Chapter 16: Zeus forgot his Promises

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Artemis's POV:

The past years have been crazy, and no Percy didn't forget anything important. The hardest thing is that my father doesn't even recognize my children's existence, that's what hurts most and is hardest thing to deal with. As, Percy and I can't necessarily act on their behalf, or let it obviously affect our voting when we are at the solstice meetings. 

However, we summon our children and Estella once a week, so we can discuss their domains and how they plan to deal with any problems in their domains. The children have taken to calling that the boring work day, as it is like a board meeting for a company.

Oh and they love their grandma and great-grandmother, the latter of whom is starting to get more social after living in secrecy and isolation for many years.

Which is where the kids are now, because Percy and I are at a solstice meeting with our lieutenants, which Clarisse is annoyed at, as she hates it here and would prefer being on a warship or with Chris, who is currently taking care of Hermes's deliveries, for the day.

"It has come to my attention that somebody here is harboring a Titan" my father said, looking directly at percy, who was ignoring him, and listening to music.

My father appeared to be waiting for a response from Percy, but got tired of waiting so he started Yelling, "WILL YOU TAKE OFF THOSE WRETCHED HEADPHONES AND ANSWER MY QUESTION DAMMIT, ARE YOU HARBORING ANOTHER TITAN, PERCY"

I sometimes regret the fates giving my husband the domain of sass, because it's at times like this I'm worried that he's going to get himself killed, or start a war, which our children are not prepared for yet.

"Sorry what was that, I thought my portion of this meeting was done" he sassed, and I saw Zeus go straight to purple with rage.

"He was asking if you are harboring another titan, Perseus" Hera said calmly, before Zeus could start yelling again.

"Oh me...uhhh give me a week and I'll get back with you on that" Percy sassed, and I just let out sigh knowing he's creating problems


"Oh she's peaceful, I didn't think you meant to include her" Percy said calmly, "The peaceful titans are free beings afterall" he finished more seriously, bringing up his request from the end of the second Titan war

Zeus started grumbling, and I have a bad feeling he wants to wipe out the titans right now, but isn't going to do so until he can do it himself in one sweep, and thus it would be too late for the council to act.

Once his grumbling was done, Zeus dismissed the council and all but Apollo and Hestia flashed out, besides Percy and I. "We have to warn mom" Apollo stated transforming into his 5 year old form.

"Warn her that father is angry at Percy and I for allowing her mother to stay with her, and that he might be planning something" I said, and Apollo nodded seriously.

"Percy, Artemis, I suggest you two also prepare your children for what might be to come" Hestia said

"Alright auntie Hestia" both Percy and I flashed off with Apollo following us.

When we landed in the palace I turned to Apollo. "what" He stated, "I want to tell mommy" He said, running outside the palace doors hopefully not forgetting the way to mother's palace from here. 

"If he gets lost it's his fault right" Percy asked

"yup" I responded, "but we should tell our kids that their weapons training is going to increase now, and their powers training" I added

Percy then summoned the kids and told them that we were increasing their training regiment.

"Why, though" Zoë asked, "I thought we were doing good"

"Your father did something stupid at the council meeting today and Zeus isn't happy about what he said after doing said stupid thing" I explained and Percy shrugged, "we are just preparing you for if he decides to do anything so that you all can defend yourselves if required" I finished

The kids let out a sigh, "Dad what did you do" 

"The usual. Ignore Zeus after my part of the meeting was done" he said, simply, and the kids sighed again, as they know their grandfather hates them and their father, and their father more than ever since he is the god of sass and regularly disrespects him.

"Dad why, do you do this, you don't need to make him hate you more you know" Zoë, Sally, and Silena all said at once.

"He doesn't recognize you as even existing my children, why should I care how he views me" Percy argued back and all of our children seemed to nod in agreement that there father was correct, and we shouldn't care how he views us.

"Anyways children if you are done with your questions to your father, you're dismissed to your duties for the remainder of the day, and your training starts tomorrow, and we will be having a meeting next week" I said, and all the kids flashed off.

"I guess they are done" Percy said, looking at me innocently

"You cause us a lot of trouble you know" I said jokingly

"nah I think your father forgetting to let the peaceful titans go freely is causing a lot of problems" he responded

I just let out a sigh as I don't want to summon my husband's sassy side to annoy me for the rest of the night. I got up off my throne and grabbed him dragging him to our bedroom so I could goto sleep with my pillow.

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