Chapter 20:

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An: sorry for the short chappie and late release, but a friend wanted me to play some RDR2 with him

Artemis's POV:

Mnemosyne did the reasonable thing to my husband's comment and opened her mouth to scream but was quickly prevented from doing so by Lelantos moving and covering her mouth with his hand. "Hi auntie" he said

"I swear you two boys are idiots" I said with an eye roll

"You may be right, but I am your idiot, and you love me" Percy responded with.

I lightly slapped Percy as I knew I was blushing, and then kissed his check. "Anyways lady Mnemosyne, we are extending an invitation of residence in our kingdom" I said gesturing to myself and Percy, and then motion to Uncle Lelantos to release her.

She immediately turned and glared at Lelantos, and then slapped him. I would have started laughing if my uncle wasn't just reduced to the mental capability of a fetus. "So what is this about an invitation to your kingdom" Mnemosyne asked

"Well we are inviting you to come live in our kingdom. Simple as that. You can have your own palace, or share with your sisters, if that is what you all decided to do" Percy stated

"and what of my work here" she asked

"you can still work here, we just ask that you stay with us until a certain drama queen lord of the skies calms down and becomes reasonable again" I stated

"You mentioned my sisters" She said seemingly completely ignoring me now

"Yes" Percy said

"are they there now"

"That I know of, only Phoebe and Leto are there that are titans" Percy replied

"then why come to me next" she asked

"well lets just say that the youngest son of Rhea wasn't to happy when he found out that my mother was staying in our kingdom, but that blew over rather quickly, but he was absolutely pissed when he learned about my grandmother also staying" I replied

"So why extend this invitation to me and my sisters...and presumably the other peaceful titans" Mnemosyne asked

"Because you all are innocent and from how angry thunderthighs was at the last solstice meeting. I am not sure of his intentions, and have reason to believe he is planning something against the remaining titans...all of them both peaceful and not" Percy answered which seemed to get Mnemosyne to start thinking.

"Is your kingdom, that of the seas, with Poseidon being gone gone" she asked

"Yes and Poseidon has been confirmed to have faded" I answered, slightly confused but I suppose being out of immortal world news can get you to be quite behind in the happenings of the immortal world. However, Mnemosyne seemed to look at us closer, studying us before starting to mumble about how she think it's starting and she should warn Rhea.

Weird my grandmother was mumbling the same thing when she got the same information that was just given. "Lady Mnemosyne may I ask what you think is starting as Lady Phoebe was saying the same" Percy asked, rather politely for him.

"No I'm not even sure if I'm correct in my assumptions and, I kindly accept your offer" she said, before looking at us expectantly.

"Can you give my uncle his memories back and allow us to go collect our children" I asked and she nodded before slapping Lelantos again

"Ughhh what happened" Uncle asked

"A book fell on your head and knocked you out" Percy answered smoothly, "anyway we need to goto the kids and we'll head back and figure out Lady Mnemosyne's living situation until she can have her own place or a collective place with her sisters built." Percy continued only to have Lelantos nod and stumble slightly heading out the door.


We collected the children while Mnemosyne mumbled something about how mortals need to step up security at the facility because of how easy we broke into and out of it, only to head back to our palace to find Phoebe and Leto were waiting. 

"Auntie" Leto yelled and ran to hug her aunt, "Come look" she more or less demanded and dragged Mnemosyne to her palace. "my daughter and son-in-law had it built for me".

However, during this time Mnemosyne was talking with her sister, "Is she always like this" Mnemosyne asked

"She has been since I've been here, but she acts more mature and responsible when she is babysitting her grandchildren" Phoebe answered, which got Percy and myself to sigh in a bit of relief because we were starting to worry about that.

Leto dragged everyone inside the palace where we saw Apollo sitting on the couch, in his five year old form, watching tv. "Brother I think you forgot to mention the meeting to mother and grandmother" I said

"which meeting"

"The solstice and how long have you been on that couch" I responded

"Oh...sorry...and I don't know how long"

"He's been there for like 2 weeks now" Leto responded

"Go do your godly duties Apollo, it's a miracle if the sun chariot didn't crash yet" Percy said, and Apollo seemed sad for a moment.

"I can still come back right" he asked

""Yes you idiot brother of mine now go" I said shoo-ing him off to which he hopefully teleported out to do his godly duties

Afterwards mother gave a tour of her palace and I myself was surprised at how large it was...and how I didn't notice it while it was under construction.

"This is cool and all niece, but I must ask the lord and Lady where I will be staying until my sisters and I decide if we are living together or separately" Mnemosyne said

"You could stay here if it's ok with Leto, stay in Hestia's palace if it's ok with her, or stay in the temporary accommodations provided by my fleet" Percy answered

"Please stay with me Auntie" Leto pleaded

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