Chapter 65: (Natasha's Love)

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(Natasha's Love)

*August 29th, 1918*


The morning sun shined on Natasha's reddish short hair as she rose up from her bed.

"I hope that Mr Ermakov is making progress with his mission..." Natasha said to herself as she yawned and walked towards the bathroom and turned on the bathwater for her morning bath as she stripped naked and entered the bathtub.

"Ahhhh it feels so warm and smoothing, I wish I can share this wonderful feeling with Mr Claude..." Natasha said to herself.

She smiled and relaxed in the tub for a few minutes before proceeding to wash herself up for the reminder of her time as a couple of minutes passed as Natasha stepped out of the bathtub.

"Roses...That's Mr Claude's favorite smell..."Natasha thought to herself as she looked at the perfume in which was given to her by John Claude.

"I remember the very day that he had given me this wonderful perfume but also regarding the execution of Nicholas the Bloody and his cronies" Natasha said as she thought about that very day as she dried herself up before putting her work outfit on as she looked towards the clock in which read 11:00am.

"I'm glad Mr Claude has allowed me to sleep in" Natasha said with a smile as she buttoned up her long sleeve shirt as she looked up at her mirror.

"Mr Claude sure has the pleasure of working with someone as beautiful as me" Natasha said as she grabbed a brush and proceeded to brush her hair until it looked decent and straight.

"Alright! Time to officially begin my day" Natasha said to herself as she had taken one final look of her mirror to see herself with a dark whitish secretary-like outfit in which consisted of a longish pencil skirt and a long sleeve like button up shirt and red heels to go with it.

"I look very good! I'm so glad Mr Claude had brought this outfit for me" Natasha said as she eventually left the bathroom and exited her home.

*30 minutes later*


*John Claude's office*

John Claude was sitting on his desk and worked on some papers as he heard a knock coming from the door.

"Come in," John Claude said as the door opened as he looked up to see Natasha.

"Good Morning, Miss Ivankov and how are you doing on this fine and beautiful day?" John Claude asked with a smile.

"I am doing quite well Mr Claude" Natasha said with a smile as her face blushed slightly as John Claude noticed the sight.

"You look very beautiful in that outfit I had given you Miss Ivankov..." John Claude complemented with a smile as he got up from his desk and slowly walked towards Natasha.

"W-What shall I help you with today..." Natasha said as her face became even more redder as John Claude gently lifted her head up.

"I'm in a very good mood and my reason is that I'm near completion with my Ares super armor" John Claude said with a smile as Natasha's facial expression became a curious one.

"A-Ares? Y-You mean that you intend to fight Kaede and the Romanovs if Mr Ermakov were to lose or die..." Natasha said in a surprised and shocked tone of voice this time.

"Correct and I have this feeling that my plans won't succeed If I keep sending out people to do my work for me so I plan to kill them myself If it comes down to it" John Claude said as Natasha's expression became more sad.

"D-Don't say that Mr Claude... You've put your entire faith on Mr Ermakov and I believe he will win this..." Natasha said as she felt John Claude getting closer towards her and gently kissed her on the lips.

"Oh my.." Natasha thought to herself as she slowly kissed him back with more passion as the pair released themselves from the kiss.

"M-Mr Claude...D-Do you..." Natasha uttered as she gently touched her lips in surprise while blushing in the process.

"I care about you so much Miss Ivankov and please do not worry about me. I will succeed and hopefully Mr Ermakov succeeds as well..." John Claude replied back as he slowly stepped back and walked back to his desk while Natasha walked towards his area.

"Mr Claude? You know I will follow you no matter what right? Even in death! And If you was to die then I will kill myself so I can be with you! And... I just don't want anything bad happening" Natasha cried out as tears flowed down her face as John Claude's expression became surprised.

"It seems that you are aware of my intentions, correct?" John Clauded answered back in a surprised but calm voice.

"Yes...You plan on taking your own life if you were to fail and I...I just wanted to let you know that I won't mind this one bit because...I will be joining you as well...than we will be together..." Natasha said while whispering the last few words to herself.

"Why do you want to kill yourself If I was to fail?" John Claude asked.

"So you won't be alone and whatever It's Heaven or Hell. I just want to always be with you no matter what..." Natasha answered in a firm tone of voice as John Claude got up once more and hugged Natasha.

You do what you truly believe is right however If by any chance we don't see each other in some Afterlife then maybe in our next lives but If you want to live then live but if you want to die for me then please do so.." John Claude said as Natasha hugged back as she felt a teardrop fall on her cheek.

"Tears?...Mr Claude truly cares for and about me and maybe I should live or die? But whatever comes towards my way I will accept my fate on whatever I shall live without Mr Claude or die along his side" Natasha thought to herself as her chin was lifted up by John Claude as he had seen her reddish face and puffy cheeks.

"Don't cry Natasha...It ruins your beautiful face..." John Claude said in a calm voice as he slowly reached towards Natasha and kissed her but this time more deeply and passionate as Natasha returned the favor back as the two shared a deep and passionate kiss under the shining sun.

*Warsaw, Poland*


"My new friends have treated me ever so nicely since I've joined their group and we are finally in Poland and roughly 14 or more days until we reach France!! But the journey is still long, tough and tiring but no matter the odds we will find happiness" Yelena wrote with a smile as she put her notepad away.

"The last couple of days sure was uneventful but we made progress and that's what matters most" Anastasia said as she walked along with the gang.

"Hopefully we won't encounter more of John Claude's men" Kaede said as she stretched and yawned in the process.

"You're right and the last thing we need is another fight in which we don't need" Maria added on.

"She's right and we already lost Maxim and we don't need to lose anyone else and we will make it to America!" Bartok said as everyone nodded their heads.

"14 more days or more isn' t half bad!! Let's push through people! HUZZAH!!" Kaede said in a cheerful tone of voice.

"HUZZAH!!" Everyone besides Yelana cried out in joy as they had a new sense of determination and hope for their next part of their journey.

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