four; harry

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I feel by the way she's walking, the way she's picking away at the black nail polish, the way she only speaks a few words, that she does not trust me. This is understandable, for she doesn't know me. However, at the same time I feel a little... hurt.

We arrive at a small coffee shop near the bar. The coffee shop embraces me with a coat of warmth as I walk in. I place my coat on the coat rack, keeping my eye on the blonde. Her eyes wander the room, studying the shop. While she is daydreaming I'm looking at her. Locks of gold that don't exceed her shoulders, eyes the color of the deepest ocean, luscious lips perfect for kissing... everything was perfect about her. I shake my head, snapping out of my daze.

"Would you like me to order something for you?" I ask, the blonde licking her lips and shaking her head.

"I got it," she mumbles, making her way to the cashier and barista. Taylor quickly orders a drink, and I order shortly after her.

We slide into a booth, facing one another, but not making eye contact. "I hope I don't offend you by asking, but are you okay?" Taylor's eyes dart from her lap to my eyes. Her eyes narrow, and her pink lips are pressed into a firm line.

"I'm fine," she snaps.

"You surely don't sound or look fine," I retaliate.

"Gee, thanks," she rolls her eyes. "Because that compliment made me feel so much better. Really, thank you."

"I'm sorry, but for someone who's so 'cheerful' you aren't looking the part," I say, clasping my hands together, a fake smile plastered onto my face.

"Why don't you just stop talking? You don't even know me," Taylor says crossing her arms over her chest.

"You don't have to know a person to ask if they're okay," I tell her. Suddenly, her eyes soften.

"I'm sorry," she says, taking her head into her hands. "I'm such a fuck up." She coldly laughs at her own words. Taylor gives the barista a slight smile when her coffee arrives.

"I'm sure that's not true," I say, my thumb tracing the intricate designs of my mug.

"If you knew me," she pauses and scoffs. "You would know that's true." Taylor closes her eyes, tight. "I honestly can't believe I'm saying this stuff to a complete stranger."

"You know my name is Harry Styles," I say, shrugging my shoulders. "We aren't complete strangers."

"Still, I no nothing about you and you," she says. "You know nothing about me."

"There's this magical thing called talking that you can use to get to know people." I respond.

"This is coming from the guy who won't even look at his band mate." My eyes widen at the words that fall from her moving mouth. "That's what I thought."

"It's really none of your business," I mutter quietly.

"Your right, it isn't," Taylor says, her eyes burning into mine. "And it's most certainly none of the media's business either." I am taken back by her words as she nonchalantly sips her coffee.

"Why don't we forget the past half hour or so and start over, yeah?" I suggest. Taylor smiles, her red dyed lips parting to show rows of perfect teeth.

"Hi, I'm Taylor."

I laugh softly and smile back at her. "Hello, I'm Harry, pleased to meet you." I extend my hand and Taylor shakes it, her small hand in mine.

"You too."

author's note: i know it's short but it's a chapter!! finally, right?
anyways hello beautiful.
it's been a while since we've last spoken! i wanted to say thank you for 2K on this! you guys reading my writing has made my dreams come true.
i love you so much and again I apologize for this being so short.

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