Chapter 5: Ron & Joy

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Next morning Joy walks up to Ron's bedroom sporting a three piece black suit. He knocks the door, walking to see, Ron and Parker in their bed with their blankets below them. He walked towards the foot of the bed, eyeing the bathroom as shower running noise came from it. Ronnie woke up. He wanted to see her morning face, innocent, pure, without worries. It made his heart beat fast, his brain waves flowing on all the sides.

Yesterday was good compared to all the days he went through five years. He finally could see her, properly, not closely though. He craved for her touch, a simple handshake would suffice as of now, but he knew he had earned her distance.

Tapping Ron's feet with his fingers, Joy says, "Ron, wake up. I need your help."

Ron tosses in middle of the bed, answering, "Why don't you ask Parker?"

Joy tapping his feet on floor, "He has college to attend Ron. You are on leave. Wake up, I am waiting for you at the breakfast table."

He walks towards the door but stops, when Ronnie steps out from the bathroom with a long bathrobe on. She hesitantly looks up to Joy, "Morning."

Joy gulps to see her wet hair, her hands tightly grabbing her robe around her waist. His blood rushed from all directions of his body to his heart and his member down. He needed to stop this unwelcomed feeling, he hastily nods walking out the door closing it.

Ronnie releases a breath, walking towards her walk-in closet, closing the door behind. Parker's both hands now rested below his head, as he sighed looking over the ceiling. He thought, Joy's presence would be a positive impact on Ronnie, but what impact it would have on him? Avoiding his thoughts he turns kicking Ron, "Wake up, you have to start planning for the weekend! But don't you think, you need to ask Ronnie?"

Ron's eyes are now wide open. The most difficult task, was asking Ronnie for skipping college. This time was a good reason, but then, he had to face her, ask her. He rubs his face with both his palms, "How am I gonna ask her?" he turns his face towards Parker, "why don't you ask her?"

Parker shakes his head for no. Ron, stepping down from bed, "I am so screwed, early in morning", and he walks in bathroom.

Parker steps down from his bed with blanket wrapped around him, walking towards the balcony. Ronnie steps out from her closet, to see Parker in balcony. She steps in balcony, standing beside Parker. Parker raises her left hand, inviting Ronnie inside his wrapped blanket. Ronnie giddily, walks in closing the distance, as Parker wraps her around.

Ronnie rests her head on Parker's shoulder, "The climate is so chilly, and why are you out?"

Parker pulls her closer by her shoulders, "Don't you love this warm and cold atmosphere?"

Ronnie looks up to Parker's face, "You, know a lot about me, don't you?"

Parker gulps as Ronnie's face is just inches away from his. His body was turning hot, his heart had started pounding, and his body now started shooting tingles as his member started throbbing. Her eyes, were directly gazing in his, he at that moment wanted to kiss her lips, and ravish her. Her freshly scent of soap emitting from her body made him harder down.

He had to calm himself, he didn't want to do anything rash and out of need. The best he did in these situations: divert his mind. Clearing his throat, "I wanted to ask you something. But that would mean I would be helping Ron, which I am totally against."

Ronnie pulls back, standing in front of him, "What is it?"

Parker tries to speak, but Ron stepping out from bathroom made his and Ronnie's head turn in his direction. Parker turns his head in Ronnie's direction, "Why don't you wait at breakfast table?"

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