Alone...forever, possibly. prt 1

498 12 17


"You wouldn't believe me if I told you. But that girl does not deserve to live." I said.

"And why is that Ryan? Hmm? Because she broke your poor pitiful heart? Because she ruined your messed up plans?" Logan said.

"No! This is why I can't tell you anything! This is why you idiot! You ask me and ask me! 'Why don't you talk to me? Why don't you follow or even listen to anything I say?' you ask me every day. This is why Logan! This is why! You never hear me out and decide to insult me before I can say anything!"

"Deven should live and you know it! Without her, you and me would be nothing! We wouldn't have gotten this far and we certainly won't get any farther without her!" he shouted.

Without another word, I stormed out of the room. I couldn't believe it. He was on her side. I had trusted him only to be betrayed. He's my own cousin; we're family, partners and he betrayed me.

'I don't care what he thinks. She should die. I should let her kill herself, god knows she wants to. It's a miracle really that the boy became one of us. But he wasn't important anyway. It was only about getting her.' I thought.

Logan won't let her die, I don't understand why. She's just suffering from agony and abhorrent pain. She's too weak from the last incident to pull another sucidal stunt. So now, I have to think of something. What would happen if she did die? Would we go under?

Would the whole revolution go under?

Oh God.


The letter. The letter her father had sent me would tell me.

I got up and started rummaging through the dark office.

"Where is that damn thing?" I asked to myself.

I pulled out file cabinet drawers, searching through them and throwing them on the floor when I had completely searched them.

"Where is it!?"

I looked in the closet, neatly organized, only to make a mess of things.

I looked in the bookcase, rummaging through the books, seeing if someone had hid it there.

"Where is that fucking letter!?" I screamed to myself.

I ran my hands through my hair furiously.

"Sir," a voice said, interrupting me from my thoughts.

I turned to see the new maid, Samantha. She was quite small and shy and her face was terrified,

almost as if I was about to kill her.

"Yes!?" I asked, still angry from not finding what I was looking for.

" I... I..." she stuttered. "I believe you're looking for this..."

She held out a large, manila envelope.

My anger fled from me and I grabbed it out of curiousity.

I mumbled my thanks and the girl nodded and disappeared.

I sat on the floor, not bothering to pick up the chair that had tipped over in my searching.

I ripped it open and carefully took out the paper and unfolded it.

I looked down to see the words carefully printed against the page.


To whom it may concern,

In my absence, death or lack of presence, my daughters will each have a protector, a bodyguard of some sort.

alone, forever......possiblyWhere stories live. Discover now