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Jannat and Siddharth go for interview and both of them ace it. Both of them get the job in same company.

While coming back home in car,

Jannat- What should I gift Fai? He always get me gifts even I want to get something for him. Suggest me something naa

Siddharth- uh....get him shirt or something idk.

Jannat- Aree but Shirt is too common...kuch aur suggest kar na

Siddharth- idk yaar jo lena hai woh le, don't ask me.

Jannat- why are you being so rude all of a sudden.😶

Siddharth- I sorry Bawli ...I didn't notice that I was sounding so rude. Ok so wait I'll help you. Tell me his fav colour.

Jannat- uhh....idk.

Siddharth- okk then his favourite sport? Or his favorite song?

Jannat- I... don't ...know.

Siddharth- What? What do you know about him.

Jannat- I know he's a good person and that he cares about me. And he loves me a lot .

Siddharth- Yaaa....but you are dating him since six months and you don't know anything else?

Jannat- No.....

Siddharth- Then what do you guys even do when you are together?

Jannat- we just....sit quietly....... and not talk to each other or eat.

Siddharth- Ohhh so you don't talk about your problems, or about your life or your past or what you all like?

Jannat- For that I have you na!! I don't feel comfortable sharing all this with him.

Siddharth- I don't want to sound rude but.....Why are you even dating him if you are not comfortable sharing your problems with him?

Jannat- idk

Siddharth- WHAT DO YOU KNOW Jannat? You don't know anything about the person you are dating and you are calling it love.

Jannat- woah woah woah ! no need to scream mister.

Siddharth- Look I'm just saying that when you are in love with somebody , they become your go to person, you feel like sharing everything little thing with them, you look at them and you realise that they are this perfect human being with little imperfections which make them more beautiful. Everyday you wake up the first thing you want to do is see them and before sleeping last thing you want to do is see them or talk to them. And every minute they are not with you , you feel like a part of you is missing. Do you feel like this for Faisu?

Jannat thinks about it.

Jannat's POV

when you are in love with somebody , they become your go to person- Fai is not my go to go to person has always been my Bawla

Yes Fai is Perfect but I don't know anything about him...I don't even know his Little imperfections.

Everyday you wake up the first thing you want to do is see them and before sleeping last thing you want to do is see them or talk to them. - My day starts and ends with Bawla I can stay away from Fai but I can't stay away from Siddharth.

And every minute they are not with you , you feel like a part of you is missing. - My life is incomplete with Bawla bit i can imagine my life without Fai.

Do I really love Fai?

What???? I don't love Fai?? Shit!! But he loves me sm!! Why can't I love him?

A small voice inside my head already knew why I can't love Fai but I was so terrified of that answer that I could even think it out loud. If that really is the reason......was I lying to myself since so many years? When I told myself that me and Balwa are just Bestfriends? Is there something more than that?

POV ends.

Siddharth snaps his fingers infront of Jannat.

Siddharth- hello!?

Jannat- NO....

Siddharth- what no?

Jannat- I don't love Fai.

Siddharth- what? Are you serious?

Jannat- I haven't been more sure in my life.

Siddharth- uh...then who?

Jannat- who what?

Siddharth- who do you love then?

Jannat- uh...I...need to figure it out.

Siddharth- ohhk cool.

Jannat- uhh... Siddharth can I ask you something?


[Hey people.
How is everyone? Jannat finally  realised she doens't love Faisu yayyy🥳🥳😂
What do you think Jannat is going to ask Siddharth? ]

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