Chapter 4: Dr. Vincent & Joy

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Sleep couldn't find Joy's eyes. He was mess, by morning 6.45 when he took bath walking out of his room. He knocked Parker & Ron's door, stepping in.

His eyes were wide to see three figures covered with duvet on bed. A bed adjoined to the king size bed. He walks at the foot of the bed pulling the middle blanket, "Hey guys wake up."

When he pulls, Ronnie's sleepy face is revealed. His insides churn and tingle to see her bare face. Ronnie pulling her blanket to her face in half-sleep mutters, "Ron, just few mo...." Her eyes widen when she looks at her feet to see Joy.

She sprang up, stepping down without uttering a word rushes to bathroom door closing behind her. As she closes the door, she looks up in mirror, closing her eyes, "Joy, good morning."

Joy's brain froze and couldn't react as Ronnie rushed in bathroom. He glances at the bathroom door, his attention snaps at Parker's groggy voice, "I am here Joy."

"Huh", is the only reaction Joy gives, as Parker steps down from bed walking over to Ron's side of bed looking at Joy's confused state, "Ronnie shares bed with us."

Joy in a confused, "Still?"

Parker narrows his eyes, "What do you mean still?"

Joy stating with an obvious tone, "I mean aren't you guys grown up to share the same bed?"

Parker rolls his eyes at his question, "Whatever", he shakes Ron, pulling his blanket from his face, "wake up Ron, or you'll be late."

Ron turns to the side where Ronnie slept, "Let's skip college this week Parker, I want to enjoy this birthday week."

Parker turns his back, walking towards the closet pulling some clothes, "Let's us attend today, so that you can discuss about this with Jackie-"

Ron sprang up immediately searching for his cell phone below his pillow, grabs it, "Fuck! Jackie! I totally forgot that I had to call her yesterday night..." he dials and again dials, looking towards the cell phone screen, "....I am so much in trouble" and dialling again he walks over to balcony.

Joy raises his brow towards Parker, "Girlfriend?"

Parker nods. Joy comments, "Wow, you guys grew up so fast. Waiting for you guys at breakfast."

Parker responds with a nod, walking towards the second bathroom which was exactly on the opposite of the room, that is, to the left side of room.

Ronnie was still in bathroom seated on the toilet seat, thinking of how she would face Joy now. She wasn't a scaredy cat, she wanted to face him. She took her own time to bathe, thinking about various scenarios, about how she would now face Joy.


Joy was sitting at the breakfast table, while Mrs. Jenna was preparing breakfast. Joy looks at her humming, "Someone's happy, Nana?"

Mrs. Jenna in a chirpy tone, "Why wouldn't I be Joy? I can finally see you all four together after five years."

Joy slowly taps his fingers on the table, with his face facing on his fingers, "Yes."

(A note: their kitchen is an open kitchen with an island or table in between, which they use for eating dinner, breakfast and lunch – so dinning and kitchen room would be same: A square table/island with three chairs on both sides)

Parker walks in scanning the room, taking seat opposite to Joy, "Where's Ronnie? Isn't it late for her to be still in room?"

Ron follows him taking seat beside Joy, "I haven't seen her, since I woke up."

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