Chapter 32: Zeus is an Idiot

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Herme's POV:

So, I  just resigned from being an Olympian and declared neutrality, in it's offensive war against Percy, though I have no doubt that Athena will try to spin it to make it seem like a defensive war.

I first went to my kids in CHB and told them what happened, before telling my children and legacies in New Rome. However after notifying them I realized I was now out of the job and really had nowhere to go. Well Percy is offering asylum  so I could try, and also tell him of the events of last meeting on Olympus.

So that is what I did I asked for Asylum and told him of Zeus declaring war, as well as mine and Frank's resignation, and the other neutrality promises of the other olympians. Thankfully he let me stay, but said I would have to find my own accommodations. Though Artemis made a condition of my stay being that I am not allowed to prank anyone.

 I left their palace and quickly found apollo, where we may have already broke the conditions of my stay, by pranking his mother.

Percy's POV: 

"so are we sure we can trust hermes" Leto asked

"I've known him long enough to know when he's lying and telling the truth. He was telling the truth, but he is probably going to prank someone eventually" Artemis responded

"So what are we going to do dad" Zoë asked 

Now you see the kids generally come to me when they want to talk war strategies because I'm the god of warfare, but what they are unaware of is that their mother is just as capable as me in the strategy department. I thought on it a moment, even asking Artemis her opinion, to which she didn't have one. "So only the youngest son and daughter of Rhea and Kronos, and little miss know it all, has declared war or openly support it. We are still in good relations with most of the minor deities, to my knowledge and the peaceful titans are here as citizenry." I pondered aloud only to be interupted by an Iris message appearing.

"Milord and lady" Reyna said

"Yes my champion" I asked

"The senate has declared neutrality in the coming matter, though many of us would support you, however, the oath after the previous civil war prevents us from doing so" Reyna responded.

"That is understandable dear, just keep new rome prepared for its own defense as always, and keep your people protected from monsters" Artemis responded

"I'll do my best as always" Reyna said cutting the connection

"alright now that they are formally neutral, I think it is best we just send a small delegation to CHB to negotiate" I said

"I'll go. I'm the only one here who can talk some sense into my children when they aren't fighting for attention" Rhea said pointedly glaring at Hestia

"Sorry mommy" Hestia said cowering under Rhea's glare

"It's fine dear, but I think it would be best for Percy and Artemis to accompany me"Rhea stated 

"Why grandma" Sally and Silena asked

"they won't let their children go, sending their lieutenants could be seen as an insult, not even mentioning the mail boy or head of construction and forging. Leto shouldn't go because you know one of us is bad enough two only confirms their gathering hypothesis in their eyes, and Hestia would be  alright but wouldn't be seen as an equivalent weight because Zeus and Hera will likely be there. and As for kym it will be a similar situation as to sending Clarisse or Thalia, an insult for not sending the highest ranking members" Rhea explained

"That makes sense" I stated

"All in favor of Rhea's plan" Artemis asked

the plan didn't get the support of our children barring Zoë but the others voted in favor overruling our children. "Why dad we want to help" Lucas said

"Although we want to help we are nowhere near prepared to assist in the upcoming fight we haven't had enough training and we are still young"Zoë said to her brother, "Now is not yet our time to fight, maybe in ten years or so we will be capable, but not now" 

the kids all seemed to understand their sister and just sat in their thrones glumly, "we will be back children, we are only going to talk" Artemis said, "and hopefully we will solve this without bloodshed" 

and with that we started making preparations to leave

Time skip

We set up a table with 6 chairs within easy scouting range of CHB and just decided to wait.

Malcolm came out of the camp's boarder an hour later, "I'm taking it you want to speak with Zeus, Hera and Athena" He stated

"Yes and tell my idiot children I'm expecting them to commit to unconditional surrender"Rhea said

"So that's where you got that from" Artemis and Malcolm said looking at me.

"got what from" Rhea asked

"Oh like 7 ish years ago during the olympian civil war, Percy opened each battle thanking the enemy for their surrender" Malcolm said

"ahh. well get going Hestia is expecting me for dinner tonight" Rhea said, and I have to say I don't even think I seen Hermes run as fast as Malcolm did to deliver the news.

Narrator: 5 minutes later

Zeus, Hera, and Athena all teleported in, in full war regalia at that, looking angry...similar to when Zeus lost his lightning bolt kind of angry. 

"Rhea" Zeus sneered

Narrator: It was at this moment Zeus knew he f***ed up

Artemis and I looked away before we saw what grandma was going to do to Zeus. All I heard was a very loud slap, next was crying, a shocked gasp, and a battlecry. My guess on that last one was from Athena. However, after that I heard what sounded like multiple bones breaking, a metal spear snap, and Hera begging for it to stop.

I turned around to see Zeus with a very clearly defined handprint on his face that was already swollen to almost be unrecognizable, Hera crying and pleading on her knees for Rhea to stop, Athena with bones and limbs bent at angles that shouldn't be possible, even for gods, and Athena's weapon of power split in two at Rhea's feet.

Rhea just wiped her hands, "ahh it feels good to finally put my unruly child in his place" Rhea stated. "now Hera as Zeus is incapacitated you will transfer the title of king and queen of the gods to Percy and Artemis, announce the unconditional surrender of olympus and end of the olympian council, and swear loyalty of yourself and your supporters in this war to Percy and Artemis on Chaos" Rhea stated, giving Hera the glare that only mothers can produce. In all honest even I was a bit scared of Rhea in that moment. 

Hera complied with Rhea's orders "thanks I guess I will re-own you then daughter" Rhea said and Hera turned into a 4 year old and just hugged Rhea's legs. Rhea Grabbed Zeus by the hair, and dragged him over, "would you two mind if I teach my son some lessons about trying to deny prophecy" Rhea asked, I shook my head no. 

"thanks, also I will take Athena to the brig till she can be tried and judged" Rhea said grabbing Athena by the hair and teleporting out.

"I didn't expect it to be that easy" I said

"Well Zeus shouldn't have insulted his mother" Artemis said 

"true that" I said, "so want to go on a date, head back to our palace, or inform the others of the end of the war and beginnings of reintegration" I asked

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