Chapter 4: The Incomplete Palace

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Percy's POV:

"you know Thalia is going to be mad at us for leaving her there alone right, and without telling her where we were going" Artemis said as soon we finished teleporting, which many of the former huntresses thought was funny.

"Why you all laughing we all left without telling her" I said, and then realization hit them, while others decided to retort

"Well we can't teleport like you two can" came their defense

"you still came" I responded

"All of you be quiet" Artemis said, glaring at me and our adopted daughters, "good, now Estella you can open your eyes sweetie it's safe" she said softly and Estella got her first view of how things are under the sea.

"This is nothing like the little mermaid" she complained, and even the hunters could feel the disappointment in her words

"well that's because our palace is still under construction" Artemis said

Estella seemed to be thinking about that, "so when will it be completed" she asked

"don't know" I said, as well it was really only Tyson working on it

"most godly palaces from what I recall normally take a few months to a few years. Ours, however, might be a decade or so, as we are also building a city, eventually, and we are incredibly understaffed" Artemis explained, only to get everyone present to stare at her, "what I knew how long it took for mine and my brother's palace's to first be made, and all the remodel work as well" 

"oh" I said, and apparently the hunters had the same thoughts as I did.

"Did all of you think that I wouldn't pay attention to my own palace" Artemis said offended

"Well milady you do tend to rarely ever be on Olympus" the girls said, "most of your time is spent with us after all" Julia added on, to better their case, which only got Artemis to turn on me

"In my defense, I thought you only went to Olympus for council meetings, while the rest of your time was spent with them" I said, gesturing to her former hunters.

"Why does everyone think that" she said, mostly to herself.

I would answer her, but I think I would just get myself in trouble with my answer. We were about to walk into the start of the palace, but were stopped by none other than Clarisse and Chris, "Awww you brought the children with you" Clarisse said, "such lovely violent and destructive children" which made Estella hide in Artemis hair, and I'm nearly certain she was whispering to her.

"Clarisse would you try not to scare my little sister" I said. 

Clarisse got this real confused face before noticing Estella in Artemis's arms, "oh sorry about that but why...never mind" Clarisse said, and as she noticed my glare when she started to ask her question promptly stopping.

"How's the refit going" I asked, as I gave her oversight of that project, and I wanted to avoid the subject of my mother's passing.

"The destroyers have been mostly refitted, only working on the weapons systems for them. The Cruisers had their engines replaced. And work on the battleships and aircraft carriers haven't been started, I figured, we should get the quick work done first" She said

"Start work on the America and South Dakota, I want to have at least one of my flagships operational in a couple of months" I said, and Clarisse flashed off to the fleet. "Chris go get Thalia, she should be at Waystation" I said

"Is she angry" he asked

"most likely" Artemis said, before I could respond

"If I die tell Clarisse it was Thalia's fault" Chris mumbled before he flashed off to collect Thalia.

"Can we go choose our rooms now" Raily and Scarlett asked at the same time.

"Not yet, girls" Artemis said which seemed to upset them, "because first we need to check out the rest of the palace that's been constructed, preferably before Thalia arrives" Artemis said, and with that she started ushering all of the girls inside all while holding Estella.

Our first room was the entryway, which well wasn't completed, but that lead straight to the throne room, which well was without thrones but otherwise completed, and just as grand as the Olympian council throne room, maybe more grand but I could be biased about that.

After that we peeled off to the room on the left which basically lead to an empty living room, further connecting to the dining room and kitchen. Before heading up to some training rooms on the floor above, ranging from weights to sparring mats, to an archery range...I'll give you one guess who demanded the archery range, because even though I am good with a bow and arrow now, I hardly use the weapon, still preferring the sword. 

Passing over the throne room and going down a floor was the ball room to hold events even though that would probably be many many years away from ever being used, heck it might never be used, but we still need to have one...incase Apollo decides to throw a party here without informing us.

Somewhere behind the throne room and connecting to the ballroom was basically what would become the entertainment room, but for now it's barren and further behind that is when we get to the living quarters, which are also barren much like the rest of the palace. Alright girls you see the double doors" I said and they nodded, that's Artemis's and my bedroom, the remaining two rooms down here are planned to be nurseries, so if you see both of the stairs at the end of the hall each way will lead up to rooms you all can claim" I said, to which they took off, to lay claim to their rooms. 

"Girls if you see Tyson tell him to meet Percy and I in the throne room" Artemis shouted after them. Which got some 'yes mom's in response.

"Do you just want to set up your tent in our room for the time being" I asked, and she nodded. I opened the doors to our bedroom, and quickly set up her tent.

"PERCYYYYYY JACKSON, WHY DID YOU NOT TELL ME WHERE YOU WERE GOING" came the yell that would send fear for those who even survived Tartarus, well at least Nico and myself, as soon as the tent was set up.

"I guess we should welcome her" I whispered to Artemis

"Yes, let us go greet my angry lieutenant" She agreed before leading us back to the throne room where we found Thalia, silently fuming.

"Hello, my favorite pine tree" I said...yeah that didn't solve her anger if your wondering.

"Why didn't you tell me"

"Completely slipped my mind" I said, in defense of myself

"I've had a rough past 24 hours" Artemis responded, trying to settle Thalia's anger

"I...I can't blame you with what happened" Thalia sighed out, knowing how much we both cared about my mother, "I...What are my duties for now" she asked

"Two rooms to our right, your left, can you set up the dining tent" Artemis said, "after that head up stairs and make sure that the archery range is to standard, and the interior training rooms are all good...don't destroy anything either up there. Once done come back here and we will come up with sleeping arrangements for you" Artemis finished, and Thalia went off to do as she was asked.

"That went better than expected" I said

"agreed" Artemis said

"Anything for me to do" Chris asked

"Go help Clarisse" I suggested

"anything that doesn't involve me being a punching bag"

"go check the hunt's P.O. box, if there is nothing then go help your father for the rest of the day" Artemis said

"Of course milady" Chris said, leaving as fast as he could before Artemis could let loose an arrow.

AN: If I felt like it I would draw up a floor plan for you all to see, but it's like 4 am and I haven't slept in over 24 hours , so you ain't getting anything. Also no update tomorrow as I have to write a paper for a class, and take a test in geology. You might get something Tuesday or Wednesday 

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