seven; taylor

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Harry grabs my hand, his head is held down looking at his boots. My heart pounds against my chest as flashes of cameras blind my vision. "Hey, you okay?" Harry whispers into my hair. I shake my head as my ears begin to ring. "Back the hell up!" He shouts, letting go of my hand and placing his arm around my waist, pulling my closer. "You're going to be okay, okay?"

"Okay," I croak as the door to his hotel is opened. The doors are closed and Harry stops in front of the doors, turning me around to face him. He cups my cheeks and drys my eyes.

"Taylor, look at me, focus on me," he coos. "Just breathe." He pulls me into a hug and my arms wrap around his neck and I burry my face into his shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Taylor. I knew this-" I shake my head and remove myself from him.

"Harry." I place my hand on his cheek. "It's fine, okay? Can we just go to your room?" Harry nods, guiding my to the elevator.

The day was eventful. After Harry took me to a secluded beach (it's September, so who would be there?) to talk. We stayed until nearly sundown when paparazzi caught up to us. Harry insisted he take me back to his hotel, not wanting the paparazzi to know where I lived. I agreed immediately. I typed up a quick text to Ed, letting him know I would be okay and with a friend. Karlie texted me as well, checking up on me. I promised her I was okay; that I was in good hands. It wasn't a complete lie.

We walk into his room to see a man, who I assume is one of his band mates, sitting on the couch, an impatient foot tapping against the floor. The door shuts and the man stands up, a stern look on his face.

"Where the hell have you been?" He asks immediately, a finger pointed at Harry.

"Out," he responds curtly. He takes my hand and begin to guide me into a room, but the man grips his bicep. "I can take care of myself."

"I specificity told you to stay away from-" Harry cuts him off.

"Louis, please leave," Harry says, chest heaving up and down, his jaw clenched. "Please." Louis let's go of his arm and storms out with a scoff. "I'm sorry," he huffs.

"Harry," I sigh, proceeding to step into what I'm sure is the bedroom. Harry follows then collapses onto the bed.

"He acts like I'm a fucking child," Harry says, his hands covering his face. I sit next to him as he sits up, and I remove his hands. "I know he's trying to be a good friend, but he can do it without trying to tell me what I can and can't do." I don't say anything, but I take his hand back into mine, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"You need to rest," I say after forever, retrieving my hand. "I'm gonna get a cab and go to Karlie's for tonight. I have to get to work in the morning." I get up from the bed, but I am pulled back down. I sigh and look to Harry, emerald eyes flashing at me.

"You don't have to do that," he quickly responds. "You can stay here."

"I don't want to," I say firmly, receiving a hurt look from Harry. "I don't want to burden you, especially with my..." My voice trails and Harry stops me.

"Now I'm definitely not letting you leave." Before I can protest he's disappearing into another room. He comes back, a black tee shirt and what I think are boxers in hand. "Just for you to sleep in," he says noticing me eyeing the clothing. "I'll let you change."

I quickly change from my clothes to Harry's shirt and boxers before telling him it's okay to come in. He comes back, only a pair of sweats on leaving him shirtless. He quickly grabs an extra pillow and blanket, taking them with him.

"If you need me I'm going to be on the couch," he says and I almost stop him; I almost ask for him to stay with me, but I don't. And I know that I shouldn't want to. "Goodnight, Taylor."

"Night, Harry," I reply as he turns off the lights. Not long after he's left to sleep on the couch, I'm dozing off.

I wake up with a start, hot tears already rolling down my face from tonight's terror. I bite my lip to suppress the sobs that escape my lips. Harry comes in groggily, his eyes widening at the sight of me in the bed, sobbing uncontrollably. He quickly scoops me up, protective and strong arms around me. He presses kisses to the side of my head, reassuring me that's he's here.

I shake my head and remove his arms, desperately trying to dry my eyes, but tears just kept coming. "It's three in the morning, go back to bed," I say, taking a deep breath.

"There is no way in hell I'm leaving you," Harry says. I shut my eyes and shake my head.

"Harry, I'm fine. Please just go back to bed, I'm okay," I try to reassure him, but he doesn't budge.

"Taylor," he says, wiping tears that had begun to stop falling. I open my eyes, and his face is inches from mine. People say, seconds can feel like hours. This one second felt never ending. Harry's lips attach to mine.

I pull back instantly.

author's note: DUN

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