eleven; taylor

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a/n: long time no talk eh? hello its still me! how are you? i hope well. i hope you guys enjoy this chapter!! i love you guys.

I cover my hands with the sleeves of my sweater before reaching for the cup of tea in front of me. Harry sleeps soundly on my couch, so I try to contain my frequent coughs. Last night Harry called to check up on me before I went to sleep and he heard me sniffling and coughing and insisted I was in need of his attention. Before I knew it, a black SUV was parked in front of my place, blankets covered every inch of my body, and chicken soup was being prepared in my kitchen. Harry said without him (or his not-so-homemade-homemade-chicken-soup) I would be in a hospital. "Is that so?" I asked with a light chuckle that turned into a cough. Harry sighed, kissed my forehead, and said, "You aren't eating your soup. Don't make me call the hospital." I replied, "You're going to get sick too." But Harry claimed he was immune to simple colds and proceeded to kiss both my red and warm cheeks.

"Good morning," a groggy voice announces. I turn around to see Harry half asleep, shirtless, and trying to contain a sneeze.

"That's adorable," I say. "You trying to not act sick because you know I told you this was going to happen." Harry groans and falls back on the couch.

"Don't tell me 'I told you so,'" Harry says, his voice horse and scratchy. I walk over to the couch and sit down on a place not occupied by the popstar.

"Did I not make it clear? I just did tell you I told you so, but if you need to hear it again... I told you so." Harry lets out what is supposed to be a laugh, but turns into a coughing fit. "Tea?" Harry nods sheepishly as I get up to go to the kitchen.

I quickly make Harry his tea and bring it to him as well as a bowl of soup. I place the breakfast tray on the coffee table and tell Harry to sit up and eat. "Too...we...ak..."

"C'mon Harry, don't be difficult. And don't make me feed you like a child." Harry looks up with puppy dog eyes and a pout. "Still no. You are a grown ass man."

"Ugh, whatever." He sits up and takes the bowl into his lap and begins to eat. "So, what are our plans for the day?" Harry asks, as if we were going or doing something despite the fact we're both under the weather.

"I am watching Law and Order: SVU in my pajamas, drinking tea, and sleeping today. You?" Harry shrugs his shoulders and sets the soup bowl down.

"I think I had an interview this morning, but I-"

"Harry!" He looks up, eyes filled with innocence. "You can't just blow off band stuff like that, right? You're bandmates must be pissed."

"So what? It'll be alright." I take Harry's word and turn the T.V. on. "Don't worry. It's just one interview." I roll my eyes, directing my attention to the T.V. screen. "So today my plans are to watch Law and Order, drink tea, and sleep."


"It's one fucking interview, I didn't miss a show. I missed an interview. You can't possibly be angry at me for one slip up. You know what, Louis? You can go fuck yourself. She isn't a slut or a problem. Don't call me." Harry hangs up the phone, seething with anger. He gets up from the couch and under me as quiet as possible, thinking I'm still asleep. He stomps out the back door into my backyard. I sit up and see Harry standing over the ledge, head down, hands entangled together. I slowly get up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"Hey," I whisper, walking towards Harry. "I know it's probably a stupid question but, are you okay?"

Harry sighs with a light chuckle. He runs a hand through his hair and shakes his head. I look down and grab one of his cold hands, rubbing his large one with my small thumb, an assurance that it's okay to not be okay. Harry looks at me, leans down, and kisses me. He pulls away, mutters a sorry, and takes his hand.

"Don't be sorry," I reply. I put my hands around his neck and pull him into a deep kiss. "Don't," kiss, "Be," kiss, "Sorry."

Harry's mouth breaks into a smile, caressing my cheek with his thumb, his lips not leaving mine. We pull away our chests heaving. "Let's get you inside, yeah? It's getting cold out," Harry says, pulling me inside.

Harry grabs a blanket and places it on my shoulders, rubbing them a little. "Let's get back to bed, yeah?" I nod, feeling drowsy. Harry picks me up bridal style with strong arms that carry me up to my room. He almost leaves, but not before I could grab his arm.


a/n: this was kind of just a lil filler but hope u still enjoyed! i hope to be updating more often now:) love u guys

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2017 ⏰

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