ten; harry

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a/n: okay so i discontinued december cause it literally has no plot line..... so as of right now i just wanna focus on fix you for a while !!

edited september: sorry i fell off the face of the earth for a while. i had a insanely busy summer and i started high school !!! but here you go, you guys deserve this and 1000 more chapters. edited november: short chapter but better than nothing am I right? (OK IM SOS SORRY FOR DYING ON YOU GUYS IM SORRRYYYY)

"Harry who's that girl you were with?"

"Styles! Is it true you and Kendall are back together?"

"Going to your new 'friend's' house?"

I ignore the shouts and cries of the paparazzi as I step into a black suburban. "Where to, Mr. Styles?"
The driver asks from the front seat.

"Central Park," I reply, leaning back in my seat, looking down at my phone as the flashing of cameras still go off outside the car.

Harry: I will be there soon. Are you already there?

Taylor: yeah, just waiting for you

Harry: See you then. H.

In no time I'm in Central Park and looking for Taylor. I open my phone and see that I'm exactly where Taylor said she would be. Where is she? And now I'm freaking out. Perfect.

Harry: T, where are you?
Harry: I'm getting worried...

I attempt to call her, but her voicemail only answers. "Shoot, shoot, shoot..." I run my hands through my hair, sending her more frantic text messages that make me sound like a really clingy boyfriend.

"Harry!" I turn around and see Taylor walking towards me, two cups in her glove covered hands. Her breath comes out in smoke-like puffs and her cheeks are tinted red. "Sorry, I went to, uh, get coffee for us." I sigh in relief as she hands me a warm cup.

"I just got worried because you weren't answering your phone and then I started..." She cuts me off by grabbing my hand and squeezing it.

"Hey, I'm okay. I'm sorry," she says with a warm smile as she drops my hand. "It's cold, so I just thought to get coffee to warm us up a bit and my phone died. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry," I reply, smiling at her as we begin to walk through Central Park. Taylor's hand intertwines with mine as she begins to talk about her new medication that will hopefully let her get a goodnight's sleep.

"Taylor, that's great!" She smiles brightly and nods, leaning into my side.

"I know!" She says in excitement. "Tonight will be my first time taking it. I really, really hope it works."

"Me too."

"Do you want to come to dinner tonight?" Taylor asks abruptly, her cheeks turning a darker shade of red. "I- you don't have to, but Karlie went out of town and tonight I don't want to be alone."

"Yeah, yeah," I reply, slipping my arm around her waist. "I'd love to."


I knock on the door, noticing my sweaty hands. I wipe my clammy hands on my black jeans, hoping that that they would be dry. There are footsteps on the other side of the door, then it swings open.

"Hi, uh, come on in," Taylor smiles, moving out of the door way.

"You look nice," I compliment as she shuts the door behind her. Taylor blushes and replies with a light thank you.

"I hope you like Chinese, because I burned the dinner I made and decided to just order in," she laughs nervously. I laugh and nod.

"I do indeed like Chinese. You are in luck, Ms. Swift," I reply grabbing one of the white and red take out boxes.

"So," Taylor says, pushing a piece of hair behind her ear. "How's everything... ya know band-wise?"

I hesitate answering. Everything for the most part besides Zayn sitting the boys and I down to tell us he's leaving... It's not something you want getting out especially from a rumored "girlfriend" or "fuck buddy".

"It's going great," I reply, filling my mouth with noodles. "I mean the tour is going great and... just yeah everything great."

Taylor laughs and wipes the corners of her mouth. "Say 'great' one more time and then I'll be convinced."

"It really is, but you know... just everything is difficult in someway shape or form." Taylor nods, although I doubt she really knows. Not all people are cursed with the invasion of privacy and constant eyes watching them. "But how are you?"

Taylor gives me a small, but warm smile. "Better."

Taylor and I eventually got over talking and put in a movie. We sat on the floor in a mess of blankets and take out boxes and enjoyed one another's company.

"Thank you," Taylor laughs, covering her mouth with her hands. I quirk an eyebrow and she continues. "For tonight and the days before this." 

"There's no need..."

"I know," She says. She smiles and lays her hand atop mine. "I just feel like I owe it to you for my outbursts and mood changes and just... the baggage that comes with being around me."

"Everyone has baggage. I have baggage. I just choose to help people out with theirs."

fix you; swift and styles [au]Where stories live. Discover now