·Part 10·

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Y/N and Ron went to the common room and got their brooms.

Then they raced through the halls of Hogwarts, to be at the Quidditch field first.

Y/N was first, but Ron arrived not much later.

They snatched away the case with the Quidditch balls in it and took the quaffle.

They flew around and Y/N - as a chaser - and Ron - as a keeper - tried to score and Ron had to try to keep them away.

When Y/N had scored five times and Ron had kept the ball away, Fred, George, Ginny and Harry showed up.

"Yoohoo!" one of the twins shouted, "Can we join?"

Ron looked at Y/N and she nodded in agreement.

Ginny trew tennisballs, and Harry had to catch them, He only missed one, And in the meantime, Ron, Y/N and the twins had paired up to play a match.

Y/N scored point after point, which was good for her and George's team.

Suddenly, Ginny threw a ball a little too far away and it almost hit Y/N's head.

Y/N dove away, but fell off her broom. She would fall to the ground, which she had experienced before, and she really wasn't waiting to fall again. Everyone froze in their spot and watched with open eyes how Y/N slipped off her broom as if in slow motion. She reached out to her broom with both hands. Her first hand missed, but her second hand grabbed the broom ,there she hung, with one hand on her broom. With all her force she had in her, she climbed up her broom again.

"Wow!" she shouted. "Calm down, Ginny!" she said with a smile when she sat on her broom again.

"I'm so sorry!" Ginny said with a worried look and came flying towards Y/N.

"Are you alright?" Ron's voice asked and he came flying too.

Everyone came flying and circled around Y/N and asked if she was fine.

"Yes, Yes, I'm fine!" she said, "Let's continue now."

Y/N quickly grabbed the quaffle from Fred's arms, sank about 2 meters / 6,5 feet and rushed towards the hoops of the other team. She scored three times until Ron arrived and he could stop a fourth point.

"You filthy little cheater," Ron hissed with a smile.

Y/N put on a fake upset face, but then shrugged her shoulder.

They kept playing and playing and Y/N's team won every match, no matter who sat in her team, she won.

After an hour or two, everyone had left, and only Ron and Y/N were left over.

They sat on the stands, admiring the watery sunset, in the drowning rain that started to fall from the sky.

 They sat there in the silence, just enjoying each other's presence.

Y/N shivered from the cold of the wet rain.

"Here, you can have my jacket..." Ron said and he pulled out his jacket.

"But then you're cold!" Y/N noticed.

"I'm fine!" Ron made sure.

"No, I don't want you to get cold, we can share it" Y/N proposed.

Y/N put one side over Ron's right shoulder and the other over her left shoulder.

It was crappy, but it worked.

Y/N put her head on Ron's shoulder tiredly.

"Maybe we should go to bed," Ron proposed after about 15 minutes.

"Yeah, you're right." Y/N said.

Y/N and Ron snuck through the dark halls of Hogwarts, it was already past curfew and when they arrived, only Harry, Hermione and Fred were still awake.

"I think I'm going to bed too," Y/N said and went to bed.

"Goodnight," Ron said, "Goodnight," said everyone.

Y/N waved one last time before walking up the spiral staircase.

"Aaaaand, Ron?" Harry asked with a flirty face. "How was your DaTe?" he asked.

"Normal, quiet, cold..." Ron said.

"But you offered her your jacket right?" Hermione said.

"Of course, like a real gentleman!" Ron said proudly. "She got cold, so we put my jacket over our shoulders and she put her head on my shoulder."

"ooOOOooOOoOOOoOOOOoO" Fred's voice sounded through the common room.

"Ah, shut up, Fred," Ron said, smirking.


At Divination the next morning, Y/N and Ron got paired up by professor Trelawney.

"Normally, you see a glass sphere in front of you on the table," Trelawney explained.

"You should be blind if you don't see it." Y/N mumbled, earning chuckles from Ron and the tables around her, luckily Trelawney didn't hear it.

Indeed, there was placed a giant glass sphere in the middle of every table with a white-grey-ish smoke in it.

"For example," Trelawney said, "Mr. Weasley, what do you see? Remember, you have to want to see something!"

"Umm, I don't know, maybe... a dolphin?" Ron said.

Professor Trelawney inhaled deeply, "Oh boy!" and she clapped her hand in front of her mouth, "boy, you're in love! Very, very deep in love!"

Y/N caught a quick glance from Ron.

"Do you have any idea who it could be dear?" Trelawney continued.

Again, a quick glance from Ron, but Trelawney didn't seem to notice.

"E-Erm, m-maybe, yes, yes" Ron stuttered.

"Well done..." Trelawney spoke, "Now, class, you know how it works, you can fill in your workbook now!"

Ron kept silent for the rest of the lesson and seemed very nervous, as if he was caught doing something he may not do.


Later at Potions, Snape had an announcement to make at the end of the lesson.

"Everyone! Gather 'round! Gather 'round!" Snape said.

Everyone went to the front of the class where a big cauldron had been bubbling the whole lesson.

"Anyone, has anyone and idea of what this could be?"

Hermione's hand shot up into the air.

Of course, Snape ignored her fully, "You!" he pointed at Y/N, "Miss Black, come forward!"

He waited until Y/N had come to the front through the crowd of students and stood next to him.

"This is Amortentia, the most powerful love potion that exists. Everyone smells things that they like the most. Can dear Miss Black maybe tell us what she smells?" Snape asked with his emotionless face as usual.

"Erm," Y/N said while she hung over the cauldron, breathing in the gasses that came from the bubbling substance. "I-I smell... treacle tart... the- the woody scent of a broomstick handle a-and-" her breath caught when she recognises the smell of Ron's hair. She quickly looked at Ron, who was also staring at her eagerly, "and something I can't identify..." she decided to say.

"Well done, we will brew this next time, now leave my class, you stinky dunderheads." Snape said and walked to his office in the back of his classroom.

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