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A few months had passed since Ironhide and Ashley, silently confessed their feelings towards each other. And kissed one another. Can't forget that large part. When Will discovered Ironhide's infatuation towards his oldest daughter, he was less than pleased. Nearly threatening the girl with being grounded for the rest of her life. She brushed it off though being seemingly happy with her life.

She also was hired on to NEST, taking the job with flying colors. She adored her position. However, her agreement with her father stated that she was not to be in combat, she could command orders from base. When Will is on base, the Autobots were completely all Ashley's responsibility. That's what Ashley adored, the Autobots. She loved working with them.

Currently her boys, the Autobots, were in China where they were receiving a lot of energon readings. Ashley couldn't shake the strong feeling in her stomach, something wrong was bound to happen. It always did.

On other words she heard Sam was getting ready for college. A hilarious thought in her head, never thinking that ADHD kid would ever attend. While the bots were away in another country, Ashley would sneak of base to meet Sam and his parents at his new college.


Ashley stood paitently waiting Sam and his family to arrive. College campus was disgusting a place she hardly wanted to be at. The frat boys checking the girl out, head to toe. Shamelessly at that. She didn't feel that her clothing was very revealing either. Ironhide would have a heart attack if he saw any of this. But it was only a matter of time before Ashley would too, attend college, it was right around the corner.

"Theres my favorite girl!" Ashley heard Judy's voice, pulling her from her thoughts. The older woman taking an instant liking to the Lennox girl, accepting her as her own blood.

"Hi Judy," Ashley smiled, hugging the woman.

"Gosh, you are so beautiful!" Judy giggled, "Why cant my son date you?"

"Because Im already dating somebody, I think," The blonde girl blushed, attempting to cover a smile as Ironhide popped into her head.

"Who?" Judy asked eager to know.

"Would you like to explain?" Ashley turned to the boy, unsure on how to word it.

"Mom, she's dating Ironhide," Sam sighed, being blunt with his words. Judy gasped, confusion was all across her face.

"The Autobot?" She frowned. "Why? How does that even work?"

"Yes mom," Sam nodded, rolling his eyes at his mother.

She shrugged wanting to pull away from the conversation that was open to the public ears, "Hey Sam, lets go check out your room."

"Yeah, lets go. Thank you," He chuckled.

The two quickly walked away from his crazy mother and went to find his room. Frat boys being frat boys, cat called out to the girl. Clearly paying no attention to the freshman that was beside her. She wanted nothing more but for her bot to be there with her. To see the terror in their eyes as Ironhide's form towers over her, oh nothing would please her more. Both of his forms were incredibly intimidating.

Counting down the numbers till they stopped dead in their tracks at his number. The door already wide open. Ashley's eyes nearly bulged from its sockets at the sight of his roommate. His roommate was truly something. Afro head, crazy eyes. Sam got the short end of the stick with the roommate situation.

"You must the new roommate Sam, right? Im Leo," Leo greeted the Witwicky male.

"Hey," Sam nodded slowly, watching the other male closely.

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