three; taylor

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authors note:
a quick heads up. taylor has an anxiety attack in this chapter. if this is in any way triggering to you, please do not read the scene. if you are uncomfortable with me writing about these topics, do not hesitate to message me. thank you xx

"Taylor, you need to get out," Karlie says, flipping through a magazine. "Why don't we go out to a club?"

"Because me and drinking don't mix," I reply, petting Meredith. She lays on my lap, leaving Olivia to sit upon Karlie's.

"I didn't say anything about drinking," Karlie says. "I just want to do something."

"Ed has a gig tonight at Marlin's," I inform her, speaking of the bar he would be singing at. "We could go to that."

"Sounds like a date!" Karlie exclaims, smiling at me. "What time's s performing?"

"Seven o'clock."

"That means we have only two hours to get ready. What am I going to wear? What are you going to wear? Taylor, we must begin getting ready now."

"Karlie, it's just at a bar and it's just Ed," I say while being dragged by Karlie to my room and to my closet.

"Like you said, it's a bar," she says. "Which means guys."

"Yeah count me out of that," I say, rummaging through my drawers. "I'm going to support my best friend." Karlie clears her throat and widens her eyes. "One of my best friends."

"Thank you," Karlie laughs. "Now c'mon! Time waits for no one. We now only have an hour and fifty-five minutes. Let's go!"


I step into the bar, the smell of alcohol and smoke filling my nose. Karlie directs me to the bar, ordering me a drink that has a name I cannot pronounce. "I shouldn't."

"But you can," Karlie says, her pink lips attaching to the blue straw. "And you know you want to."

"Only one," I say, Karlie smiling widely at me as I take my first couple of swallows. "Wow that's good." Karlie shrugs her shoulders, a smug look on her face.

"Do I have good taste or what?"

"Yeah, but who has a great taste in music?" I spin around, my red headed friend standing there with his guitar in hand.

"Hey," I say, pulling him into a hug. He wraps his free arm around me, giving me a tight, reassuring, squeeze before releasing. "Ready to rock this little bar?"

"You know it, Swift."

"Alright, I'm disgusted by your cute brother-sister relationship!" Karlie says, causing laughs to leave our mouths.

"I should go up," Ed says eyes meeting mine, then away. "Wish me luck!"

"You don't need it!" I say back, making him turn around and smile before taking his place on a stool.

"Hello," he says, his British accent surprising many. "I'm Ed Sheeran and I am here to play some music for you. I'll be singing a couple originals as well as covers." He begins to play one of his originals: The A Team.

Karlie looks down at her phone, a familiar name popping up on her screen.

"I have to take this," Karlie says. "You be okay here?"

"Yeah," I nod, and push her shoulder slightly. "Go!" She walks away, leaving me alone. I walk to the bar, taking a seat. The bartender asks me what I want, and I tell him just a water. It quickly comes and now Ed begins on his next song.

"Not really your scene?" I whip around, blue meeting green. I shake my head. "Not my favorite place either, but the music is great."

"My friend is the one performing right now actually," I say, playing with the sleeves of my sweater.

"Well, you're friend is fantastic," he says. "So what's your name, sweetie?" the stranger asks.


"I should probably find my friend," I say, beginning to walk away from the man. He doesn't move, but I feel his eyes on me as I walk outside the bar. I look back, and his eyes are still on me. He shoots me a smirk before he is lost to the sea of people.

I finally make my way outside, the cold air biting some of my exposed skin. Black spots dance across my vision, making it harder for me to see. My ears clog up, and my breaths become short. "K-Karlie?" I try to wheeze out.

I thought you were over this! God dammit, Taylor!

"Hey, are you okay?" A voice asks. I shake my head and search for something to grab.

"A-Anxiety," I try to get out. My whole body begins to shake, and I feel myself starting to fall.

"What the hell? Get your hands off her!" I hear Karlie's muffled voice.

"She just fell and I caught her. She said something about anxiety?" The unknown voice says.

"Shit. Taylor? Taylor, can you hear me?" Before I have the chance to answer, I pass out.


"How could you let her out of your sight?"

"I'm sorry, Ed, okay! Jesus Christ!"

"Look, I think she's waking up!"

I try to sit up, but a pain rushes up to my head.

"Holy hell," I mutter, my hands rubbing my temples. I almost burst into a fit of sobs, feeling like absolute crap.

"Don't try and sit up too fast, love," my eyes shoot open. I look up, emerald eyes looking down at me. And those do not belong to Ed.

I scurry away from the man, bumping into Karlie's legs in the process. "Who's he?" I question.

"He is Harry Styles," Ed says.

"Harry Styles?" I ask, Karlie helping me to stand up on my own feet.

"Yeah," he answers. "But never mind that, are you okay?"

"Mhm," I mutter, my fingers rubbing my temples, trying to rid of the horrible pounding.

"You need a coffee," Harry says. "Maybe that will ease the hurt. I can take you?"

It won't. I've tried everything.

"I can take her," Ed says.

"Ed no," I say firmly. "Tonight is your night. You need to finish what you started." Ed looks reluctant before nodding.

"Just bring her back her," Ed says edited grabbing my hand and giving it a squeeze. "Call me if you need me, okay?"



author's note:

was this alright? feedback would be wonderful.

thank you so much for 890 reads this is honestly a dream come true. not to mention i have 5k reads on "december." this is honestly so amazing i love you all thank you so so much

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