alone.....forever,possibly prt 3

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hey guys the link above is what Hallie Gwen looks like. Sry I couldnt put it on the side but hey uk u gotta do what u gotta do :)

thx for readin nd plse fan nd comment :D


Hallie Gwen:

"Sadie, stop that." I said as my little sister pulled my dog's tail. She obeyed and went to go find herself another toy to play with, waddling along in only her diapers and shoes.

Sadie had grown a lot since Deven left. Her hair was no longer a tuft on the top of her head; it was instead a handful of blonde curls. She is now I'd say up to my knees and is one of those chubby cute toddlers losing their baby fat. She definitely inherited our mother's features unlike the rest of us who had taken after our father. I feel bad for her sometimes, sharing traits with Mom but I know it's not the most important thing in the world.

Collete has also grown. She just turned 14 a month ago and is honestly, really gorgeous. Her long brown hair goes all the way down to the small of her back and her eyes reflect her middle name perfectly. Collete October has eyes that will send you spinning. They are a warm chocolate brown with flecks of orange and yellow and a rim of coffee black surround it all.

It's been harder since Deven was taken. She was the hunter, I was the cook and Collete was well, to be honest, the housekeeper. Neither of us can hunt and since Sadie can't do really anything, Collete and I split the house cleaning and she went out to find food such as berries, plants, occasionally something from the market.

"Sadie Chase! Didn't I tell you not to pull Rose's tail? It hurts her." I said.

Sadie patted the dog on the head sympathetically and resumed playing with her doll.

"Hallie?" she asked.

"Yeah Sadie?"

"I miss Deven..." she stated to cry. And suddenly, Collete was there, comforting her, drying the tears of her face. I was never good at this, comforting people. I was always the person who just walked away because whatever I said or did would make the situation even worse. Deven was good at this, she would always comfort us when Mom came home, drunk as ever, slobbering, slopping her way up the stairs as we watched. It didn't bother us as much as it bothered the two younger ones, but still it hurt.


It was only two months ago that my twin sister was taken. We don't know how or why, in fact, the only thing we do know is that she's gone. And it wasn't by choice. She went out hunting one day and was spotted by some people in town coming back with some game. But she never made it to the house. All that was left was the game bag, full, and some blood tracks. We've been sent a message that she's alive and if we want to keep her that way and save our own lives as well, then we have to keep quiet. But her memory still haunts me in my dreams.

"Hallie Gwen "my sister called, "HALLIE GWEN".

"HALLIE!"she screamed. I shifted back to reality.

"Whaa...What do you want?" I asked softly yet confused.

"Can you make some cookies for Sadie?"

"Uhh... yeah, sure." I was still out of it from thinking about Deven. I started to wonder if things could be easier.

Mom certainly doesn't help things. An alcoholic, a drunk. It's a wonder she makes it back to the house some days. Not that we want her here that is.

I start to make the cookies and ration the sugar. It's war time, we're lucky to have this much as it is.

A knock comes at the door. Collete gets up to answer it.

"Shane!" she screams and gives him a big hug.

Shane is my best friend. He's how we're surviving right now. Without Deven, we have no meat. And without meat, Collete has to gather food, no longer able to do the laundry job she once had.

"Hi gorgeous." he greets me.

"Hey Shane. What's the news for today?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary. Old man Harris down the road built a town garden but that's about it.

Collete sprung out of her chair.

"A town garden!" she shouted. "Do you know what this means!?" She turned to me.

"I can go back and work!" she exclaimed.

The night proceeded. Shane joined us for dinner and told Sadie jokes and stories while Collete ranted about how we will not only have money but food as well.


I know this wasn't what you guys were expecting but I feel that Deven's family needed to be introduced because they will be one of the main characters later on.

The pic on the side is Sadie, I don't know who she is but that's her.

alone, forever......possiblyWhere stories live. Discover now