Chapter 5: Safe Prison

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"Tolo!" The guard pulled the maidens elbow forward as the second followed beside her. She forced each step, one after the other as she looked back glimpsing at Thranduil and Tauriel. (Tolo!= Come)

She knew the both of them were conversing about her, yet the fact that an elf she barely knew was speaking on her behalf struck her. "Why would she defend me when I cannot even defend myself," the elf maiden asked herself as her hands pulsed.

Suddenly nearing the corner and vanishing from Tauriel's view the elf maiden paused, bewilderment catching her eyes and ears, "Baw daro!" The guards continued to push the maiden forward as she tried to steady her footing from leaving the sight of Thranduil and Tauriel. (Baw daro!= Dont stop!)

She knew now that both of them moved on to a different topic and she could hear every word. Tauriel's expression changed dramatically and the maiden was startled backwards. She might not have known the story behind Tauriel's grief, but she knew the exact pain she was feeling.

The guards pushed the maiden hard enough for her to once again move forward diminishing her sight from the king and Tauriel.

The maiden could not stop thinking about what Tauriel had said for her and what bitter words the king had said to Tauriel. She knew what Tauriel had felt was grief of love for another and perhaps she knew it was the reason for Tauriel to voice out for her, but she couldn't help but share that sadness with herself.

The maiden dragged her bare feet against the polished wooden floor until they finally reached their destination.

"Minno!" the guard ordered pushing the maiden slightly towards two carved and silver mantled doors. She looked back to the guards for a moment as they kept watch on her and only her. (Minno= Enter)

She breathed in and out deeply extending her hands clasping the cool steel handle and gently opened the doors to her new quarters. She looked around as she observed the room to be somewhat smaller than the last, yet it was neat, lively, and vibrant. It was close to perfection, yet she did not feel at ease for some unknown reason.

The maiden took a few steps into the room, her hands still grazing the sides of the door when suddenly the guards pushed her in and shut the door abruptly locking her inside.

Now she knew this place was a prison as she ran swiftly to the doors before they had locked it. Her hands, now formed into fists slightly banged against the door as her forehead slugged onto it, shaking some strands of hair down to her cheek.

Her breath hardened feeling her eyes shut uncontrollably. Her gasps quivered as she moved her head slightly. Her legs, slim and strong as they were now felt like jelly oozing its way slowly to the paved floor.

The maiden could not do anything nor could she say anything as her entire body slowly slithered down dragging her forehead and hands to slide against the door in pain, in agony, and in wait. In wait that something would happen that could render her free of these feelings, to free her from herself, to free her from her king.

The maiden did not move from that very same spot the entire night. No one came in and obviously she couldn't go out so she sat there, alone, nothing more to live for but to stay by one's side as nothing more than a prisoner, a slave. That's what she had been taught and has lived for all her life.

She couldn't change the fact that she had no life she could call her own. It had always belonged to someone or something.

Her mind grew restless as her body stiffened from the drastic freezing temperature hurdling through every inch of the room. She didn't want to move, yet even if she wanted to she couldn't. Her back felt so sore as pain inflicted her into to doing nothing more than to lean against the door.

Hours passed and she, still laid against the doors, did not move. She couldn't even utter a word or a wail feeling her back boil, causing her temperature to spike enormously. Her head felt hot as her brain pulsed feeling a derange sort of feeling course through her veins.

The maiden now at the brink of collapsing held her hand to the door. Her sweat, now lingering on the wood shined as she tried, with all of her remaining strength to bang the door loud enough for one of the guards to notice.

Her hand now trembling lifted backwards, but as she forced it back to the door's center her strength diminished completely. Her hand simply touched the doors outer layer as it soon glided back down, trembling in horror and pain.

This was not what the elf maiden had wanted, yet it was something she had waited for many years and perhaps there was nothing stopping her now.

The maiden's eyes started to drift away feeling her eyelids weigh like lead. She gasped slowly, almost time to let go when the doors open abruptly. Tauriel entered searching the room for the elf maiden until her eyesight finally locked on her, laid down on the floor.

"Boe enni dulu!" Tauriel shouted to the guards outside of the chambers who quickly darted to Tauriel's call. (Boe enni dulu!= I need help!)

"Man le tresta, Tauriel?" one of the guards questioned, turning to face the two maidens on the floor. (Man le tresta= What troubles you)

"Boe enni nestron!" Tauriel forcefully lifted the maiden into her arms as the maiden herself felt weary as to what was happening. The maiden could not concentrate, rather her senses of sight and smell were vanishing drastically. (Boe enni nestron= I need a healer)

"Nidh!" the maiden said as Tauriel pulled back from giving her the slightest touch on the back. (Nidh!= Ouch!)

"Tolo," the guard said reaching over to grab the maiden from Tauriel knowing he could carry her at ease compare to Tauriel. (Tolo= Come)

"Gwaem," Tauriel ordered, zipping from hall to hall until they reached the infirmary. (Gwaem= Let's go)

There, herbs of many species grew for many purposes, especially healing, yet Tauriel did not know what was causing such pain for the maiden to act this way.

"Call for Legolas this instant. We need him here," Tauriel demanded as both the guards leave in search for him.

Tauriel not knowing what to do held her hand onto the maiden's forehead feeling it burn like boiling water. She quickly reacted placing both her hands on the maiden's hand viewing her veins clearly when she quickly pressed down.

Her veins turned purple in color making Tauriel rush throughout the room in search for a certain herb.

She knew exactly what happened to the maiden. She was poisoned and the only way to cure it would be to use a herb called Sethiros. It was rare to the point that not much people even knew about it.

Tauriel quickly grabbed it from a shelf. She pulled its roots and quickly pummeled them on the mortar with a pestle. The liquid drawn from it was soon collected and Tauriel shoved the substance in her mouth.

She hurriedly pricked the maiden's skin where a vein could be seen visibly.

The maiden now grew tired and her body turned pale as if she was on the brink of death. Tauriel now panicked slightly, but she did not waver. She quickly placed her lips to the vein and forced the substance into her body allowing it to course throughout her veins.

Tauriel, finished with the first procedure quickly backed away and grabbed the leaves of Sethiros and crumpled them in her palms as she deliberately began to chant, pressing the herbs onto the maiden's skin where the vein was.

"Ceven dhaer, ano vellas lin enin 'raw hen," Tauriel repeated this many times over until the paleness in the maiden's face soon lifted and a plush color soon replaced it. The maiden's breath steadied steeply until her face wondered to the side where Tauriel sat beside her.

"Hodo, mellon nin," Tauriel rubbed the top of the maiden's forehead, grazing the strands of hair with it. "Ni ban," Tauriel uttered. "You are safe now," she sighed questioning her own words deep within her conscience. (Hodo, mellon nin= Rest, my friend)

Is she really safe?

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