Chapter 30: Reyna Warned

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Artemis's POV:

I honestly am struggling to believe that my father would declare his mother a criminal or the other peaceful titans for that matter. There's no logic or reason behind it, unless you count Athena being back, she could have manipulated the other council members with whatever she found out during her long stay in tartarus.

But now, Percy and I are doing some preparatory work in case Zeus decides to go further off the deep end. By that I mean we are heading to New Rome to notify his champion ahead of time, so she can prepare for political blowback, as she is Percy's champion, and to prepare a response to the Senate from her executive position.

Percy and I teleported to just outside the consul building, while going into our roman forms. scaring Reyna's guard detail, which Perseus found hilarious.

Diana's POV: but it's still technically Artemis

I whacked my husband upside the head to stop him before he started laughing at Reyna's guard detail. Who were now just starting to come out of the heart attacks we gave them from appearing out of nowhere. "What do you two want" The male guard said, rudely I might add.




Yeah I turned him into a jackalope, causing his fellow female guard to gasp in shock or horror and for Perseus to look at me. "What" I defended, "he was being rude"

"Fine" Perseus sighed, "but I'm telling Reyna what you did" 

I sighed in annoyance, I remember the last time we turned one of her soldiers into a woodland creature. That wasn't a fun time. "You two can't just go in there" the other guard said, but Perseus stopped me before I could turn her into an jackalope as well.

"I will see my champion even if it is not on her schedule" Perseus said walking past the guard, much to the guard's protest and commands that we can't go in here without an appointment.

Once we were inside the building and in Reyna's office, I waved my hand turning the other guard into a jackalope annoyed with her incessant complaining. Reyna just glared at me. "What she was annoying me, I'll turn her back when we are done here" I said

"And what of the other guard" Reyna asked, knowing I'm still not as accepting of males

"I'll turn him back too, assuming he doesn't get himself killed" I stated

Reyna just sighed out in frustration and muttered something about having stupid guards on duty at the worst times. "Anyways milord, and Lady Diana why are you here, you two haven't visited in a long while, though I do appreciate the notes notifying me of your children" Reyna stated

"Straight to the point Reyna. I always liked that about you" Perseus said, "Anyways daughter, I assume you are aware of Jupiter's new edict" 

 Ok I don't know if he told you or not, but Perseus and Reyna, have a sorta of father/daughter relationship, similar to our adopted children, on top of her being his champion. Which is part of the reason I'm not jealous or worried about her stealing my husband away from me, that and he's the god of loyalty, so cheating on me would also just be hurting himself.

Reyna sighed, "Yes I am aware of the new edict, yet that doesn't explain why you're here"

"We have come to tell you of our response to the proclamation" I stated, "As I am sure you are aware that Perseus and I are not on the best of terms with the Olympian council for they refuse to recognize our children"

"Yes I'm aware of that, but why does this warrant a response from you two"

 "Ahh well as you may not be aware Perseus and I are hosting my mother and grandmother, as well as other peaceful titans in our realm. We aren't aware if this is the gathering that thunder thighs mentions or not. And if it is, it shouldn't be of concern as they are peaceful and are working peaceful jobs." I stated

"Ahh so you two are planning on ignoring the order" Reyna stated in understanding

"Precisely" Perseus stated

"then why tell me"

"In a couple days times, Chris will arrive here after delivering our official response his father to give you, the praetors, and the senate a copy of our response. Which will likely call for an emergency senate meeting. I do not wish for you to be unprepared for that meeting, just be aware that we will likely not be popular figures on Olympus anymore, and we're officially resigning our positions on the council alongside Vesta and Apollo."

"So that's why not all of the Olympian council signed the order" 

"Yes us four were not present as for the others, I am not sure their reasons" Perseus replied

"How bad is worse case scenario" 

"I'm afraid the worst case is a declaration of War from Olympus, best case is the peaceful following of a prophecy as old as the grove of Dodona that grandmother Ops planted" Perseus stated

"What does the prophecy say" Reyna asked

"It speaks nothing of half bloods being involved, and if it is seen as necessary by Ops and her sister to reveal the prophecy to you they likely will. They only told us of the prophecy after they reunited, and have were adequately satisfied with some prerequisites to confirm the prophecy was starting" Perseus stated, "Though it wasn't really a prophecy as we know them, more so a story telling" 

"I see anything else to add"

"yes remember you are only obligated to assist Olympus in it's defense when war is declared against them. As Perseus and I won't take such actions you will have no obligations to go defend or assist Olympus in one of it's offensive wars. I suggest remaining neutral, unless there is unanimity in the senate" I stated, and turned her guards back to their original forms.

The female one immediately came through the door and looked mad at us, "You two shouldn't be here without an appointment" she stated

"Stand down" reyna ordered harshly, "My patron and his wife have no need to schedule visits to me. And our business for the day is done, though I wish they would have visited me more often" 

"sorry my champion, but kids are more time consuming to raise than I previously thought" Perseus said, only for the male guard to run in weapon out and charge at us.

I turned him back into a jackalope.

"really Lady Diana" 

"he charged at us" I stated, "I might turn him back before sundown" 

Reyna just shook her head as Perseus and I left and reverted back to our greek forms

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