Y so sad

253 31 2

Siddharth's POV

Finally all my lectures are over and that means I can finally go and meet bawli..yayyyy!!!
I quickly pick up all my books and rush towards Bawli's room. I can't wait to spend time with her. As I was running towards her room, I see that Anushka is sitting at one of the park benches and she seemed a bit sad.

Now I know that bawli wants to talk to me and spend time with me. But I also know how Angry she would get if I she knew I let Anushka sit all alone in the park bench especially when I can see how sad she is .

So I quickly text balwi that I would be a little late. And go and sit beside Anushka.
I looks towards me .

Anushka- What are you doing here ?

Me- I saw you sitting here alone...so I thought you could use some company.

Anushka- thanks but you don't need to do this...I'm fine

Me- come on don't lie to me ...I know something's not fine .

Anushka- okkk....I saw Riyaz today...

Me- What!? ? Where !??

Anushka- In my classroom....he's in the same college Sid....it is ok if I call you Sid right?

Me- yaa it's completely ok....why are you sad then? Be happy na you found your long lost love!

Anushka- HE DIDN'T RECOGNISE ME SID!! I went to him and I introduced myself and he was completely blank, he didn't knew who I was , I feel like a complete idiot.

Aww poor her 😕🥺
I side hug her .

Me- It's okay Anushka....if he doesn't remember you he is missing something every special....He doesn't deserve you....And dw you will find someone who will love you very soon.

Anushka- thankyou so much yaar....you really made me feel better.

Me- Areee you know what they say right , " Friendship mai no Sorry no Thankyou" 😉

Me- I tell you what let's call bawli, amd let's all three of us go and eat some ice cream...it will definitely make you feel much better hai na.

Anushka- yaa😁
Target for next chapter- 18 votes 🤗❤️

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