I'm waking up

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You walk into your apartment building, the warm gush of air pleasant after the snowy walk home from work. Winters in New York were not as bad as Canada, but you're still acclimating. Grabbing your mail and getting into the elevator, you hit the button for your floor and take off your gloves, trying to warm up your hands before opening your phone.

One new text from your best friend and coworker Jules. "Beers on my patio tomorrow after shift?!" it read. You sigh and smile to yourself. "Do you even have to ask?" You send in response before putting your phone back in your pocket and getting off the elevator.

As you walk down the hallway to your apartment, you pass your elderly neighbour. "Hi y/n" she smiles and waves at you. You smile and wave back "Hello Ms. Marino how are you?" She holds her smile and nods before going back into her apartment. Not much of a talker as usual.

You unlock your door and are met with a clean but dark and rather lonely apartment. Guess Nat never made it back. You think. Your girlfriend works long hours and spends most of her time at the Avengers facility, only able to slip away to see you on rare occasions during the week. You sigh again before putting your bag down and start to warm up dinner.

As your food is heating up, you take off your uniform and hop in the shower. You work as a paramedic, and 12-hour night shifts feel longer every time you work. The city never sleeps, as they say. You tilt your head back and let the hot water wash over you, enjoying the way the warmth relaxes your tired muscles and dulls your headache. After you're clean, you put your damp hair in a bun, throw on some pajamas and pad out of the bedroom. You live in a nice place, two bedrooms, one bathroom, a modest living room with an island that separates it from the kitchen. What you aren't expecting is to see your girlfriend standing in the kitchen, holding a box of pizza and a bottle of wine, smiling thoughtfully as she takes in your comfy appearance.

"Nat!?" You exclaim feeling a rush of happiness at the sight of her.

"Miss me?" She smirks but you can see the smile in her eyes.

"Always." You smile and walk towards her, wrapping your arms around her slender neck and kissing her full lips softly. She tilts her head and rests her hands on your hips, pressing herself against you and deepening the kiss. You moan into her mouth as her hands splay across your abdomen and slowly travel upwards under your shirt. She slides her tongue into your open mouth and lets out a low groan. All too quickly, she pulls away and looks at you, bringing her hands up to cup your cheeks.

"Hi." She says, her voice low and rough, which sends a wave of pleasure right to your core. *Fuck,* you think.

You kiss her again, a soft peck on her nose in response. "Hey yourself." you say. "You're just the person I wanted to see tonight."

"How was work?" she asks as she sets the food down on the counter.

"Long." You sigh as you sit on the stool and rub your temples. "You? I mean, you being here on a wednesday night usually means you either didn't have anything going on, or had too much going on and needed to get away." you say with an eyebrow raised.

Nat chuckles. "Definitely the last one. Tony and Bruce have a new project they're working on and there's only so much explaining I can do to Steve and Wanda before I run out of patience."

You laugh as you get yourself some pizza. "After 3 years of dating you, you'd think I would be used to hearing about the Avengers, but I still find it hard to believe these people you describe are the same superheros that saved the world multiple times."

Nat raises her eyebrow. "Are you forgetting that I was there too?"

You frown and furrow your brow. "You know I actively try to forget that." She looks at you softly before walking around the island and wrapping her arms around you.

Gently kissing your neck, she says quietly, "I know you do. But I love you too much to leave you in the dark about what I actually do for work. Lying to you the way I did when we first met wasn't fair, and I learned that love does not make you weak, it made me stronger now that I have something to come home to."

You turn your head to kiss her cheek and smile. You love it when Nat, THE Natasha Romanoff, former Russian spy current badass, gets soft with you. It's a side only you get to see, and it makes you love her even more (if that were even possible).

You feel her sigh against your neck. "I can't stay long, I have to get back to make sure the boys don't blow the compound up." She smiles fondly. "I knew you didn't have time to get groceries this weekend so I picked up some stuff with dinner." she says as she reaches over you to grab a slice of pizza. You're halfway done yours.

"You're the best girlfriend ever." You mumble around a mouthful of pizza and Nat laughs, wiping the corner of your mouth with her thumb. You were so happy you could cry, or so tired you could cry. You aren't sure at this point, all you know is that Nat makes you feel drunk and giddy.

"I'll be back this weekend." She says with a sad smile on her face. "Be safe okay?"

You put your pizza down and stand infront of her, resting your hands on her forearms. "Always." you say earnestly before pulling her down for a passionate kiss, more desperate than the first, leaving you both breathless and flushed. "Thanks for making sure I don't starve." you smirk.

She laughs again. "Of course." she says before kissing you again, this time slower and softer. "I love you." she whispers.

'Love you too Nat." You respond and wrap your arms around her neck, pulling her against you for a hug. "I'll see you soon" you whisper. She kisses your forehead before grabbing her keys and turning to walk out the door.

She looks over her shoulder catching you admiring how good she looks in her jeans. She puts on her classic smirk and sends you a wink before promptly shutting the door.

You scoff and groan. *Cocky.* you think.

Finishing your pizza, you shut the lights off and roll into bed. Opening your phone you see a text from Nat.

*miss you already, can't wait to have you all to myself this weekend >:) xoxo*

You giggle and respond. *miss you more, and I've already got it all planned out (hint: most of the time we're spending in bed) luv u xo"

You roll over and fall asleep thinking of her.

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