all systems go

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"Sir! It's the Avengers!!" A guard yells.

"Get me out of here!" he demands, grabbing his bag as he's escorted out of a back door.

"Sir, the prisoner?" another guard asks.

"Leave her, and send Vlad out to hold them off while I escape." he says, waving goodbye to you before disappearing.

You raise your head wearily to survey the room. All the guards either went to fight or left with Mr. Gold. So you're alone, still strapped to the chair.

You struggle weakly, attempting to break free of the restraints. You thought maybe, just maybe one of them was loose enough for you to slip your hand out of. You fight for another minute or so before slumping back against the chair, completely spent.

It felt as if all the life had been drained from you. You had no power. You felt helpless.

Your eyes turn to the left, where you see a desk with a few computer screens on it. You squint and realize they're security cameras. You see the fighting going on outside, the roof, the front doors and the sides. That's when you see her.

She's as breathtaking as ever, gunning down every single soldier that gets in her way. Her red hair pulled back into a ponytail, a few tendrils falling out as she fights. She's graceful, it almost looks like she's dancing. The look on her face could be described as determined, desperate.

You can't tear your eyes off her, but seeing Nat was all you needed. You feel your strength return, warm and tingling from your head to your toes. Raw power surging beneath your skin.

You know Vlad will be out there soon, and the thought of him getting near your girlfriend, your soulmate, is enough motivation for you to rip out of the restraints.

You stand, unsteady, and walk across the room. Thankfully you're still in your suit, torn as it might be.

You open the heavy cell door, which was thankfully unlocked, and start to run down the damp hallway towards the elevator.

It was eerily quiet, the usual taunting from the guards gone along with their presence. The only sounds to be heard are the soft slapping of your feet as you run.

The elevator dings open, and you step inside, hitting the button for the roof.

You lean against the wall as the elevator starts to climb. You take a few deep breaths to ready yourself for the battle. Trembling with anticipation, fear for your new friends, your family, Natasha.

The doors open and you step out into the chaos.

The smell of smoke immediately fills your nostrils, you hear gunshots, engines and yelling.

The fighting on the roof seemed to have ended, all that remains are the bodies of Hydra soldiers.

Bucky is crouched down at the edge of the roof with his gun, firing every so often, putting his sharpshooter skills to use.

You start to jog over to him, he hears your feet against the rocks on the roof and turns. His face is serious at first, but as soon as he recognizes you his frown breaks into a wide grin of relief.

"Y/n!! Thank god! Nat, Steve, I've got her." he says, presumably into the comms.

"Are you alright? What the hell happened?"

You wave off his concern. "I'm okay, but the new Hydra leader, Mr. Gold, the man who took me, is escaping. He went out the back, I think it's a tunnel that leads outside the perimeter."

He nods, face turning serious again. "Steve, you catch that? Okay." he looks back at you. "Bruce has got it covered."

You smile, they really went all out if they brought in the Hulk.

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