Chapter 8: Vincent and Milly

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Ronnie was up early moving towards Parker to wake him up. She had a surprise planned for Parker; it was a bit personal to share in front of the rest. After wearing a light pink knee length dress, she kneeled besides sleeping Parker and whispered, "Parker, get up."

Moments later Parker could feel Ronnie's breath fanning his face, making him open his eyes with a jolt. Before Parker could speak, she places her palm on Parker's mouth, whispering again, "Shh!! Don't make a noise. Just wash your face and come with me....and no questions for now, okay!"

Parker nods. Ronnie pulls her palm from Parker's mouth and stood beside the stairs. Parker rushed to bathroom, brushed his teeth, washed his face and steps out quickly. He didn't bother to change as he followed Ronnie.

They exited the house gates. Ronnie picked the cycle which was parked leaning on the walls and said, "Here, ride it?"

"What about you?"

Ronnie calmly, "You ride, I'll sit here" pointing at the rod and the space between seat and the bicycle handle.

Parker opens his mouth but Ronnie speaks up before him "Hurry up will you? We have to be back before anyone wakes up."

Parker groans, "Its cold Ronnie, and look at me! I am almost in my boxers and just a sleeveless vest."

Ronnie tilts her head little to left, crosses her hands below her chest. Without thinking much, he rides with Ronnie giving him the directions. They stop in front of the green lush field spreading across. Parker parking the cycle, "How do you know this place-"

Ronnie immediately replies, "I know this place like the back of my hand Parker. I used to visit this place a lot, and you know we visited this place together twice before my parents accident right?"

Realisation hits Parker, and his chest felt heavy to speak. He didn't want Ronnie to reminisce about the past when they are out to enjoy. He slowly said, "Yeah!! It skipped my mind. It was a long time, I guess."

Ronnie was walking through the green field, with Parker following her, "Where to now?"

She didn't say anything, till she stopped suddenly at a few distance from the parked cycle and turns facing Parker. Parker abruptly stops before he could crash into Ronnie, "What?"

"Close your eyes" Ronnie says with a big smile on her face.

Shrugging his shoulders he closes his eyes the next moment. Ronnie places her left palm on Parker's eyes, "I know you're gonna I am taking some precautions."

She puts her right hand in the pocket of her dress, pulling out a small box covered with a blue paper and dark blue ribbon tied on the top. Pulling her hand back from Parker's eyes she places the small gift on both her joined and opened palms facing Parker, "Now you can open your eyes."

Parker opens his eyes to see twinkled eyes of Ronnie, with a smile making her cheeks blush due to cold. At that moment Parker wished that he could kiss her and taste her on his lips. He never wanted anything except Ronnie's happiness. At that moment he selfishly wished god, if he could just give him Ronnie. She wasn't a thing, but he wanted to own her.

Ronnie clears her throat, "Parker?"

Pulling out from his thoughts, "Oh!! Yeah." Taking the box from her hand, he opens to see it was a silver chain with a cube pendant. The initials P, R, R, V, T, J were individually engraved on all the six sides.

He looks up and Ronnie wishes, "Happy Birthday my Parker. Always be happy from this year onwards...with taking upon fewer problems of others..... and only think about yourself. Okay."

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