·Part 5·

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Y/N slowly opened her eyes, a bright light hit her eye and she quickly closed them again with a little groan.

"Y/N?" Hermione's voice sounds. "Y/N? Are you there?"

"Y-Yes," Y/N said weakly while trying to open her eyes again, "I am here."

"I'm so happy you're back!" and Y/N felt Hermione grabbing her hand.

"Who is here?" Y/N asked, when she saw the blurry postures of people.

"Me, - Hermione - Harry, Ron and the twins" Hermione said.

"What's the last thing you remember?" Ron's voice sounded.

"I-" Y/N said while her memory came back again. Y/N had scored, earning excited claps and cheers from the Gryffindor stands. But then it was all a blur.

Y/N inhales sharply, "Did we win?!" she asked with excited eyes and she quickly sat up. A flash of dizziness hits her and she falls back into the cushions again.

"Wow, calm down!" George comments, "Yes, we won,Harry caught the snitch right after you had your accident, but you didn't answer Ron's question. What's the last thing that you remember?"

"Eumm..." Y/N said while thinking, "I remember that I scored, making it ... I don't know, I remember that I scored, but I don't remember what point it was, then everything gets blurry" Y/N answered honestly.

"Got anyone else hurt?" she added.

"Yes, Malfoy flew into the stands just after you got hit." Harry said. "He's there, next to the door, he's asleep,"

 Harry pointed and all the heads turned in Draco's direction.

Then Y/N suddenly realised something; "Why aren't you in class?" she asked.

"It's Sunday, Y/N," Hermione said.

"I've been unconscious for only a day? After getting a bludger hitting my head and falling from 15 meters / 50 feet?" Y/N asked in amazement.

"Umm, 8 days to be exact..." Fred said with a guilty face.

"Or 8 days..." Y/N said.

They just talk about the quidditch match and the schoolwork Y/N had missed for a few minutes, until Madam Pomfrey comes walking.

"You may need to go," she said, "Miss Black needs a rest."

Everyone left, but before Hermione could leave Y/N's side, she grabbed her wrist.

"Hermione, wait!"

"What is it Y/N?" she said.

"I bet Draco was distracted by me when he flew into the stands, I notice him staring at me all the time. When I put my broom back, two months ago, I saw someone with a green robe and blond hair run away, I bet it was him..." Y/N said.

"He does it even more than you think..." she admitted.

"But why would he do that, it scares me."

"I-" Hermione sighs, "I think he likes you... and you're lucky with that, he never really liked someone, although many girls would give their soul to be with him"

"But why doesn't he talk to me then?"

"Maybe you should talk to him?" Hermione proposed, "Anyways, I have to go, I see in a few hours and otherwise I see you tomorrow. Bye!" she added while walking towards the door.

"Bye!" Y/N said.

 The thought of Draco liking her couldn't leave her mind and after a few minutes of thinking, she fell asleep.


Two days later Y/N could also leave the hospital, it was a tuesday so their first class was potions.

Y/N decided that she was going to try to work together with Draco, to get to know him better.

Y/N put her stuff next to a table and sat down in the chair next to Draco.

Draco's pale cheeks became visibly red.

"Hi, I am Y/N Black" Y/N introduced herself, "You must be Draco Malfoy,"

"Y-Yes, I'm Draco." he answered shyly.

"I've heard about you," Y/N said.

"I hope only good things," Draco said with a smile.

They both chuckled.

The whole lesson they talked about random stuff, while working at their potions.

Snape even didn't give her as much hateful comments as he usually does, because she was working together with Draco, who was Snape's absolute favorite.

"Y/N?" Draco asked at the end of the lesson when they were packing their bags, "Maybe, you want to come to the Astronomy tower after school?" he asked.

"Of course!" Y/N had answered, "I would love to!"

After two boring hours of History of Magic, an hour of Herbology and two hours of Transfiguration, the school day was finally over and Y/N and Hermione were heading to their dorm to change into comfortable clothes.

With the help of Hermione, Y/N had found a perfect comfortable but also pretty outfit.

Black jeans, white shoes and a turquoise hoodie. (A/N: I tried to keep it as 'own-interpretation' as possible, if you don't like, you can always imagine another outfit)

After a good-luck-hug from Hermione and a high-five from Lavender and Parvati, Y/N went to the Astronomy tower.

As she walked up the stairs, she noticed that Draco had already arrived and was enjoying the view of the school grounds.

She silently stepped up the stairs and sneaked behind him.

"Whah!" she said while putting her cold hands on Draco's shoulders.

"Y/N! You scared the bloody hell out of me!" He says while turning around and placing his hand on his heart.

"That was the intention, silly!" Y/N said giggling.

Happily Draco could laugh with it too and they sat down.

They talked about their school day and their families, looking at the horizon for hours.

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