Chapter 1 : Ronnie, Parker & Ron

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Ronnie was driving as she steadied her left hand on the wheel and speaking on cell phone, "Come on, Ron, not again," she cried, "you cannot do this today again. Please, let me come there to pick you up now."

After few seconds of pause she spoke, "Fine, then. Meet you in an hour," she breathes disconnecting the call. She mumbles, "Ron, and his stupid ideas."

With that, she drives heading to St. Martin's College; parking her black Mercedes C class near students parking area. She steps down standing behind the door, staring at the main stairs of the college waiting.

Standing in college campus at few distance were Jack and Raj observing Ronnie. Jack rubbing his palms together, "Wish me luck Raj. I hope to ask her out today."

Raj worriedly, "What about Parker?"

Jack shrugs ready to take step towards Ronnie, "I am sure that he is going to stay with Professor James for an hour or so...."

Raj grabs Jack's shoulder stopping him, and spoke, "Are you sure? Its, Parker, dude!"

Jack held his friend's hand removing it from his shoulder, "What are you so worked up for? Chill man, I am just going to ask her out."

Before Raj could speak, Jack jogs towards Ronnie's direction; who is leaning on her Mercedes. Jack's mind races fast as he approached Ronnie. He had to take the opportunity of today asking her out for date; or, else he will have to wait a whole week again.

Jack and Parker had Friday's last class together; he surely knew that there was a group presentation coming up for finals. Parker being the CR (class representative) had to assist the professor. He had flunked today's class just to ask Ronnie out. The first time he saw her was at the beginning of this year. At first he thought she was attending this college; but, later came to know, that she came few times a week to pick Parker. And since, last two months she picks him daily after college.

Jack knew, how most of the guys of his college had tried talking to Parker about her; he, not only avoided the topic, but also warned them to stay away from her. The only guy who talks with Ronnie is Parker's bestie Tom. But her interaction with Tom was also minimal.

The mysterious aura around Ronnie, attracted Jack in first place about her. He had been trying to raise his guts to ask her out, today was the chance he wanted to grab. Jack now stood beside her at less than a feet's distance.

He saw her eyes were glued in the direction of stairs, as she didn't know of his presence. To acknowledge his presence he stood in front of her. Ronnie flinched, then standing straight. Her pupils dilated at this unknown guy. Jack greets her by lifting his hand in front of her, "Hey, hi."

Ronnie's eyes blinked rapidly. Parker had warned her; to stay at least a feet's distance from boys, and especially boys of his college. The main reason she was not allowed to go outside the house without them was boys. But with Parker's last year of college; she, had somewhat convinced him, to pick him and Ron from college. If, Parker saw this guy approaching her, he would be very upset her and probably stop her from picking him up. The best she could do in this situation was avoid.

She glanced down his hands with her hands on the sides of her thighs spoke, "Hello."

Jack tilted his face to get a full view of her face, and wanted her to face him while he ask her out, "My name's Jack."

Ronnie nervously, "Ummm. Okay."

Jack was now nervous with her inattentive reply, "I want to ask you something!" as he retracts his hand in his front pocket.

Ronnie breathes slowly with her face still facing down, "Okay."

Jack takes a sounding breath saying, "I have been seeing you for a year; and since two months I have been trying to talk to, ummm....would you like to, go out on date with me tomorrow?"

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