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Julie and Luke stopped at the edge of the woods, outside the castle gardens. They were still holding hands and Julie started to let go at an achingly slow pace, Luke doing the same. She didn't know if they'd ever get to do that again. Their fingertips rested on each other for a moment before Julie fully pulled away her hand and walked forward, Luke many steps behind her like they used to when he first got there.

She looked back at him before she entered the sunroom, and he gave her a smile. It made her relax as she walked all the way in, knowing he wasn't mad at her. Maybe she took it a little too far, but she wouldn't know for sure unless she asked. And they weren't ones to talk about things like that.

Back up in her room, she texted Flynn. The entire time her and Luke were holding hands, she was telling herself how she could never tell Flynn because she would blow things out the water. But she texted her. And she was right.

Flynn: YOU WHAT?!!!!

Julie: Don't make this into a big deal




Julie: No we haven't talked... I think I made it weird


Julie: When did I say I liked him

Flynn: Julie I'm going to kick you

Flynn: You guys are obviously in love and are going to run away together from your royal life and live happily ever after on an island

Julie: You're obviously insane. I'm going to have them ban you from the palace. I don't trust you around him right now.

Flynn: I'm already on my way

Flynn: You can't stop me

Julie: R you really??

Flynn: no lol

Julie: Knew it

Flynn: But really

Flynn: You should talk to him about it

Julie: What would I even say?

Flynn: First of all, confess your love to him

Julie: No

Flynn: I'm kidding

Flynn: Not really but anyways

Flynn: Just ask him if you crossed a boundary or something. That's probably what you're worried about.

How did she get someone on Earth who understood her so well?

Julie: I will. Thank u <3

Flynn: of course 😊

Flynn: Ask him now and tell me

Julie: you're annoying. Bye.


Julie was almost afraid to walk out to dinner. She thought about calling it into her room, but she knew it would worry Luke. The last time she did that, he had Flynn rush over and that's the last thing she wanted.

They sat alone at the formal dining table. Carlos and Reggie ate out at a restaurant with the baseball kids, and her dad was stuck in a long meeting. It couldn't get any more unbearable than Luke sitting next to her in complete silence at a dining table for large parties. The sound of silverware was the only thing filling the room and every bit of noise made Julie's heart jump. Luke wasn't much of a talker during dinner, always scarfing things down like it'd be his last meal, and she was the one to make conversation. But she couldn't get her mouth to open.

She looked up at the chandelier and watched how still it was. She held her breath as she waited for it to move, but it never did. "I wonder," Julie whispered, "what would happen if the chandelier just fell." Luke looked up at it, and when she looked at him, she saw he was smiling.

"You're weird," he told her, looking at her. For once, it was her that blushed and looked away from him. She almost regretted holding his hand, but she knew she would regret it more if she never did.

"We're fine, right?" she asked him. Before he could answer, she heard the paintings on the wall start to rattle, the porcelain dishes joining in. She looked up and saw the chandelier was swinging back and forth. She couldn't move, and she didn't feel anything inside her body until Luke pulled her back on Earth. Luke grabbed her and pulled her under the wooden table, pulling her close to his chest as the quake went by. She was still as he squeezed her tight, and she wondered if he was scared.

She let out a deep breath as soon as the movement stopped. She turned to look Luke in the face which was less than an inch away from her. He stared at her with wide eyes, and she was suddenly more aware of his hand on her back.

A voice came in screaming, "Princess!" Julie jumped up, hitting her head on the table.

"Owe," she forced out a laugh as she started crawling out. "I'm fine," she called out to the worker as she rubbed her head. The worker ran to her, checking her arms and face as Luke came out from under the table.

"You're not hurt? Your knight kept you safe?" she asked Julie, her voice stressed and worried.

"Yes, I'm perfectly fine," Julie assured her with a smile, giving her a hug. The worker hugged her back and cracked a part of her back while doing it. "Are you all alright?"

"Yes, we all are. Oh, I'm so glad it was nothing," she said with great relief. "I'll run back and tell the others." She did like she said and ran out the dining room, leaving Luke and Julie alone. She looked over at him and noticed he was watching the chandelier. It was slowly moving back and forth into its original still motion.

"Thank you," Julie got herself to tell him.

"Of course," he said. He walked over closer, Julie nearly backing up before realizing he was fixing a loose strand of hair and tucking it behind her ear. "And yes. We are fine," he smiled at her. He seemed to be playing her game, now. She put her hand on top of his, and his cheeks turned red, his confident face struggling to keep still. She was still the one with the upper hand.

She smiled and let go of him, walking away. "I don't think I'm hungry anymore," she said. "Do you still want to eat?" she asked.

"I honestly might throw up, so no."


"You're gross." Luke and her smiled at each other. They'd be fine.


Sorry for the short chapter, but I cut out the ending and decided to move it more ahead in the plot. This means I'm caught up with myself now and have a weekend of writing to look forward to. Thank you guys for the feedback on the last chapter I'm so happy you all loved it! Thanks for reading!!

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