·Part 4·

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The next two months, Y/N trained as if her life depended on it.

Two months later than the mentioned evening, Y/N sits at the Gryffindor table, pale and almost hyperventilating.

"Y/N, you have to eat something." Hermione tried to convince her.

"I-I'm not hungry." Y/N answered.

Y/N's breathing was heavy and not steady.

"Y/N, it's alright... Calm down..." Harry said while he grabbed her hands, as comforting.

Oliver came from the other end of the table and sat next to Ron.

"What is it?" he asked, whispering to Ron.

"She's nervous," Ron said, "Even more nervous than me on my first match."

They chuckled.

Y/N really wasn't well, she was glad that she had her friends around her, but now she wanted to be alone.

She stood up.

"Where are you doing?" Ginny asked.

"I-I'm going to g-get s-some fresh a-air," she answered.

"Y/N!" Oliver said, "You need to eat something," and he quickly threw two toasts to her.

She catched them and headed towards the heavy doors of the Great Hall.

"I have empation for her,'' Fred said. "I've never known someone who had stressed that hard."

"Me neither..." Oliver admitted, "I just hope she's back before the match starts.

"Who are we playing against anyway?" Harry asked.


'I hope Draco will be able to concentrate, the way he looks at Y/N isn't just a look...' Hermione thought.


Y/N sits with her back against a wall and enjoys the view of the Hogwarts grounds. Her toasts are done.

After about ten minutes she heads back inside.

"Ah Y/N!" Oliver exclaimed. "You're perfectly on time! We were about to go to the changing rooms."

Y/N and the whole team headed to the changing rooms.

"Dear men," Oliver started his speech.

"And women," the wins interrupted him.

"And women," he admitted, "today is the day-"

"The day that will change this whole quidditch season" George finished his sentence.

"The day that makes the difference between winning and losing." Fred continued.

"We know his speech by hard," they whispered to Y/N which comforted her a little bit.

"Now, seriously, we can't lose this match or otherwise all our previous successful years were for nothing." Wood finished his speech.

The whole team went to the stage, surrounded by red curtains, which would open when they could come into the stadium.

After a few seconds of stressful waiting, the curtains swung open and the whole team surged out the changing room.

Y/N in the front, watched as Oliver went to the ground, to shake hands with the other team captain.

"I want a fair battle" Madam Hooch's voice sounded, she seemed to say it mostly to the Slytherin team captain.

They both flew up again.

The blasting sound of a whistle went off and the match started.

The match went on and on.

"Slytherin has the Quaffle," Lee's commentary sounded through the stadium, "Slytherin's chaser heads to the Gryffindor hoops..."

Indeed, Slytherin's chaser was flying towards the Gryffindor hoops, but right when he was about to throw the ball, Y/N snatched it out of his hands.

"Black takes the ball and flies in less than no time towards the Slytherin hoops and... SCORES! That makes 70/10 for Gryffindor!"

Surprisingly, Y/N wasn't afraid anymore, as soon as they were up in the air. She had already scored 60 from the 70 points.

Slytherin had the quaffle again, but they didn't score a point, because Ginny snatched the ball out of his hands, she got surrounded by a lot of Slytherins and quickly threw the ball to Y/N.

"Gryffindor has the quaffle again and - owww! Nice pass from Weasley! And Black heads towards the ho- WATCH OUT!"

That was the last thing Y/N heard, before she got a heavy smack on the back of her head from a bludger and fell, unprotected, from a height of 15 meters / 50 feet.

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