Chapter 14: Fear of the Unknown

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"Why?" Alya exclaimed louder. Her hands furrowed against her dress. Thranduil was not took aback by her response, but questioned it.

Legolas squinted thoughtlessly as he watched his father and this elf maiden in the image of his mother, stare almost longingly at each other for a brief moment, and this somewhat intrigued him.

"What are you talking about?" Thranduil nudges his head in accordance as his demeanor shifts to something more regal.

"I must leave," the maiden finally breaks eye contact with Thranduil. Her pupils dilate to a dark nightshade grey. They did not falter or quiver, yet it was the first time Thranduil or Legolas had seen her look so.

"You don't understand.....," Alya's voice began to grow coarse as she shifts her head to the left side, dropping her careless eyelids in the process for a mere second. Her breathe deepened and soured, feeling her throat dry like all moisture escaped her grasps.

"And how could I possibly understand?" Thranduil shifts away. "You have made it difficult when I, myself do not fully know what the reason is for this attack," Thranduil's voice sharpens as he stops remotely, his head slightly turns to his side in anger and his teeth clenched from one end to the other, stiff to stern. "Or the reason to why this is all your fault," he hissed his final words tracing his vision back to the walls.

Immediately Thranduil realized his mistake and took a breath of air, calming and composing himself as best as he possibly could. "I do not wish it upon you to blame yourself for—," his tone was now more refined, but was cut off.

"But it is my fault!"

"What?" Thranduil's words vexed the air. "What could possibly be your fault?"

Alya took in a deep breath, shutting her eyes as if a gust of wind swept beneath her. "I've heard stories about you, Elvenking, son of Oropher. The orcs are not one to speak high of you," Alya looked up as if she were in a daze. "A friend to little. An enemy to most." She paused for a long while not understanding where she would go with this. "I do not know or at least I do not remember what it was like to live in the company of my kin," the maiden stared into obscurity not knowing what she wanted at that very moment. Perhaps she didn't even want anything, but that was for her to decide. "I do not know you."

Thranduil's expression stiffened as his eyes feel to the ground, feeling a sudden pressure linger beneath his chest. His palms began to sweat willing him to clench them beneath his robes.

Suddenly the orc winced forward, his nose boiling with heat.

"Bring it out!" Thranduil shouts inexplicably. "Make sure it doesn't escape or even make a sound," the Elvenking's eyes pierce the atmosphere towards Legolas making him understand what he needed to do. Thranduil's teeth gnawed against each other in impatience watching Legolas wring the orc up and lead him out.

Before Legolas could walk any further, his eyes fluttered to the maiden who he may have thought could be his mother. His eyes softened and whisked in compliance to the unknown emotions he had for her, but it was no time for that. He began to pass his father, bowing his chin in respect saying, "Father," and left immediately with a few guards following behind him. Thranduil's eyes pursued them leave the place, unable to peer to the maiden who laid behind him in wait.

"Why must I trust you?" she continued. "Why should I give you a reason when the entire time I was your captive, you've treated me with no less kindness you'd treat an orc," Alya's eyes fluttered in darkness as her finger tips pressed against the top of her chest. Slowly she then glides her hand radiantly down her collar, against the very dress that clothed her, and finally to her sides.

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