Chapter 6: Parker

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It was around seven in morning, Parker's eyes had started filling with the sleep, which he, finally, was trying to get since hours after kissing Ronnie. There was movement beside him, he kept his eyes closed. He knew it was time as Ronnie woke up. After few moments, Ronnie's palm was placed on his right check, her lips were touching on his nose softly, as she murmured morning.

He wanted more of her lips on him, which was when she was awake. But now, without thinking he moved his face little upwards the next second, as her lips brushed his. His eyes were closed, and the move he made, did look like, as if he was moving in his sleep. Ronnie's hands slowly retracted, as he felt the loss of her touch. This made Parker the need to see the reaction of her face. But he didn't open his eyes, for he was coward for sure.

The bed dipped and moments later the sound of bathroom door closing followed. He was still, with his eyes still shut, and further didn't open for he was guilty, selfish, scared. Sleep took over him minutes later.


When Ronnie woke up, she saw hers and Parker's face few inches apart. She sat up, examining both guys on both her sides. She moved forward placing a kiss on Ron's forehead, uttering morning. She now turned towards Parker, his face was all greasy and brows knitted together in worry.

Placing her palm on his right cheek, she leans placing a kiss on his nose uttering slowly, 'morning'. The next moment Parker moved and his lips brushed hers. Ronnie slowly pulled her hands to herself. She felt it. She felt it. With that thought she moved towards the foot of the bed, stepping down, walking in bathroom, and closing the door behind.

Her heart, beat rapidly. She looked in the mirror, as she studied herself, her lips were as usual pink, but it tasted nothing like her. His lips didn't even stay for a second, yet they tasted different. The taste lingered on her lips was... she stopped her thinking, placing her right hand on her chest, "Ronnie, how do you even know Parker tastes like huh!"

She blushed hard, shaking her head, mumbling to herself, "Fuck this improper thoughts, Ronnie."

It took longer than usual for her to bathe. When she stepped out of bathroom with her robe on, she saw frantic looking Ron running towards her. Ron catching his breath hugs her, "I was scared to not see you on bed or the other rooms."

Ronnie raises her right brow, "Ron, I was bathing."

Ron sighs, "Weren't you there for too long? I mean when I woke up, there were no sounds coming from it. So, I started to hunt you in kitchen, then the whole house."

"Why is that?"

Ron shrugs, "To help you Ronnie. Why else! Jackie and rest will be coming in around eleven. I didn't wanted you to work alone in kitchen."

"Fine, then. I will just dress up..." she eyes Ron from tip to his face, "Did you bathe already?" Ronnie asks then walking past him towards her walk-in closet.

"Yes, I did" he turns facing Ronnie, "But what took you so long? Are you alright?"

Ronnie shakes her head slightly, "Just..." she turns looking back to face Ron, but her eyes fall on Parker's sleeping figure on bed. The memory of her lips brushing Parker's lips flashes making her close eyes and bite her lower lip.

Ron narrows his eyes at Ronnie's facial expression. Before trying to read her, Ronnie looks up to him with eyes bored in his, "Ron, why don't you start in kitchen. I will just dress up and come."

Ron nods, walking out the door before popping his head back to her calling, "Ronnie, before you join me, I suggest you wake Parker up."

Ronnie nods to answer, but Ron has just vanished. After dressing in a knee length, sky blue summer dress, she steps out to see the bed empty. Her eyes wander to balcony, then towards the bathroom she had used. But Parker wasn't anywhere. She starts walking towards the door, turning the knob...

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