I raise my flags

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**** Two weeks later ****

Since Fury's visit to the compound, you've been told that you were to start training with the Avengers and to be kept "under a close eye". But seeing as Nat hasn't left your side since the ordeal, that's pretty much taken care of.

The training has been brutal, to put it lightly. Nat wakes you up every morning at dawn to run with her, and after breakfast you train with Steve, Wanda and Nat for hours. They have you running drills, lifting weights and learning how to fight. That's just in your human form. They also make you practise shifting, and fighting as the wolf. So you're doing double the training.

It's exhausting.

The only thing you enjoy is getting to spend so much time with Nat. Every night she has a bath ready for your sore muscles, strong nimble fingers working away the tension from your body in the form of many mind blowing orgasms every night. Relaxing you into a blissful sleep before kicking your ass the next day.

Despite the long hours, bruises and sore muscles, you pride yourself for the fact that you've always been hard working, and never quit until you've reached mastery. So you're catching onto things quickly, and can hold your own in training.

Today's no different.

You're lathered in sweat, exchanging punches with Steve. He lunges towards you, which you dodge by sliding out of the way. You grab his arm and swing your legs over his shoulder so they wrap around his neck, and you flip him onto the ground. You swiftly jump to your feet leaving him sprawled on the mat. You offer him your hand which he takes, a big grin on his face as he climbs to his feet.

"I think you're ready." he says.

"Ready for what?"

Vision walks into the gym before Steve can answer. "For a mission."

You look over at Nat, who's smile doesn't quite reach her eyes. You shift nervously.

"Are you sure?" you ask.

Steve's nodding before you've asked the question. "You've excelled in all your training, I think it's time to put it to use."

"It's a small mission. Simple hydra base take-down. We're all going to be there to make sure it goes smoothly." Nat adds, lacing your fingers together.

You nod. "Okay then- lets do it."


The hydra base was located on a deserted private ranch that was over 100 000 acres. It was a couple hour flight in the Quinjet to reach it.

"The plan is simple. We're landing a few kilometers away from the base." Steve says, pointing to the hologram blueprints on the table. "Our ground team; myself, Nat, y/n, Wanda and Bucky are going to go around the back of the base and sneak in from there. Tony, Thor, Sam and Vision will take the base head-on, to draw their fire away from us. Clint will stay back with the Quinjet."

You nod, eyebrows pulled together in concentration. You shift nervously, unconsciously reaching out to squeeze Nat's arm. She turns and looks you over, smiling reassuringly.

Tony and Bruce had made you a suit that is 'compatible with your shifting'. Meaning it can sense when you start to change, and it disappears into a tiny necklace that's big enough to fit around your wolf neck. When you shift back, it senses your body shrinking and comes out of the necklace to cover you up. It looks pretty sleek. Shiny leather, similar to Nat's suit only white. *Nano-tech* you think.

"Once the Ground team is inside, all we have to do is secure the tech and get out of there." Steve finishes. SHIELD's intel said that the last 10 vials of the serum used on you was kept at this base. You had to stop them from making more enhanced super-soldiers.

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