eight; harry

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"Fuck," is the only thing that spills from my lips. Taylor leaps off the bed, gathering her things.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" She almost shouts, her cheeks flaring. "Seriously, what makes you think you can do that?" She's throwing her clothes on, disregarding that she's half naked in front of me. "You know what? Whatever, I don't care."

She throws her jacket on before running out of the hotel room, me following close behind. "Taylor, I'm sorry." I'm not, though. What did I have to be sorry for? I like Taylor, why was kissing her such a crime?

"Oh, please," she scoffs. "Just leave me alone." I grab her wrist before she can step into the elevator. Her once soft and vulnerable sea eyes are now the color of deepest and darkest abyss. "Let. Go. Of. Me."

"No," I say firmly, narrowing my eyes at her. "I'm not just someone you can let in for a while and make me care for you, then kick to the curb. I'm not going to let you do that to me." She jerks her wrist back to her side.

"Harry," she says, her eyes brimming with tears. "I do this to protect people; to protect you." I give her a confused look, so she sighs and goes on. "You don't want to be apart of my world. My world is hectic and... just something you don't want to be in the middle of." I shake my head, taking her hands in mine.

"There is not one part of you I don't want to be apart of," I assure her. She takes her hands back, letting them dangle beside her. "And I don't know if you've noticed, but like you. You have never once treated me less or more than what I really am. It's really refreshing not being the Harry Styles."


"No, Taylor, I want you to listen and to listen real well." She exhales deeply and nods her head. "You have made me feel a type of happiness I haven't felt in a long fucking time. My life, although it seems like it is, is no picnic. I'm dealing with loads and loads of shit every single day. And for the short time I've known you, you've made my days a whole lot less shitty."

"Harry," she says after forever. "I'm scared. I'm not used to, whatever this is. I'm really confused on what this is," she motions between us. "So, please. I really need to just think."

I nod in response, finding it easy to see where she is coming from. "Why don't you just come back inside, okay?"

She shakes her head. "On my own. Harry, I have to go," she says, turning around and stepping into the elevator. And before I can protest, the door is closing.

// one month earlier

At first everything was well. Kendall and I were on top of the world as a newly couple in late 2014. We were able to hold hands and kiss in public, and for a while I didn't give a damn who saw. I could have a girlfriend and it was almost normal. I was happy. We were happy together.

Then my tour started.

Suddenly we drifted in the six months I was away. Kendall kept busy, sure. She was becoming a model and her face began popping up on fashion runways and magazine covers. She had her career and I had mine. We desperately tried to save what we had, or what we thought we had. The Where We Are Tour came to a close as our relationship was on its last legs. I got home and was greeted with fights. And one night, I decided I was done.

"Can you do anything right?" She screamed in frustration and anger. Her fingers ran through her jet black hair. "I just don't know what to do anymore with this- us. This is never ending! You don't want to do a single thing with me. I invite you some place with my friends, you say you have plans with the boys. The boys! You see them every single day of your life. You only see me, your fucking girlfriend, rarely! Please explain how this makes sense, Harry."

"I'm done." I said after a while. Kendall narrowed her eyes at me.


"All we do is fight. I don't want to do this with you every single day," I said.

"What are you saying?" She asked. Her eyes filled with tears and I knew what I was about to say was going to hurt.

"I'm saying, maybe a break from us is a good idea. Kendall, I'm not going to lie anymore. I'm not going to put on a smile for you or for anyone and act like I am happy when I am the opposite." She exhaled heavily, a tear rolling down her cheek.

"You... You aren't happy?" She hugged her body, sitting down on the love seat near the bed.

"I was," I said. "But oh my fucking god, Kendall, all we do is fight over the tiniest things! I can't make it to one of your fashion shows because I have a band thing, you flip your shit. I can't call because I'm on stage, you ignore me for days. Kendall, I can't play this game anymore."

"You know what? Whatever, fuck you," she said. She pushed on my chest as tears streamed down her cheeks. "Fuck you, Harry Styles. I don't need you."

Not two days later she came back, forgiving me for being a dick. And again, we were pulled back into the honeymoon phase, which did not last long. One week into getting back together after the big fight, she was caught kissing my best friend. Kendall tried apologizing so many times, more than I can count. She was crying, but why? I did not shed a single tear. I yelled I knew this would happen; that she would be the one tear us apart. I told her that her stuff would be placed in a box and mailed to her house. Kendall begged me not to. She told me that things would be better tomorrow.

"No, there is no tomorrow for us," I screamed at her. "There will never ever be an us every again, Kendall Jenner. Never again."

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