·Part 8·

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Y/N was still enjoying the view of the moon, reflecting on the surface of the Black Lake, when a shiver went up her spine.

She was very cold.

Y/N checked the time. Already an hour past curfew!

Y/N took her stuff and rushed down the stairs of the Quidditch stadium, she crossed the field and under the doors.

She arrived at the heavy doors, which led to the long corridors of Hogwarts.

She softly pushed open the heavy doors and hid in the shadows, happy she often went down to the kitchen at the orphanage at night.

Y/N was barely visible, she used the shadows as camouflage.

The Bloody Baron passed her once and he didn't even notice her, she sneaked up the stairs, hoping that the Fat Lady wasn't on one of her nightly trips.

Luckily she wasn't and the password got accepted, followed by a warning that she must not do that again or she'd get caught.

Y/N silently stepped to the fireplace and sat down in one of the seats, only Ginny and Hermione were still awake. The whole Gryffindor house already went to bed.

"Why are you still up?" Y/N asked, breathing heavily.

"The question is, why weren't you here, curfew was a whole time ago!" Ginny said.

"Ohw, I just forgot to look at the time." Y/N waves away Ginny's question.

"Don't you have to tell us something?" Hermione said with a smirk.

"L-Like what?" Y/N said with a surprised face.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe about... a possible boyfriend?" Hermione hinted with an innocent face.

"Erm... about that..." Y/N started unsure, "Maybe we should go to bed," and she stood up.

"Na-ah" Ginny said, while pulling Y/N down on the sofa again, "Tell us everything!"

"Yes, tell us everything! And don't skip details!" Hermione said with an eager face.

Y/N started telling the whole story from the first time they hung out at the Astronomy tower until tonight, but we already know the whole story, so we're just going to continue the story.

Two months later, after a busy thursday, Y/N had enough from everyone and everything, so she hung around the school grounds on her own.

She and Draco had been a little distant since a week or two, because their friends started complaining that they didn't make time for them.

Y/N felt like she needed a little pause, Hermione was checking Harry's and Y/N's homework and Ginny had a date with Luna.

Y/N stood up from the comfy seat and started walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Hermione asked.

"Just getting some fresh air" Y/N answered.

Without further questions Hermione started checking their homework again and Y/N climbed through the portrait hole.

Where was she going?

She decided to go to Hagrid, maybe he had some shores she could do.

Indeed, Hagrid had a few shores for her, which weren't too dirty.

After a few hours of helping Hagrid with feeding blast-ended skrewt and fixing broken broomsticks, Y/N decided to enjoy the sunset from the Astronomy tower.

Y/N started walking up the stairs.

When she was almost all the way up the stairs.

She noticed that a couple had already claimed the place.

They were kissing passionately.

She already started walking down again when she noticed something important.

One of them was tall and had... blond hair? But... that was Draco!

She rushed up the stairs.

The couple hadn't noticed her, even though she had made a lot of sounds while running up the stairs.

"Draco?" Y/N asked, upset.

Draco startled by the sudden recognition of her voice.

"Y/N!" he exclaimed alarmed, "I-It's not what it looks like!"

"I don't think I was hallucinating, Draco," Y/N said sober.

"Really, I-I..." Draco tried to excuse himself, but Y/N wasn't listening anymore, she had noticed who the second person was.

"H-Harry?!" Y/N exclaimed.

"Hey," Harry muttered.

"How long has this been going on?" Y/N asked, upset.

"A-About a week..." Harry said, looking at his feet.

"Draco! You're friends didn't think that they didn't get enough attention!" Y/N spoke, holding back her tears, "You were cheating on me! I thought I could trust you!"

"Y/N, I-I'm-"

"Sorry?!" Y/N said, "I don't think so!"

"I didn't know how to tell you-"

"That you're bi? Gay? Pan? You could've just told me and I would've just accepted it!" and she ran away, crying.

The only person she had told all her secrets to, because she thought she could trust them fully, had to cheat on her.

She rushes down the stairs, tears streaming down her face, tripping over her own feet, with weak legs.

Right in front of the Portrait hole, she collapsed.

Ron, who came walking from detention, caught her right before she would hit the ground and helped her inside.

Hermione jumped up as soon as she saw them, "What happened?" she asked, "Y/N? Are you okay?"

"Wait, with your questions Hermione, let her calm down on the sofa." Ron said while helping Y/N sit on a sofa.

After a few moments where Y/N managed to calm down, Ginny asked carefully: "Will you tell us what happened?"

"H-He ch-cheated on me..." Y/N spoke.

"Draco?" Hermione asked, "He would never do that!I don't know him like that..." she said.

"Well, he just did..." Y/N sighed.

"With who, Y/N?" Ginny asked, trying to catch Y/N's eye, unsuccessfully.

"H-Harry..." Y/N muttered.

"E-Excuse?!" Ron exclaimed, "He's going to be sooo dead." he mumbled while he stood up.

"No! Ron! Wait! Can't you just be happy for him that he has found someone?" Y/N spoke, looking in Ron's deep brown eyes. "I'm sure one of them has a good reason..."

Ron seemed convinced and sat back down, next to Y/N.

"Draco must've thought that I wouldn't accept the fact that he's bi, or gay, or pan, or whatever his sexuality is..." Y/N muttered, "Do I really look like a homophobe that much?" Y/N asked with a slight grin.

Her laugh got answered with comforting smiles from Ron, Ginny and Hermione.

"Anyway... I'm going to bed..." and Y/N stood up and headed to girls dormitories.

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