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Luke stayed up all night, staring up at the ceiling and imagining plastic stars that would glow in the dark. The curtains in their room were a thick material, and he didn't have the energy to move them just in case the sunrise wasn't there to ignite itself through the dark. He almost did wish he had a Sunday off so he could sleep through it and ignore that his life that was getting more unbearable.

He checked his phone and saw it was already seven in the morning, as well as a text from Alex.

Alex: Sorry I didn't reply. My parents went nuts last night and I threw my phone out the window. It was past my curfew.

He had texted Alex at two in the morning not to vent, but to remind himself there were still parts of him that were likable. That he wasn't all that bad, and he had friends who were there for him not just because they were always with him. He hadn't vented to anyone in so long, and his fingers were red from playing guitar for a few hours when he realized he wasn't going to sleep that night.

Luke: Willie?

He didn't expect him to reply within seconds, but he did. He realized Alex didn't sleep either. Reggie could have a million problems and sleep like an angel, but Luke and Alex were the same in the way that their anxieties would stop them from taking care of themselves. Luke overate, Alex underate. Luke and Alex both avoided sleep. They both shut down and didn't want to talk at times. Alex was more likely to vent after a few days, Luke had been locked within himself for years now.

Alex: Yeah. He was about to come over again but they're suspicious.

Luke: I mean

Luke: If they haven't noticed it at this point they might just not want to admit it to themselves

Alex: I know

Alex: That's what Willie said. And I think so too because whenever he comes over they insist he takes the guest room furthest away from me because of the bed or whatever

Alex: And last night they were pretending to freak out about the war and not knowing who our real allies are as if Willie would ever do anything to us

Luke got up from his bed and got ready for the day. He put on his suit after getting out of the bathroom and went out into the hall, realizing that the Princess and Reggie were out there. Reggie was the first to notice him, and he jumped in place, as if he was talking about him. He had a tell that Luke picked up from when they would talk about the other people in the academy who'd suddenly show up. It was probably why they had no other friends besides each other.

"Morning," Reggie said to him, saluting. Luke raised an eyebrow and stopped next to him, fixing his own tie.

"Morning," Luke said suspiciously, looking between the Princess and Reggie. They looked at each other and then at Luke and then at each other many times before Reggie began whistling a random song they had written ages ago. Luke could recognize any of them in a heartbeat.

"You look like you didn't sleep," Reggie told him. Luke stuck his tongue out at him and set his tie down.

"Good morning," the Princess told him. Luke bowed to her and smiled.

"You're up early," he told her. Reggie let out a chuckle and the Princess rolled her eyes because of him.

"You think she's lazy?" Reggie asked him, making his cheeks get warm.

"What?" Luke spun his head quickly at the Princess who was also turning red in between them. "No. I don't think that."

Reggie whistled and put his arm around Luke's shoulder, "I don't know, man. You sort of implied it." Luke smacked his lips and pulled away from Reggie.

"Stop being dumb. You know I didn't mean that." Luke glared at him before looking back at the Princess. "Princess, I didn't mean that." Reggie started to laugh again, and Luke flicked his cheek, hearing the Princess snicker right after.

"I know," Princess Julie smiled at him. "I'm going to go get out of these," she said, looking down on her pajamas. "I'll join you two in a bit." She walked away without another note and Luke turned to Reggie who was rubbing his cheek where Luke flicked.

"You're annoying," Luke said to him, leaning against the wall next to him.

Reggie smiled. "She went to go get changed because you're here."

"No," Luke said without second thought.

"Uh huh. She was fine being in her PJs this entire time until you came out here," Reggie whispered to him. "She likes you back." Luke rolled his eyes and tugged on Reggie's ear.

"Well. I don't like her in that way, and she doesn't like me." Luke bit on his tongue, hoping Reggie wouldn't say anything else. He looked back at him and saw that he was still smiling. Luke tugged harder on his ear until Reggie slapped his hand away.


Luke and the Princess left the dining room after ten, following the King to the first meeting of the day. Maybe second considering the one from yesterday didn't end until midnight, ending with the news that King Caleb was paying a visit. King Ray seemed more stressed and freaked out, and it made Luke worry. He couldn't save Julie.

They were about to enter the meeting room when Luke noticed Alex sitting in a chair down the hall. He tapped the Princess' shoulder and pointed at him. "Go with him. I'll call us out," Princess Julie whispered to him before catching up to the King, the meeting door closing.

Alex was leaned back in the seat, staring at the ceiling and didn't notice Luke until he hovered over his face. "Hey. Are you lost?" Luke asked him. Alex forced a smile, but he could tell he was upset and was going to be for a few hours. It was just the way Alex was.

"My mom made me come here," Alex sighed, sitting up straight. Luke sat in the chair next to him, noticing his leg was bouncing up and down. "She thinks I'm going to run away."

"Were you?"

He was silent for a moment before saying, "If I was to, it's not her business." Luke smiled and patted his shoulder, not knowing what else to tell him. "So," Alex looked at him and smirked. Luke felt himself get cold. He knew exactly where this was going, and he needed to find Reggie and kill him. "Julie." He was right. Luke rolled his eyes and looked away. "That's your tell! Looking away. You totally like her," Alex laughed.

"Shut up, dude," Luke put his hand over his mouth, looking around in the empty hall. Alex was still laughing, shoving off Luke's hand. "What lies did Reginald tell you?" Alex pulled away and smiled.

"You can be mad at Reggie all you want, but it's Flynn who's been telling me." Luke raised an eyebrow, not expecting that. What was the Princess telling her? Did she talk about him?

"Hi, Alex," Princes Julie's voice appeared down the hall. Luke straightened out as Alex stood up to go hug her. He pulled on Luke's ear before walking away. They talked amongst themselves while Luke stared off at a painting they had hanging up in hallway. It was one of the ocean, lavenders mixed with blues. He couldn't tell if it was supposed to be happy or sad. "Luke," the Princess called to him. He looked over at her, her voice a sunset to his chest. She was arm in arm with Alex already, reaching out her hand to him. "Let's go to the garden."


A/N: The plot isn't moving in these chapters because I need to squish in some metaphors before I move on with the story. I think they just have one or two more chapters of hanging out. This was supposed to be the last chapter of them just doing nothing, but it was Luke's POV turn and that chapter was planned for Julie's so yeah. Another filler.

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