·Part 3·

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The next morning, Y/N and her friends had potions as their first class.

Ron had already warned Y/N that Snape wasn't the most nice person and that was obvious when he came rushing into the classroom with his robes flapping behind him.

Y/N and Hermione started making their potions.

A feeling of eyes on her back holds Y/N from working comfortably, she turned around and a flash of blond hair in the corner of her eye pulled her eyes to the same boy as yesterday.

"Who is that boy?" she asks Hermione.

"That's Draco Malfoy" She answers, "He's in Slytherin."

"I think he was looking at me." Y/N said.

"He's doing it again..." Hermione said with a smirk.

Y/N turns around again and - again - Draco's head quickly turns back to his potion.

"Only a day in this school and Y/N already gets all the boys." Hermione said smiling.

"Shut up" Y/N smirked and they focused on their potion again.

"Everyone please pack your bags and leave my class" Snape said at the end of the lesson, "I don't need you, disgustings worms in here."

"See he's not very nice,"Ron whispered to Y/N.

"I heard that mister Weasley! 20 points from Gryffindor... to Slytherin." he said with a dark voice.

A scream of disbelief sounded from the Gryffindors.

"Now, leave, before I subtract more points!" Snape shouted.

"He benefits his reputation" Y/N whispered.


Y/N and her three friends are just enjoying the time after school in front of the fireplace, the holidays just ended, so there was no homework yet.

Suddenly two big hands landed on her shoulders and massaged them, sending a heavy shiver down her spine.

"Wow, you're sensitive," the owner of the hands said.

Y/N turned around and one of the twins that were at her house during holiday stared in her eyes.

The other one appeared behind him and chuckled.

They sat on the back rest of the sofa where Y/N sat in.

"We were just wondering if you wanted to play Quidditch with us." the other one said. "Maybe Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny can come too?"

"Yes I want to practice with you! I want to get to know your better Y/N!" Ginny said.

"Wow, wow, wait, what's quidditch?" Y/N said, "I've heard of it, but I never saw it, don't forget that I came from years and years of living with muggles and I just went to a magic school."

"Quidditch is a game with different kinds of balls and with brooms, we play it in the air." Ginny explained.

Everyone quickly went to their rooms to grab their brooms (that rhymes😏) and heads to the quidditch field.

The twins quickly snatched a broom from the shelf for you.

They did their best to explain the whole game to you and after a few minutes of explaining, Y/N was ready to play her first match.

She grabs her broom and shots up into the air, first, the broom is hand to handle, but then she gets used to it.

It feels so nice, so free, flying. The children in the orphanage should've seen her.

Y/N tried out all four different roles: beater, keeper, chaser and seeker.

She's the best in being the chaser, so she plays chaser for the rest of the evening.

Y/N is a natural at flying and scores multiple points in a row.

"Y/N!" a voice suddenly sounds, "Y/N Black!"

You look around, in the middle of the field stood a tall boy, he was beckoning Y/N.

Y/N came down, so she stood next to the tall boy.

He was at least 10cm/3inches taller than Y/N.

"You must be Y/N Black..." he said.

"Y-Yes that's me," Y/N said

"I am Oliver Wood," the boy explains "I'm the captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team."

"Aaaand I wanted to ask you if you maybe wanted to be the new chaser for our quidditch team." he added

Y/n looked around confused.

Everyone had come down and stood around her, all with guilty faces.

"Sorry, we made you fall for it..." George said, "We still needed someone..." Fred finished his brother's sentence.

"No one else was good enough, you were our last hope..." Ginny admitted.

"You all knew from this?" Y/N asks.

They all nodded in silence.

"So, do you want to be our new chaser?" Oliver asked.

"Y-Yes! Of course! Of course I want to be the new chaser." Y/N answered with excited eyes

"Perfect! Your first training is Saturday morning at 10am." Oliver said with a happy face.

"I'll be there!" Y/N said.

Oliver left and Y/N and her friends played a few more matches.

An hour and a half later, her friends decided to go back to the common room.

Y/N still had to put the school broom back, so she left her friends and wandered around the corridors, humming in silence.

An aching feel of eyes on her back came back again.

She quickly turned around and saw a tall posture with green robes and blond hair disappearing behind a corner.

She ran towards it, but when she arrived at the corner, no one was there.

She shrugged her shoulders and decided to leave it be and just put her broom back.

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