Chapter 9: Joy, Vincent & Ronnie

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Parker walked in the bathroom while Ronnie stepped down the stairs. She saw all the couches were empty and Joy walking in the door. He eyes Ronnie, "Just done putting all the necessities in the vehicle, for the trek."

Ronnie nods walking towards the kitchen. Joy greets her by standing beside her, "Happy Birthday, Ronnie."

Ronnie smiles replying, "Same to you, Joy."

Her words affected him. It was not what he had expected her to reply. They wished each other while cutting the cake. But this was different, but given her condition and state of mind he tried to understand her. He carefully clearing his throat asked, "Ronnie, Can we take a small walk outside, till they are done?"

Ronnie's legs started to turn cold as he asked, but still nodded and followed him outside. They walked a small distance, as the house they stayed was just visible. Joy now matched the pace of Ronnie which was slow.

The silence was too tense, both of them thought. Joy suddenly spoke cutting the tension, "Are you alright?"

Ronnie slowly nodded in her thoughts, "Never better."

Joy sensed a sarcasm but, from Ronnie's end it was a short reply she could say for doing well these past years without him.

Joy continued cautiously speaking, "I-I am sorry" he paused as he saw Ronnie stopped beside him and he stood facing her, now continuing, "I am sorry and wanted to ask for your forgiveness."

Ronnie brows scrunched as she spoke calmly, "For what Joy? For going away..." she paused taking a deep breath.

Joy glanced towards her to speak, as she spoke again, "It is okay, Joy. You did what you had to do for your sake, so don't burden yourself with such trivial matters. And you're asking forgiveness, for what?"

Ronnie showed a genuine smile speaking again, "It's our birthday today, and for godsake let's forget everything really."

Joy stomach was still in knots with how calm Ronnie was talking to him. He was sure Ronnie wanted to ask a lot but was holding herself back. A small silence followed by words which shocked him and yet he wanted to hear.

"You promised me that you would come meet me at night and wait for my answer. But, why didn't you come that night as you promised and left the next day, Joy?" Ronnie questioned calmly.

Joy blinked as she further spoke, "I was waiting for you. But you never came. Why?"

With a croaking voice, Joy voiced, "What!!!"

Ronnie started again, "You promised me you would meet me. I was waiting for you. But, the next day you just vanished, as if you were never there. Parker and Ron informed that you got accepted at some university in London... but you never replied...Joy"

She sighed and with a small voice spoke looking intensely in his eyes, "I thought you wanted an answer from me. I really thought that you wanted to be with me....." she shrugged lightly "...but guess you were really scared of being in a relationship, Joy."

The way his name came out from her lips made Joy send hundreds and thousands bolts of electricity shocking him. His tongue had freezed as she spoke continuing, "You never picked my calls or replied to my mails. Guess you bailed out on me. It would have been nice if you gave me a heads up, Joy"

She stopped as if she said all her part out. Joy saw the calmness on her face as she spoke till the last word. His name. Still in shock he voiced out firmly and softly, "Ronnie, y-you waited for me that night?"

Ronnie intensified her look as if she was not believing what he was asking, "Wasn't it given the way we had felt towards each other. I didn't give an impression that I was going to deny being with you. Did I?"

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