Chapter 2: Ron & Jackie

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Next morning was hectic. Ron was surprised that, Parker not only had managed to wake up before him, but also loaded their bags in the car. Parker was trying to wake Ronnie, when Ron was freshening up in bathroom. At a moment he was scared, when Ronnie wouldn't wake up; as he had experienced the same few years back leading her in hospital bed. His nerves calmed when Ronnie woke up. Before 6, they reached Jackie's house to pick her up.

Jackie stepped in the car, to see Ronnie was seated in passenger seat, while Ron at driver's seat. Parker was almost sleeping on the back seat. Jackie stepped in the back seat, as they started their trip to beach. They reached their destination before 11am, booking their hotel room. Ron hurried the process by leaving their luggage in the hotel lobby as they rushed to enjoy the market, and around the beach.

After sunset they four entered their Hotel room, which was to be precise 'a huge deluxe suite.' It was a huge space, with balcony opposite to the door, two huge beds to the left, on the right was a 52' inch TV attached to wall, wooden dining table near the balcony.

As Ron shuts the door, Jackie faces him in confusion, "Are we all going to share the same room?"

Ron without thinking answers, "What's the problem, I mean we still sleep in the same room."

Ronnie slaps her forehead, as Jackie questions horridly looking towards the rest two, "He's joking, right?"

Before Ronnie could explain, Parker nonchalantly says, "Why would he joke?" he faces Ron, "Ron, help me join these two beds."

Ronnie takes a breath, walks towards Jackie, "Hey, chill. I am with you." Jackie relaxes at her words.

Parker firmly, "I am taking the left side of the bed no matter what, tonight!"

Ron slumps his shoulders, "Fine, Ronnie and I will sleep in middle" he facing towards Jackie, "Jackie, I hope you won't mind taking the right side of the bed?"

Jackie nervously, "Umm, I can take the couch!"

Parker crosses his hands questioning her, "And! Where is the so called couch here, dear?"

Jackie turns her head back, scanning the room, as she says, "Fine, floor...."

Ron cuts her placing his hand on her shoulder, "Hey don't make a fuss. It's okay, we won't bite or do anything."

Jackie crosses her arms, "Fine, I will sleep beside Ronnie."

Ron abruptly speaks, "No, you won't."

Ron takes a deep breath walks towards Jackie facing her.

Parker now walks, standing beside Ronnie whispers, "Here he goes.... convincing."

Ronnie interrupts thinking, he's being too harsh on her, "Ron will..."

Ron shows his palm to Ronnie to stop talking, then faces Jackie, "Please Jackie......I love you." He cups Jackie's face in his hands closes the distance between their faces, placing his lips on her. Ron feels the soft pink lips which he had always dreamt of kissing. He doesn't moves his lips for seconds, then slowly moving his lower lip, he sucks her lower lip. He opens his mouth pulling her lips between his teeth to taste her.

The moment Ron denied her sleeping beside Ronnie, Jackie felt uneasy and tears started to form in her eyes. But, everything changed when he confessed 'I love you' and kissing so intensely in a calm way. Her nerves cooled down with the kiss Ron placed on her lips. He was definitely her first, and she hoped it would be the last. She was inexperienced in this and all ways, but she wanted to do experience everything with Ron.

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