Chapter 3: Joy

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Ronnie stepped out of the door, walking towards her black Mercedes in driveway. She steps in starting the engine, speeding out the gates to pick Ron and Parker, while not noticing the red car's presence on the side of driveway.

A guy steps out of his car, after Ronnie's car is out of gates. He mutters to himself, "Where is she going at this speed?"

He walks towards the door, pushing it open to be greeted by Mrs. Jenna, "Oh my god! What a surprise?"

He hugs her, as she hugs him tightly with moisty eyes. He pulls back, "How are you Nana?"

She in a broken voice, "I feel much better, now that you are here Joy."

Joy smiles questioning her, "Where is everybody?"

Mrs. Jenna responds while making him sit on one of the chairs of dining table, "Ronnie just left to pick Ron and Parker from college. They would be back in an hour.... here have some water."

Joys nods sipping the water. He walks towards the living, sitting on one of the couch.

An hour later, Ronnie halts the car in driveway. She steps down and her eyes grab attention at the red car parked on the side of the driveway. Ron questions stepping down, standing behind her back, "Whose car is it?"

Parker walks in the direction of the door, "Let's head in first", with Ron following him.

Ronnie slowly taking baby steps following them, knew exactly whom the car belonged. She knew, the only person who would park the car here, and the only person whom she knew would prefer red than any other colour for car: Joy.

She stood in front of the eight step stairs, taking the first step to the main door of the house. She saw Ron and Parker had stepped inside the door.

Parker stepped inside the door, to see Joy stood at few distance walking towards him. Parker, was confused by his elder brother's sudden presence, but nonetheless walks towards him, giving him a quick hug.

Ron, tagging behind saw his elder brother's presence in his house. He was confused, but didn't show on his face. Like Parker, he approached him with a smile, giving his a quick hug. As Ronnie now, stood between the door frame.

Parker with a friendly yet casual tone, "What a surprise?"

Ron grabbing Joy by his shoulder, "Yes, brother, what a surprise?"

Joy pulls Parker close with his hands around his shoulder, "Did you like it?"

Before they both could answer, their heads turns towards the direction of Joy's eyes, which sees Ronnie standing on the entrance at the door.

She meekly greets, "Hey...hi...Joy."

Joy drops both his hands, which were placed around his brothers' shoulders, answering casually, "Ah! Hello."

Parker and Ron both intensely look at Ronnie, as she was slowly moving back. She utter looking towards Parker, then Ron with her thumb pointing behind her, "Umm, I'll be just back. I think, I forgot something and will go grab and come back."

She vanished from the door in the next moment. Ron turns his head towards Parker, who is walking towards the door. He walks out to see, Ronnie with speed drove the car out the gates. Pulling out his cell phone from his pocket, he dials her, to receive no response. He curses within his mouth, walking inside the door, before texting Ronnie to call him immediately.

Parker walks towards the living area to see, Ron and Joy talking, as Ron spoke, "I thought you would never come."

Joy points his finger towards Ron, "You could have called me and informed me. I could have tried. What if, I was waiting for you in London?"

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