Alone.....forever,possibly. prt 9

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sry bout the last chp

one of mi fans pointed out that last chp was named prt 9 instead of prt 8


it was jus prt 8, i accidently wrote the name down wrong

te hehehe :P

plse comment nd such :)

nd remember u stil hv the oppurtunity to come up wit a new title :)

so send em in!!!

thanku guys so much for reading nd plse plse vomment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



The general Chris Scott looked at me.

"You could've been caught! You could've killed yourself! You could've put everyone in danger! The plan could've been ruined!"

I looked up to see him pacing the room.

"You are so lucky that it was one of our guys! I swear, that would have been a catastrophe! The whole plan would've gone up in flames. And let me tell you it would not have been pretty!"

Obviously, he was mad. I decided I would let him get it all out of his system before I would say anything.

"Green-yode, we can't go through this again. Do you understand? One false move and you're out. We can't afford to have any more mistakes."

"Yes sir." I said.

"Good, you're dismissed." He walked towards the door.

"Oh and tidy this up will you Green-yode?"

Green-yode was my code name. I couldn't think of anything but Star Wars when they asked me and what came in my head was Yoda and Yoda was green. Thus, I'm stuck with Green-yode.

I started to pick up and organize the strewn papers the general had thrown all over the room.

I sorted them and placed them in piles.

I then heard a knock at the door.

It was Logan.



I paced the room back and forth; that's what I did when I needed to think.

I had done it, I had let Deven out. I should've released her a long time ago, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

Logan had kept pestering me and pestering me to the point where it was no longer "pestering" but pure agony. And that 'Agony" soon became something I had hated to deal with, in a way, it was torture.

Every day, every hour, he would say "Let her out Ryan. It's time."

Let's just say, he never got a pleasant reply.

Well, at least half of it was going smoothly. Deven seemed to like Logan, well, at least not hate him.

The only thing I had to do next was tell Deven that I didn't kill her family or friends, that I didn't wipe out every human being she had known.

But that would take courage and courage would take time. Especially for me. God, why couldn't it be easier? Why couldn't I just face her and look her in the eye and not feel confusion or hate or anger?

I stopped pacing and looked around the room. I was in Deven's old room, or more appropriately termed, prison cell.

It really was disgusting. Half of the sink was corroding and the bed couldn't even be called a bed. I can't believe I kept her in here. God, no wonder she hates me.

I walked out of the room and closed the door behind me. I would never, ever do something like that to her again.

She'll hate me but I can't keep trying to get revenge on her for something that Lindsey did. I can't.

And I won't.

alone, forever......possiblyWhere stories live. Discover now