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"Perks of the army huh? So if I'm the colonel's daughter, that means I get one right?" Ashley smirked at her father.

"Have fun with that sweetheart, I don't get shit. We're in the same boat," Epps rolled his eyes, chuckling lightly.

"Well when you become colonel, we will talk alright?" Lennox jokingly smacked his partner.

The driver side of the truck opened and quickly slammed the door, catching the attention of the three. A tall, well built, good looking, man walked around the nose of the truck in an Army uniform, much like Lennox's and Epps'. A cigar hung from his lips, he had a rather unpleased expression on his face. Almost like he didn't want to be there. He had piercing blue eyes that couldn't go un noticed. His dark beard was kept nice, nothing wild.

"Right, Ashley, this is Aaron Heed, he is the base's new weapons specialist. Aaron, this is my daughter Ashley," Her father introduced the two.

"Nice to meet you miss Lennox," He greeted gruffly, holding out his hand.

"Nice to meet you too and please Ashley is fine," She smiled taking his rough hand into hers, shaking it.

"We are going to the base, you want us to drop you off at home or do you want to tag along?" Lennox asked his child.

"Wait, really? I'll go! That would be awesome dad," She beamed up at her father quickly hugging him. A low groan almost went unheard, but Lennox caught it. He rolled his eyes at the weapons specialist.

The four of us piled into the cab of the large truck, Aaron taking the driver seat, my father in the passenger, along with Epps and myself in the back. During the ride to the base, William explained to his oldest daughter she could possibly get a job at the base if she wanted to, once school was over or in her free time. What she would do, was yet to be determined. But one thing was for sure, she wasn't planning on going into combat. Though that would require much more intense training than whatever was planned.

As they arrived on base, Lennox and Epps let Ashley off on her own as they went to the offices' to finish up some paperwork. Aaron went along with them, keeping the interaction with the female to a minimum. He didn't want to babysit someone else's child. Ashley walked around the base, chatting with the other soldiers that hung around. She walked past a line of nice cars, motorcycles, trucks, even a large semi. It seemed quiet odd to her, why all these vehicles would be here. They weren't armored or anything special for NEST. Ashley began walking to the offices' to search for her father, rounding a corner she bumped hard into something, making her fall back.

"Oh my god, I didn't see you there. Oh damn, I feel bad," A younger man's voice mumbled.

"Holy hell dude, it was like running into a skeleton. What are you? Skin and bone?" Ashley joked taking his hand as he helped her in up.

"Okay now, rude. I am not skin and bone. Pure muscle under all of this. Okay?" He pats his chest, motioning to his whole body.

"Yeah, right." Aaron rolled his eyes, as he walked past, keeping his eyes on the younger guy.

"Ashley Lennox, nice to meet you, I think?" She chuckled, shaking his hand.

"Sam Witwicky. Wait, Lennox? As in Colonel Lennox?" He asked.

"Yeah, that's my dad,"

"I was in the war with him. Fought along side him to be exact,"

"You? Fought in that war?" She looked at him skeptical.

"More like I got stuck in the middle of it, but still was in it," He defended.

"What happened anyway, Ive seen so many leaked videos. From what Ive seen, it was crazy nuts," She rambled, wanting answers.

"Um well..." He was interrupted.

"Witwicky!" A blonde younger man yelled out to him, whom sat by a yellow Camaro.

"That's my que. I'll see you around?" He sighed in relief looking at the blonde haired girl.

"Yeah, I'll probably be around," She slowly nodded.

Sam wasted no time in walking away from the situation. Ashley knew that was technically classified information but the truth was bound to come out. Lennox leaned against the truck waiting for his daughters return. She came around the corner, smiling at her father.

"Ready to go?" He asked her, grinning back down at her.

"Yeah, Im ready," Nodding up at the taller man.

"Aaron lets roll out!" Lennox yelled out to the specialist.

"Humans," Aaron quietly grumbled as he walked to the truck.

Ashley looked at the man questioningly, catching his comment. He glanced at her before huffing, getting into the driver seat of the truck. The truck rumbled loudly as it started, the growling of the engine began lulling the girl to sleep in the back.

As they arrived to the Lennox household, Will looked back to see his daughter fast asleep. He softly chuckled to himself. Ironhide's holoform looking back, seeing the girl asleep as well, shaking his head slightly.

"You know even as a baby, she would pass out on car rides. She was the easiest kid I ever had to raise," Will spoke softly.

"The sparklings on Cybertron were often rebellious, noisy little things. Often to annoying for me to deal with," Ironhide recalled.

"I take it, not into kids huh?" Lennox laughed.

"Not entirely," Ironhide shook his head, getting out the truck. Lennox went to go get his daughter but the holoform stopped him. "I've got her."

Ironhide opened the door gently, being cautious of the human girl. Softly scooping up the girl into the holoforms bulky arms, he followed the Colonel into the household up to the girls room. The autobot gently laid the girl down in her bed, pulling the blankets over to keep her warm. He strolled out of her room, taking a quick glance at her before closing the door. Ironhide made his way down the steps into the living area.

"You know, you are her guardian as well right?" Lennox smirked at the old mech.

"Yes, Im aware," He sighed.

"Take care of her if I can't big guy. That little girl is my whole world, I don't want to see anything ever happen to her," Lennox scolded.

"You have my word, I swear on Primus," Ironhide swore, before walking out and disengaging his holoform.


Another chapter fully edited, plenty more to go!

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