Chapter 7: The trip

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It was six in morning, as the sky was still the shade of black. Sun still not peeking its way in the sky. Ron was driving the convertible and stops at his last pickup, that was in front of Milly's house. He opens the door, as Milly steps in.

(A pictorial representation of the convertible bus inside)

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(A pictorial representation of the convertible bus inside)

Milly's eyes scan the interiors of the convertible bus. At the beginning: Ron's driving area was isolated with glass cabin with a door. As she stepped inside the door, she saw it was spacious and simple. The wooden flooring, with sofa cum bed on both the sides. At the end there was a study table to the right corner and a small bed further attached to it. To the left corner it was the same, but the bed was being occupied with the bags. Milly walks past the first sleeping guy who moved a little at his place and was beside sleeping Tom. Further ahead, there was another guy whose facial features matched Parker. It might be his elder brother Joy, she thought.

Parker walked in front of her; holding out his hands; motioning her to hand him the luggage. Handing him the luggage, she turns her face to right to see Ronnie sitting up on the right side of sofa, with a girl sleeping on her thighs.

"W-way too greet good morning may be...anyways early good morning to you..." Ronnie says.

Half smiling Milly responds, "Early morning to you too."

"I know it's too early; but what can one say, when Ron decides the trip!!" Ronnie speaks shrugging her shoulders with a smile.

Milly shoots a smile, "It's fine really. I hope it won't be awkward with me joining you-"

Parker returns standing beside her, and intervenes, "Hey, just stop saying that. We have been hanging out, like what? ... three years!! chill, you are no stranger here, trust me."

Milly raises her brow. Parker motions his head in the direction of the empty place beside Ronnie, so that she can occupy the place.

Milly sits beside Ronnie, while Parker in a low tone, "If it eases your mind, she's also a stranger to me" he points his index finger towards Jackie, "...well she's Ron's...umm recent...I mean first girlfriend."

Chucking Ronnie faces Milly, "Totally agreeable huh!"

Milly half laughs, giving a slow nod. Ronnie pats Jackie's head slowly, facing Milly, "You can go to sleep, if you wish. Or else, can enjoy the view" pointing her thumb behind the closed window shields.

Parker walks back, to the right corner lying on his back on bed, "I suggest you sleep too, Ronnie. It's a long way till we arrive."

Ronnie ignores Parker's words, with her face towards Milly, "We will be reaching by late evening maybe" Milly eyes widen, before she could speak, Ronnie continues, "...well you see, Ron is going to let us experience his words... 'a real, relaxed, road trip' so...or else, we would have reached by late noon."

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