Mist Covered Stars

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"Julie," she heard behind her. She turned around and saw Luke standing there, and everything she had been feeling was set on fire like a lit match falling on gasoline.

"You!" she screamed walking over to the bars. "What the fuck, Luke!"

"Princess," he whispered, nervously looking around. "Please be quieter."

"Be quiet? You literally fucked me over, kidnapped me, and you want me to be quiet?" she screamed at him. She hated that her eyes started filling with tears and that her chest was tightening up. She took many deep breaths as tears slipped down her dry skin. "You betrayed me." She was quieter now, speaking as normally as she could between sobs. "I thought you were going to protect me. I thought you were just so secretive because your past was painful, but it was because you were planning on hurting me. Why did you have to pretend that you liked me, too?"

"Princess, please," Luke said. He couldn't look her in the eye, looking up at the roof.

"You guys should've just killed me," she told him. She put her head against the cells, crying. "You were supposed to protect me, Luke. You were supposed to." She heard metal clicking against each other, and saw Luke was unlocking her cell.

"Let's go," Luke said to her. Julie backed up away from him as the door opened.

"No," Julie told him, wiping her face with the back of her hand. Luke frowned motioning her with his hand, but Julie took another step back. "No. You're crazy if you think I'm going with you."

"I'm trying to get us out," Luke said, whispering. "Please. Trust me."

"I already did once and look where that got me," Julie said to him. "Fuck you. Leave me alone." He winced, but he just took a deep breath after.

"Come on, please," Luke begged her. "I will explain everything. I just need to get us out of here first."

"Explain now," she said.

"I don't have time right now. We need to leave now before they realize I lied to the guard," Luke said. Julie stood there for a moment, staring at his face. She was so hurt, and she felt like she was still on fire. It was an unwavering pain that she felt inside of her, a form of grief for Luke who wasn't dead, but no longer standing in front of her. "Please, Julie. I will tell you everything I swear. I didn't want to do this. I swear I didn't. I had to." Luke looked Julie in her eyes, and she wanted to call him a coward. But she didn't.

"Let's go then," she snapped at him. Luke sighed in relief and started unraveling rope that was on his side. He walked over to the window in the main cell area, and he tossed the rope out. She walked over as he tied at around a post in the cells. "What's this?"

"Remember I once told you they taught us how to scale building in the academy?" he asked her. She nodded. "Well, I'm going to have to do a refreshers course with you." Julie looked out the window and saw how high up they were. The castle lake was still surrounding them, but there was a small patch of land where the castle was.

"You're insane," Julie told him.

"I got you if anything," Luke told her.

"Well, you first," Julie said, standing away. Luke gave her a small smile, and she scowled. "Do not smile at me."

"Yes, ma'am," he said before starting to climb out.

"Do not call me ma'am, either" she yelled at him as he started making his way down. She watched him hold on to the rope as he kicked his way down the castle walls. She was going to die for sure, but that was Luke's problem.

When he got to the floor, he yelled directions at Julie that she partially ignored. She mimicked the way he climbed out and took a deep breath as her entire body was outside the castle, her bare feet planted against the stone. It hurt, but she had enough adrenaline for her entire reign now. She slowly made her way down, taking her time as she knew it would bother Luke who seemed angsty to leave.

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