I'm breathing in the chemicals

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You both wake up the next day, having slept for almost 16hrs, it was clear you were both exhausted from the events that transpired.

You wake up first, feeling more alert this time, not as groggy as before. You look down at Nat sleeping peacefully, no more worry stressing her perfect features. You reach up and brush her cheek gently. Her long lashes flutter open, and as she looks at you she smiles, her eyes filled with love.

"Morning" you say.

"Goodmorning" she rasps, her voice thick from sleep. "How do you feel?" she asks, concern creeping back into her eyes.

"More awake.. Still kind of sore though." you say with a small nod, the pain becoming more noticeable the more you wake up. "Also very hungry." you add with a smile.

Nat gracefully rolls off the bed, grabbing you more water. "I'm going to go find some breakfast." She says when you're done. "I'll be back in 10." she kisses you before vanishing out the door.

You take this time to really look around the room you're in. It was big, white, with big glass windows leading to the door that overlook a large lab with various pieces of metal and scraps on the tables scattering the floor.

As you're looking out the windows, you see someone walk by who you don't recognize. She has long dark hair, and wears a loose black shirt with black leggings. She looks stressed, and red magic flows from her hands. As if she senses you looking, her head snaps up and her eyes glow red.

Nervously, you raise your hand and wave at her.

The girl stops in her tracks, the redness instantly disappears from her eyes and hands until shes awkwardly standing in the doorway. She starts nervously fidgeting, looking around the room you're in as if she's scanning to see if anyone is there. She hesitates, but waves back almost shyly.

"Hey, I'm Y/n. Nat's girlfriend" you introduce yourself. She must know Nat if she's here, right?

The girl tilts her head, as if she's suddenly interested. "I'm Wanda. Nice to meet you Y/n." her voice is soft, with a hint of an accent, and she says your name as if she's tasting it.

You've heard things about this girl on the news, but she seems harmless now. "Would you mind filling up that cup of water for me?" You ask her, smiling softly.

Wanda's eyes brighten, and she nods enthusiastically before walking over to fill the cup up. She hands it to you, waiting until you're done drinking. "Thank you" you sigh, resting your head back on the pillow.

Wanda stands there, fidgeting with her hands again. You watch her for a moment before she looks at you, as if to ask you a question. You smile, inviting her to ask.

"You said you were Natasha's girlfriend?" You nod. "Do you mean that in a friendly way?" you laugh.

"I mean I guess we are friendly, but no I meant in a dating/relationship kind of way." Wanda's eyebrows raise at that.

"Oh!" She exclaims. " Well that makes sense! Nat is always talking about getting home to a y/n but I always thought she meant a bird or a cat or something" her brow furrows.

This catches you by surprise, and you let out a loud laugh, unable to stop yourself. The laughing turns into coughing, which immediately brings tears to your eyes and you groan, grabbing your chest.

Wanda's expression went from excited from your laughter, to absolutely mortified in under 2 seconds. She holds her hands up, looking as if she wanted to help but had no idea what to do. You try to smile through the pain to reassure her but it was no use.

Nat suddenly comes bursting into the room, wearing an expression that could kill as she sees Wanda standing over your writhing body.

"WANDA WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Nat yells and pushes her away from you. Wanda stumbles back, stammering but unable to form an explanation.

Tony runs in, with Captain America who you recognize immediately. Nat grabs your face. "Did she hurt you? What happened?" you shake your head as you try to control your breathing.

"No Nat she didn't do anything she just made me laugh." you gasp. "Wanda-" you look over but she's already gone. "It wasn't her fault." you sigh.

"Well, as long as you're alright, I'll go check on Wanda." boomed the unmistakable voice of Captain America. "Nice you meet you by the way." He shoots you a lopsided grin before leaving. Tony follows close behind after shooting a wink in your direction.

Nat is sitting on your bed, her expression unreadable, your face still in her hands.

"Nat?" you ask, unsure of what her reaction was about. She blinks, her eyes refocusing on you.

"I'm sorry. It's just... I'm still on edge with her around... and I'm still freaked out about what happened to you. I just got a little protective, I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you." She smiles apologetically.

"It's okay Nat, but I'm not the one you should be apologizing too." you say, comfortingly stroking her hand. She nods, but doesn't say anything for a few moments.

You sigh, and she turns to look at you, that tired and worried expression back on her face. "I'm okay." you say, "I promise." Nat nods and starts playing with your hair, murmuring tender words of affection.

Completely exhausted, Nat's presence relaxes you and you feel your eyelids grow heavy yet again. You drift back into a dreamless sleep.

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