Chapter 10:

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Percy's POV:

Paul's family was about to get up and leave but were stopped by the lawyer speaking up, "There is one more thing within their will" which got Paul's family to stop moving to the door and turn around. "It's about the funeral that they wish to have" The lawyer continued and 

"I thought we would be discussing this as a family matter" Paul's father said

"I'm sorry but both of them have the funeral proceedings they wish to have within their will" The Lawyer said, much to the displeasure of Paul's family, who were probably planning on a traditional burial. "The will states that both Sally and Paul wish to be cremated within ancient greek tradition, and for them to have a burial shroud made" The Lawyer said, causing an uproar among many of Paul's family. "however, they do not state any specific designs they want for their shrouds they do, nevertheless, request that they be made and designed within the traditional ways they were designed in" the lawyer stated, which only annoyed Paul's family because it means they don't get to design it how they want.

"And finally the location of which they wish to have their funeral pyres burned is at the favored beach of their son on long island facing the sound" the lawyer finished leaving paul's family confused, as to the location choice, and me to wonder why they choose the fireworks beach.

After that the lawyer dismissed us all, and Paul's family was complaining about how hard it will be to comply with their wishes and it would be easier to just bury them. "Actually I know plenty of people who know the ancient funeral rites. And plenty of who can make beautiful burial shrouds" I said which just seemed to piss them

"who" Paul's mother demanded

"my wife, most of her family, myself, a few of my cousins, and a good handful of friends" I answered, which annoyed them even more as it is possible to give them the funeral that they wish to have.

"So when will we have their funeral and where" Paul's father asked as we all walked out of the building to see officer smith standing outside.

"we can start tomorrow afternoon at the earliest and meet me at the entrance to 3141 farm road, Long Island, New York at 1pm. We'll walk from there but you may want to all be wearing flats or sneakers because it's a bit of a hike" I said to them.

"That's fine" Paul's parents huffed before all of his family went into their rental cars, and went back to their hotels.

"Funeral arrangements were in the will weren't they" Officer smith asked

"Yes, I knew they wrote it in there but not to that much specificity" I said

"Alright and as for you all claiming their bodies" Officer smith asked

"we will claim them tonight or early tomorrow as to prepare them for their funeral" I answered.

"Ok. Have safe travels" Officer smith said as she entered her car and left to head back to the precinct to do her work.

Artemis and I started walking back to the same alleyway from which we came, when planning on how to get this done. We ended up deciding that we will drop Estella off at our palace, then she will go and tell Camp halfblood to prepare the shrouds for my parents and to build their funeral pyres on the beach. While I'll inform the Romans of my mother's and Paul's passing and invite any who want to goto the funeral to said funeral, while also giving them a time to be ready to leave tomorrow at my temple. After that we will inform Olympus of the funeral plans, which hopefully won't take that long and allow us to collect my parent's bodies before midnight where we will lay them in rest at the big house before having them moved to the pyres in the morning.

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