I'm radioactive

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You run along a dirt trail through the forest. Your paws hitting the soft dirt and launching you forward. The trees and rocks on either side of you mere blurs. It kind of feels like driving down the highway with the windows rolled down, and it really does feel like you're running that fast. You dig into the ground, pushing yourself to run as fast as you can.

You start to get into a rhythm, speeding down the trail, your muscles stretching and contracting and your heart racing. Despite your size, you feel graceful. Feeling more comfortable, you see a big rock ahead and you leap onto it, flipping off and landing on all fours, never breaking your pace. You laugh.

Coming up to a break in the trees, you see the edge of a cliff and start to slow down. Walking over to the edge, you look out at the scene in front of you.

The cliff overlooked a beautiful grassy meadow, and there was a roaring waterfall a few hundred yards away from you. You can taste the water in the air. At the bottom is a clear blue lake that tapers off to a river that runs through a forest on the other side of the clearing. It was so peaceful. You don't see a way to get down there, so you trot softly over to the edge of the waterfall and sit down to enjoy it.

You let out a sigh. You shouldn't have run off like that. Nat's probably so worried. You just felt so anxious, knowing that you might be stuck like this, always afraid of losing control. It's not all bad though. The world looks different this way, and running like you just did is spectacular. You think of all the places you and Nat could go and you smile softly.

The wind shifts, and you smell something strange and metallicy. It puts you on edge. You stand up and look back to the way you came. Pricking your ears, you can hear a strange humming in the distance. Squinting, you see three massive helicopters flying back towards the compound. You can make out the white logo of a bird on it, with words you can't quite catch.

You shift your feet nervously, letting out a whine. *Since when did they need 3 cargo choppers at the compound?* you think, but this isn't sitting well with you.

You decide to head back, but to keep your distance and use the trees as cover. You begin to run back the way you came along the trail. This pace is a bit faster, but a lot more quieter. Once the compound is visible from the trees, you slow down and slink into the bushes, not making a sound.

Looking into the clearing, you see the helicopters have landed, and they're unloading a few large crates from the back of one. You see Nat, Tony, Steve, Wanda, Bucky and Sam standing along the running track, and a man with an eyepatch and a leather jacket is talking to them.

You prick your ears and strain to try and hear, but thankfully you're able to make out what they're saying.

"Listen Fury, we just figured all this out a few hours ago. We were getting ready to send a report your way." Steve says.

The man, Fury, speaks up, his voice loud but not angry. "Rogers, the last thing I'm worried about is a report. My problem is that you managed to lose a potentially dangerous hydra weapon."

"She's not dangerous, she's scared. And she's definitely not Hydra. I know her." Nat says angrily. You knew at that moment they were talking about you. You fight back a nervous whine, unsure of what to do.

Fury holds his hands up calmly. "I want to believe you Romanov but I have no idea who she is, and until I do, you best believe I'm gonna be defensive."

"Listen Captain Hook," Tony says. "I've already sent some drones out to look for her. We'll have a location in no time."

"I brought something better." Fury says and motions for the crew to bring over one of the massive crates. The latch pops open, and out jumps another massive, black wolf.

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