Chapter 112: (Peter's Training)

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(Peter's Training)

*Author's Note: The second half will take place in Ermakov's mind so quick notice before there's any confusion*

Warning: Slight Violence

*October 13th, 1920*


*John Claude's Office*

The early morning sun rose upon the beautiful city of Paris as Peter Ermakov rose up from his slumber and looked around the room in which had many pictures of the Romanovs.

"Royal scum..." Peter Ermakov quietly spat out to himself as he got out of bed to do some stretches for a few seconds before going towards the bathroom which was directly in his bedroom.

"Maybe a warm shower will get me in the mood to train. I will defeat Kaede, Bartok, Kazumi, and the Romanovs with my own hands..." Peter Ermakov quietly said to himself as he turned on the shower water and closed the door as he showered for the remainder of the hour.


Peter Ermakov had stepped out of the bathroom as he putted his dirty laundry in the hampers and proceeded to get dressed in a training outfit which consisted of a white t-shirt and black shorts.

"I guess I should test out my new power in the training room that John built for me. I sure hope it's all worth it in the end as well" Peter Ermakov said to himself as he made his way towards the kitchen area and took a look around the kitchen.

"I think I should take some water as well since I may be there for a couple of hours or so" Peter Ermakov thought to himself as he walked over towards the refrigerator and opened the door to grab two water bottles as he closed the refrigerator and proceeded to walk towards the basement in which most of John's experiments was being kept.

"Strange? I haven't seen Natasha or John ever since I've woken up? They're usually awake at this time but maybe they went out somewhere but I shouldn't waste anymore time pondering on this thought" Peter Ermakov said to himself as he opened the door to allow himself to enter the basement.

"The training room should be on my right. I hope I'm going the correct way or else I'm gonna get lost since this place seems pretty lengthy" Peter Ermakov said to himself as he proceeded to walk around the basement as he saw many of the experiments that John Claude was working on while also turning his direction towards the capsule in which contained someone in it.

"I still can't believe that he managed to get someone like HIM but as long as I finish the job then it means that someone like HIM won't have to be released..." Peter Ermakov spoke to himself as he took one final look at the capsule before going towards the right direction as he further made his way towards the long hallways before coming across a door.

"This must be it! Time to officially start business and perfect my skills so I can finally kill those damn animals!" Peter Ermakov said to himself with joy in his voice as he opened the door in which he allowed himself to enter in before shutting the door behind him.

*Training Room*

Peter Ermakov entered the training room as lights came on as he looked out in surprise to see a huge arena within the training room while he walked around the area in order to take a good look of what he was seeing.

"How the hell is John able to fit all of this in his office or whatever! This is all too much to handle!" Peter Ermakov spoke to himself as his reaction was a mixture of surprise yet seriousness in his voice as strange gas started to appear from above.

"W-What the He.." Peter Ermakov only uttered as the gas made him collapse on the ground as the man remained unconscious for quite some time.

*Peter's Mind*

Peter Ermakov had risen up from his unexpected slumber to find himself in front of the infamous Ipatiev House once more which caught him by surprise.

"W-What the hell?! Why am I back here? What is going on?!" Peter Ermakov asked himself as he walked towards the house as he heard gunshots along with screams of terror which made him jump in surprise due to the unexpected timing.

"This is the night when we killed Nicholas, his wife and his servants. What does this have to do with my training?" Peter Ermakov said to himself as he felt a tap to the shoulder as the man quickly turned his direction to see who tapped him as he saw that it was a cloaked figure.

"W-Who the hell are you?! Am I dead?" Peter Ermakov asked as he awaited his response.

"No, I am simply another of John's experiments but more so the same person that you saw in which caught you by surprise but I'm currently in my capsule but the good master has linked my brain into yours so in simple words. I am in your mind" the Cloaked Figure spoke to Peter Ermakov as this provided a sense of relief towards him.

"I see, I guess John has quite the bag of tricks eh? But who ARE you like tell me your name!" Peter Ermakov asked the Cloaked Figure as he stared back at the hooded person who was rather the same height as him.

"In due time my good friend but for now, Let's proceed with your training okay? You might have noticed that you're in front of the Ipatiev House right? Well this will be the grounds for your warm up before the training okay?" the Cloaked Figure spoke to Peter Ermakov in a rather loud voice due to the blood curdling screams that were being heard from the basement.

"I'm so glad I was drunk during that night. Those screams are annoying so can we discuss this privately?" Peter Ermakov advised the Cloaked Figure as the mysterious person raised his fingers and with a snap from them the pair found themselves in the infamous basement of the Ipatiev House but only this that it was only Peter and the Cloaked Figure.

"Finally! Now we can really start things here without those annoying screams!" Peter Ermakov spoke to the Cloaked Figure as he had a smile on his face.

"Good, You will warm up by slaughtering the Romanov BUT please understand that what you're seeing is only ILLUSIONS so they only exist within your mind okay?" the Cloaked Figure commanded Peter Ermakov as the figure raised his fingers and snapped them yet again as this time the Romanov family appeared to be standing in which eerily resembled their actual positions before the tragic events.

"I see, Now this is what I call a warm up! I never had a chance to kill those Romanov daughters but maybe in my mind or whatever, I could!" Peter Ermakov spoke to the Cloaked Figure as he cracked his knuckles.

"Once you're done then we will move on towards your next phase and after that! I will teach you a move that could counter Barok's Two-Fold punch!" the Cloaked Figure spoke to Peter Ermakov as this seemed to make the man's face lit up with great enthusiasm.

"Oh really? Well! I guess I should finally start the horror show! But as for you Royal scum...DIE!!" Peter Ermakov cried out as he dashed over towards the fake family and with quick succession he managed to punch the fake Nicholas II and his family in the throats which instantly killed them on the spot while also sending their heads flying as well as this seemed to shock Peter Ermakov.

"W-Whoa! I've really gotten stronger! I killed the fake tsar and his damn family with one punch! This is truly amazing!" Peter Ermakov spat out with joy as he did a little dance before giving the fake Nicholas II and the fake family the middle finger.

"That attack you just did right? That's only the prelude to fully mastering that technique. What is it called? Well It's called the Snake's Roar!" the Cloaked Figure spoken to Peter Ermakov as this caught him by surprise.

"T-The Snake's Roar?!" Peter Ermakov cried out in surprise as he was taken back by what he just heard.

"I'll explain it to you once we enter our next phase. Let's proceed towards the next phase okay?" the Cloaked Figure spoke to Peter Ermakov as he raised his fingers once more and snapped them which made the fake Romanovs vanish.

"The Snake's Roar eh? This is all getting quite interesting! I'm in! Teach me all that I need to know!" Peter Ermakov had spoken to the Cloaked Figure in a joyful tone of voice as he was prepared for the next phase of his training.

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