione nodded.

Ginny takes Ron in a long and comforting hug, "It'll be alright, everything will be fine..." she said.

"Love can be hard" a recognizable voice suddenly said.

Everyone looked at Fred with a surprised look on their faces.

"What?" he said, while he shrugged his shoulders, "It's true!"

George had walked to Ron in the meantime and had - just like a big brother - put his hands on Rons shoulders and said: "It'll be fine... Ronniekins"

This made Ron smile slightly.

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