two; harry

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The sunglasses that sit on the bridge of my nose begin to bother me, but so do all the flashing lights. The paparazzi are hard to get away from; especially if you are in a band. My plane from London just landed in New York, where the band was supposed to have our next show. It wasn't until the 18th, which meant we had a bit of off time.

Girl's and middle-aged men's screams filled my ears, making me wince every time something about Kendall is thrown at me. I keep walking, my head down and my eyes fixed on the walk to the car. The door is opened for me and I step in, jumping as a girl's hand slaps the window. I make out the words "I love you Harry," but she cannot see me through the glass. It was useless to try and say I love you back.

We soon arrived at the hotel. A sigh of relief left my lips as I saw there wasn't anyone outside waiting for me. I walk into the large building and am lead to the very top floor. The other members of One Direction were also going to be housed in this hotel.

I shake the oncoming thoughts about Niall and I's argument as I walk into the suite. I set my bag down and slip my brown tattered boots off. The room is rather large, big enough for more than one. I find a seat on the couch, allowing myself to relax for a few minutes. But to my dismay, before I can properly sleep, a knock interrupts my relaxation session.

I open the door to reveal a maid. Her brown eyes widen in shock, most likely recognizing me.

"M-Mr. Styles, this is for you," the petite girl stutters, a flash of crimson coloring her cheeks.

"Thanks, love," I smile, nodding at the girl. Before I can close my door, she begins to speak again.

"Would you mind signing this for my sister?" She says in a small voice. "She's a big fan and it would make her life."

"Oh course, yeah," I smile at the brunette, signing the journal and handing it back. "Thanks again." She mutters a 'no problem' before scurrying back down the hallway.

I make my way to the couch, sitting back and opening the envelope up. It's a letter from management because apparently we don't live in 2014 where you could easily call me. It is only an update, saying we will be doing a radio interview the 9th. I roll my eyes, not prepared to go and be questioned about my recent break up. Or be further questioned anout Niall and I's dispute.

I change from my airport clothing to something for suitable to wander New York City. I grab my phone and walk out into the hallway, only to bump into Niall Horan.

"Sorry," I mutter, pushing through him.

"Harry, please just talk to me!" He exclaims, his arms slapping on his sides. "We need to talk this through."

"No thanks, mate!" I say, giving him a fake smile before stepping into the elevator. The elevator descends to the lobby, where a small group of girls stand wearing One Direction t-shirts.

"Harry do you mind taking a picture with us?" One asks, a smile placed on her mouths I nod and get the bellboy to take the picture of me and the group. "Thank you so much, sorry if we disturbed you."

"I can assure you, you didn't disturb me," I reply, smiling at the girls. "I've got to go, but thank you for all your love and support." I give them one last wave before walking out of the hotel, greeted by flashing cameras. I ignore them and walk to the nearest subway station.

I lean against a column, silently waiting for the Brooklyn subway. A few paps stay close, snapping a few pictures now and then. The sub is finally called and I hop on, the small space to small for the paps and they're huge cameras to fit. I sit across from a blonde with earphones in, her red dyed lips in the smallest, but absolutely stunning, smile. Her head bobs slightly to the music playing into her ears, making me chuckle a bit.

After sometime the subway arrives in Brooklyn. Everyone and I try to squeeze past people, trying out best to get out of the sub first. The blonde from earlier bumps into me, her eyes not meeting mine.

"Sorry," she murmurs before walking out of the station. I give her backside a questionable look, but shrug it off and begin to make my way into the city.

author's note: oooo things seem to be pretty bad between niall and harry..
really excited because the next chapter is when taylor and harry will formally meet
btw these first two chapters are just introductions and just giving you a look into our main character's everday lives :)
i finished this chapter today beause im sick and stayed home from school.
so yeah thanks so much for reading and commenting and voting, it means more than you know.

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