·Part 6·

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Draco and Y/N hang out A LOT the next few weeks.

They often change places, one time they hang out at the Astronomy tower and the other time they hang out at the rocks at the black lake.

Y/N and Draco have a new friend, who they can almost call their best friend.

Draco told her about his family, something he would never tell anyone.

Y/N really was a dear friend... or more?

 The next Potion class, he sent Y/N a letter who sat next to Hermione.

 The next Potion class, he sent Y/N a letter who sat next to Hermione

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The letter flew through the classroom and landed on Y/N's lap.

Y/N secretly opened it under her desk, she didn't want to get caught by Snape...

"From who is that?" Hermione asked eagerly.

"I don't know," Y/N said while opening it, "I think from Draco"

"C'mon Y/N! Open it!" Hermione pushed her.

"Yes, yes, wait!"

Y/N opened the letter and it exposed a letter written in a long and thin handwriting.

It said:

Meet me at the Astronomy tower. Xx Draco

"OOooOOOOooOOoOo" Hermione whispered teasingly.

"Shut up!" Y/N hissed with a smile.

She quickly wrote an 'I'll be there', folded it back up and let it rise up again.

It landed in front of Draco.

Quickly read it through and gave her a thumbs up and Y/N smiled back.

A few tables further Ron had eavesdropped everything and growled in jealousy.

"What is it Ron?" Harry asked.

"Can I talk to you and Hermione in the Gryffindor common room? In private?" Ron asked.

"Y-Yes, but Y/N will be there too I assume," Harry said.

"No she won't" Ron had answered with a dark look on his face.


After a long, boring and a difficult to focus day, Y/N walked up the stairs from the Astronomy tower.

 Draco wasn't there yet, so she just stood at the railing, watching the Hufflepuff Quidditch team train.

After a few minutes someone places a cold hand on her shoulder, but she didn't startle, she already felt the presence of someone else.

"Hey..." she said without looking away from the Quidditch pitch.

Two pale hands appeared on the railing next to hers.

"Hey..." Draco answered.

Now Y/N turned to him and looked up in his magical grey eyes, which gave her slight butterflies.

"Y/N?" Draco said while grabbing both of her hands, "Can I ask you something?"

"You already did..." Y/N answered with a mischievous look on her face.

"Okay..." Draco sighed with a smile, "Can I ask one thing more after this?"

"Of course you can," Y/N said with a slight smile.

"Okay... Phew..." Draco prepared to ask something that is very important.

"It's alright, take your time." Y/N comforted him.

Draco sighed, "Y/N, close your eyes please." he asked while looking in her deep E/C eyes, which had given him butterflies since the second she started here at Hogwarts.

Y/N hesitated for a second.

"Trust me, close your eyes," Draco comforted her at his turn.

After another second of hesitating Y/N finally closed her eyes

She stood there, eyes closed, hand in hand with Draco Malfoy.

Draco hesitated for a few seconds, admiring her beautiful eyelids, her nose, her H/C hair that waved in the wind, her perfect jawline, the perfect form of her fingers in his hand.

He leaned in.

Y/N could feel his hot breath against her soft lips and a second later their lips connected in a long wanted kiss.

Draco let go of her hands and placed them on her neck, playing softly with her hair.

After a few moments, he pulled away and they stared into each other's eyes.

Then Draco asked the question he had wanted to ask her all the past weeks they had hung out. "Y/N Black, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked, staring into her enchantingly beautiful eyes, only to be answered by another kiss, this time from Y/N's side.

That was a yes.


Meanwhile in the Gryffindor common room Ron had taken Hermione and Harry apart.

"What was it you wanted to talk about so urgent?" Harry asked annoyed.

"I-It's about Y-Y/N..." Ron started stuttering.

"Shh, calm down, take you time..." Hermione comforted him with a hand on his back.

"W-When I see her, I-I get cold and hot at the same t-time... And..." Ron continued.

"Ron, you're in Love..." Hermione said with a grin, while looking at Harry, who looked at her with the same mischievous grin.

"I don't know..." Ron said, looking at his feet.

"Yes!" Hermione said with her hands on Ron's knees.

"It's going hard to get her mate," Harry said with a 'sorry-but-it's-true' look, "she's always with that Malfoy-boy."

"I think you can try at least ." Hermione proposed.

"I think I'm going to try tomorrow."

"That's the best you can do."

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